Please take a LOOK at these posts on my profile - the 100% downvote on ALL of them...
and then explain to me how this is NOT ABUSE of the HIVE "ECO SYSTEM" @azircon CLAIMS to so religiously LIVE BY!!!!
Hypocrisy at its finest.
Before I go any further, allow me to introduce you to the biggest SNAKES on this platform... which I have PERSONALLY had dealings with (there are PLENTY more).
@ acidyo
@ hivewatchers
@ guiltyparties
@ themarkymark
@ azircon
@ erikah
@ traciyork
@ freebornsociety
ALWAYS DYOR - and remember, Google and X (twitter) are your friends! Just a shallow search will open your eyes!
As for me...
Well, there is no point putting time and effort into perfectly decent content on here if people like the above can piss all over it, just because they feel like it.
I'm pretty sure I can find a more constructive use of my time and energy.
There is no "eco system" here - only a cesspool of circle jerkers, dick swingers and bullies.
I am DONE with the SHITFEST that is HIVE.
How disappointing! After a TWO YEAR absence... I returned, posted GOOD content and yet these entitled, greedy, MOFO's are STILL bitter because I "recycled" my own fncking content once or twice a year way back when.
Pot. Kettle. BLACK!
Sorry to have to leave the good people here - again! But I just wont swallow this KAK (as we commonly refer to it here in South Africa.)
and so many still wonder why people leave this space, LOL!
Where are the spines, the backbones, the voices?!
Show me ONE of those posts that justly warranted ANY kind of down vote - because they didn't...
and what happens? Nothing!
What do people do? NOTHING!
What do people SAY? NOTHING
Why? because everyone is too SHIT SCARED to fall under the WRATH of the BULLIES themselves, lol!
A carnival of cowards and keyboard warriors.
Lies. Deceit. Manipulation.
Rotten, Sanctimonious NAAIERS (you can google that one yourselves, you self absorbed pricks!)
As for the rest of the people here who constantly turn a blind eye - perhaps it's time for a morality check yourselves.
Right... gotta run, got farming to attend to! 🖕
The road to wisdom?
-- Well, it's plain
and simple to express:
and err
and err again
but less
and less
and less.”
― Piet Hein
I don't have enough fingers, toes or even hairs on my head for the amount of "mistakes" I have made in my life - though, I am not really big on the term, nor perspective "mistake". Nothing is ever lost on a mind which is open - and that is one thing I have always been grateful for having.
I have seen some serious hardship in the lives of the people around me over the years - whether near or not, but to be honest - most paled by comparison to the horrendous things my mother and her sisters were put through. They were five daughters and to mention one of MANY atrocities - their mother shot and killed one of the youngest at point blank range when my mother was about 5 years old. I have personally had dreams about the room she was killed in as well as other aspects of that incident and my moms life growing up.
Life has an often almost "twisted" way of teaching us the biggest lessons in the most BRUTAL of manners!
My mom (as a little girl on the far left of the above photo), though strong in spirit - was always the gentlest of souls, and many of you here would have gotten to know her a little bit with her gardening posts on her @lizziesworld page - despite her reluctance to advance technologically, she was always in favour of sharing her nuggets of green finger wisdom.
Why am I talking about my mom?!
Well - she taught me what humility was - almost to her own detriment. She was my living breathing example of that. My mom was best friend and my emotional rock. There will never be anybody that knew me inside and out like she did - and vice versa - though both of us ferociously private in many respects.
The older I get, the more I see the humour in life and the "how" it teaches you things - but only if you are receptive to those lessons (obviously). I have also learnt with age, that I care a WHOLE lot less for what people think or say about me. Honestly, this is something I have dealt with since as far back as I can recall, because I NEVER fit the mould and I have ALWAYS spoken out.
Having said that, however - square peg in round hole and a voice as loud as thunder when it matters to me - I am mostly misunderstood by people because of those attributes alone. Most assume me to be an extrovert, when the truth is, I am the complete opposite. I am also ridiculously insecure - about so, SO many things!!!! I fight internal mental battles every. single. day!
