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RE: OFFICIAL HIVE MARKETING PROPOSAL - "Ignite Visibility partnership"

in #hive4 years ago

Do you then have suggestions on what is needed to keep users on the platform once you do marketing to get them here?

we created a post all about this yesterday ... short answer True Ownership and Communities.At @peakd we have thought a lot about what we want to promote to our users

It seems to me that marketing is a lot about EXPECTATIONS... in particular expectations that excite people to act

This is an excerpt from that post...


So if your proposal is successful my advice is to think about the expectations that are set by the text of the marketing so that users are both excited and are here for a reason that is more permenant and not something that is dependent on others or fluctuating like the price of hive or the hive-rewards-pool ... that particular feature has been used to promote hive in the past and it has not worked in my opinion to keep people here.


Educating users is included in the proposal. They will be creating materials that educate the user on basics. I didnt put up that slide. Anyone interested in going through the whole proposal, its about 80-90 slides, can DM me.
The community will play a part in retention but if Im going to mention one channel... creating mailing lists and email marketing will play a big part in that.
Influencer marketing first goal is onboarding influencers, having them create their communities here. etc.

So if your proposal is successful my advice is to think about the expectations that are set by the text of the marketing so that users are both excited and are here for a reason that is more permenant and not something that is dependent on others or fluctuating like the price of hive

Im glad you pointed to this. Rewards will ofc be mentioned indirectly, but rewards will NOT be the primary marketing message. The focus will be ideologically and interest based.

I would also very much like one of you guys from Peakd to join in a call if this passes with Ignite and give them your thoughts. The more feedback they get the more precise the messages will be.

Influencer marketing should be the best solution for this. Also, guest posts on tech sites should get people that have a better understanding of things like this.

Avg. people will always be skeptical about everything.

First, they need to hear about more sources, then they want to know " what is this".

Blogging platforms in general have a very high "leave rate". short massaging can fit it. Also games and other cool apps.

It needs time for the dream of universal log in with hive :)