Though I have developed a WONDERFUL relationship with my dad now (the little boy featured in the photo below) - as a kid, I was nothing short of petrified of him! He was "old school" and my personality dynamic pretty much got me into shit every time I opened my eyes! When I was about 10, I actually ended up in hospital with a spastic colon. It has taken me my WHOLE life to stand up to my dad as an "individual" - express my voice and stand my ground. But, doing so - has allowed us to BOTH to explore the type of relationship NEITHER of us were taught was NORMAL as kids. I am eternally grateful for that.
My point?! I suppose, in short - we are all carry our burdens and demons. We have ALL crossed many a rickety bridge, failed at learning the right lessons in time, hurt people we did not intend to, shot ourselves in the foot, mouth and back of the head and most importantly - we are ALL cluelessly, hopefully and passionately navigating this thing we call life - day by day, (including our parents... mine and yours). Having a teenage son is a daily reminder of this.
Some of you may know me well, others not so much... and plenty - not at all! I gave my heart and soul to Hive for almost half a decade. I did a LOT for this community and the people within it (as did they, in return) and I have been met with resistance PLENTY over the years, mostly because I don't have a filter accompanied by a low tolerance for bullshit.
I left because of the HATE and my inability to cope with it all after my moms passing... and I came back after two years, because of my passion for writing and connecting with like minded souls. I needed the break because I lost my best friend - my life was a mess and I just seriously could not see the light!
There were countless times I craved the warmth of the people I knew around here, so twice I created alt accounts and began blogging on those under the "guise" of other characters. The shoe never fit well and to be frank, it just felt EMPTY. Why? because I could not be myself. I could not share like this - like I always did! Neither of those attempts lasted more than a couple of months, if that - I have not double checked that time frame fact... I am going on guesstimation - so feel free to check yourself... @eliza.anne & @exploringella were the handles.
post I dont have ANY interest in drama nor conflict. I simply want to be able to write, share snippets of my journey and enjoy this space and the good people within.Why am I sharing this? because I have nothing to hide and I am TIRED of people of attacking me. @azircon @erikah - I said it in my "return"
I won't lie though - it was ALWAYS the fear of retaliation like yours which kept me away - made me fearful of coming back "as me". If it was not this, it would have been "that". Someone would have reminded me that once or twice a year I would "re-share" content I already had - "DAMN YOU POST RECYCLER!!!!" No, we won't look at any of the positives you added to this space in 4 years - NO, we will DROWN you in your sins! CHOKE ON THEM! Despite being a leader here for a very long time, the bullies in this space triggered absolutely EVERY fear within me when thinking about coming back as MYSELF! - How fncked up is that?!!!!
I KNOW for a FACT that I am not the only person who feels this way about the "clout" in this space - and even after two years... it has not changed. Not unlike real life though.
So - there it is! The TWO horrible things I did. Burn me at the stake!
- I re-shared my own written content once or twice a year.
- I attempted to re-join this space for the release of writing under the guise of two other characters so I could just be left in peace to WRITE! (but even that didn't happen did it @erikah because it took you less than ten seconds to interrogate the dates on my photos, lol)
So. Here I am. Full Transparency!
so what did I miss" post - because it was a "shit post" in your words - then after that, YOU went against your OWN word... (the stickler for ethics and the HIVE "eco system!") when downvoting my PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE RETURN POST after CLEARLY stating that it did NOT warrant a downvote. You further tried to bully me into a corner on my comments re. my alt accounts - which is no doubt what triggered the downvote - after I did not react to your "open slander" comment. Yet, I openly shared this fact with the people who DO give a crap about me - why? because I am not ashamed of being a flawed human. The only person who seems to be enormously bugged by me... is YOU.What else would you like to interrogate me on? because this is the ONLY time and comment thread I will entertain it. Moving forward you will get NOTHING from me! I did NOT come back here for drama or politics, but @azircon - you downvoted my "
Let me remind you of your own words (with an appropriate priority of context revision):
The World and Hive is much bigger than YOU!
Let's also take a look at the comment you made on my PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE RETURN POST after already downvoting my so what did I miss" post.
I would appreciate an explanation for your downvote on my PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE RETURN POST which you yourself said did NOT warrant a downvote... 👇
In your words:
Nothing personal
This is as much about principle for me, as it was for you... when you set out to attack me re. the "Hive Eco System". Like I said - I am not here for drama, but I am nobodies doormat. All my cards are on the table now. Kindly move on! Those who choose to stick around because they can identify with my "humanness", will - and those who don't - won't. I am perfectly fine with either and both.
Again, in your words:
Universe will do universe.
I have no ill feelings toward ANYONE here. I just want to write, have fun, enjoy the space and be myself. If you don't like me or what I have to share - MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!! That is how it works everywhere else in the world! I will NOT engage in ANY further politics nor drama. I am a living, beathing soul. My writing is decent and I am NOT a bad person - I will NOT allow space in my life for people who are simply there to spite me for their own satisfaction and bitterness.
How about - instead of "hating" one another for petty BS, we try and get to know, or at least understand one another a little better! I am pretty sure it will render more positive results long term.
I am here to stay. I would very much like to do so WITHOUT animosity.
In closing, the painting shared in my header - was one done by my mom. Having grown up in Zimbabwe, with her dad as the head game ranger at Hwange National Park she had a great love for elephants. I chose to use this image because it reminded me of who I am and what I am doing. Even in her absence, her solid and sound approach toward life will continue to guide me.
Life is crazy enough without us all trying to destroy one another - faaark! I just dont have the energy for this level of shit anymore! I just want to be happy! I just don't understand why people are so hellbent on drama and destruction nowadays. We are ALL IMPERFECT!!!!! How and WHEN did we all forget that ACCEPTANCE of this fact is ABSOLUTELY intrinsic to a healthy life?!!!
I would like to become a better person, despite my failings and shortfalls. I want to show my son that life does not have to be as emotionless and brutal as what I and my parents grew up to know. I want to embrace the things that count, savour the moments which matter and discard the ones which don't.
Life is short. I choose not to squander it.
Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx
Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.
“One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.”
― Michael J. Fox
Thank you so much for this - I cannot even begin to express! The floodgates opened reading it! It took a LOT for me to walk away from a space which I literally dedicated my every hour to for over four years! But - I just could not stomach it all anymore! I also apologise for this reply being the length of a post - but I will NOT post on this platform again - so I will use this space for people (who give a shit) to read and make their own way to a decision about HIVE.
The hierarchy in this space have had it out for me from day one because I held a position of leadership.
Hundreds of people who fell under an umbrella which was my brain child.
I was a threat to them from inception - why? because I took the time, and connected with the people they considered (and treated as) worthless. But, our community grew and grew in numbers and suddenly it was impossible to ignore us... Wise business persons KNOW that true power is held in numbers. I know this well.... born and bred South African.
I was slated EARLY on in the game and "they" (and all their minions) RIDICULED our community publicly and often - calling us "elitist pricks" because I would not just let "anybody" in to the discord server. FOMO much?! We entered @theycallmedan poll competition for HP and we Won... not once, but TWICE because of SHEER DETERMINATION and also.... because I , @zord189 and MANY others DROVE that ship as a community! We had PASSION for this space.
I had a VOICE - and they did not like that!
I entered a "witness chat" on discord once... you know, that space... where only the GODS get to speak... and I interrupted, unmuted my mic and spoke my mind. WELL, lol - needless to say THAT did not go down well, haha! - Not only did I interrupt the GODS whilst they were listening to the sounds of their own voices... but I also happened to be a vagina. The audacity of a woman.... right?! lol
And then.... there was one Saturday evening when @traciyork the wench decided to down one too many vodka shots and rip @Wales (Dean Moriarty) a new one. After which, she came to my discord DM's expressing her annoyance! I was not there to witness the dispute live, and I denied the "calls" to attend to the matter - because ADULTS need to ADULT! but I did read it afterward, and Traci was nothing short of CRUEL to @wales. I am not surprised he left. Traci does not like to be challenged... especially not by ssomeone as cryptic as @wales or @quillfire. Their basic intelligence surpasses her greatest STRIVE!
Back to the convo:
Everyone got EQUAL upvotes from our community account.
She disapproved!!!!
"As a long standing member - who gave SO MUCH of herself - SHE deserved MORE!
She also questioned my allowing him back into discord - after he LEFT at the closure of that vodka induced debacle which she instigated!
He committed suicide not long after that.
I have held on to this convo for years now - never really knowing why... but now I know why, because I want to show you ALL what a vindictive, immature and self-serving individual she is behind closed doors.. I have nothing to gain here and nothing to lose either.
This was the conversation Traci York and I had after Wales re-joined my PHC server. She hated him SO much and was SO BITTERRRRRRR about the fact that regardless of WHO you were - EVERYONE got EQUAL rewards from our community account - INCLUDING ME!!!!!!!! hahaha!!!!
here she is... in her true colors:
traciyorkLast Thursday at 3:00 PM
He's back?
jaynieLast Thursday at 4:26 PM
Not much I can do. Lol the server is open to the public now...
But hes a newbie if that's any compensation
traciyorkLast Thursday at 6:09 PM
Actually, there are a number of things that you could do. But not my place to tell you how to run things.
jaynieLast Thursday at 6:40 PM
Traci, the "beef" had previously was not involving me. Wales may not be your cup of tea, and many others perhaps, but in my opinion people do not need to like one another in order to be able to be polite and civil. I have about had it with adults in phc behaving like juveniles. I am not in a position to take sides and I will not. Nicky stormed out last night too because I called him out on an inappropriate remark made. And this was after me telling him in person how much I appreciate him. I am giving short answers right now as my mom is here and I am trying to prepare dinner. At the end of the day you all need to put your big people panties on in my opinion.
traciyorkLast Thursday at 6:42 PM
jaynieLast Thursday at 6:58 PM
Not sure what kind of answer that is. Seems rather hostile. I am not being hostile at all. Just it would be nice if people would see things from my position. Wales, other than annoy certain people... did nothing wrong but have a tantrum and storm out. Several times. There are plenty of others here that are not "ideal" candidates and I can see that already. There are also some long standing members whom I consider pretty useless. But hey... they do what is required of them. I am somewhat stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to things like this. I would have thought you would have had some understanding of that. I cannot play the sides game.... whether I agree, disagree, like or loathe the individual. I have to be fair.
Will have to chat later. Am about to serve dinner
jaynieLast Thursday at 9:31 PM
not sure what to say Traci. You behaving like this? over one member? I am actually gobsmacked.
Not that it is of any consequence to you, as I see now you have not only unfollowed me, but left the community...
but this was the message I just sent to everyone.
.......... I am not sure how it is possible that one person can hold so much power over you?
and that you would toss away so much (friendship included) for that
anyway, you have clearly made up your mind and made your statement loud and clear. I will respect that.(edited)
........... @everyone From primary school we are taught how to work in teams, whether it is academically directed, sports driven or otherwise related… one of life’s FIRST lessons is how to work in groups despite difference - That being, difference of opinion, difference of approach and difference of character. This learned level of respect is something which needs to be carried through to adulthood, the working environment AND this space right here within our PHC walls. We are all completely unique individuals – each with our own set of strengths and weaknesses, but we are placed in one space - together. Some days we may all get along fabulously… others - not so much. Some of us may connect REALLY well, others – not so much. Neither circumstance changes the reality that we are a team and we are here to work together IRRESPECTIVE of all that! We ALL need to be BIGGER than those trivialities! As the head of this community, I am sending this message loud and clear so that each and every one of you reads it, hears it and hopefully becomes mindful of it. It is through our differences that we find strength when we stand together. Have your discussions in the chat rooms, speak your minds – get pissed off with one another if it leads to that but at the end of the day, PLEASE – be big enough, to see passed such insignificance. I, consider us a family – but if we cannot love, fight, appreciate, scowl and debate with an underlying and fundamental respect for one another as human beings, ultimately coming together at the end of it all - then we have nothing. I believe, we have EVERYTHING! – Everything GOOD that is! - A multi-faceted recipe which results in an enormously powerful and passionate community - founded and driven upon not our differences but a simple respect and acceptance for each individual and the gems which they have to offer.
November 8, 2019
traciyorkLast Friday at 1:28 AM
Thank you for telling me essentially to grow up and act like an adult - really appreciate that response. Given the fact that I politely ignored Quill's existence in the server, I could have easily done the same with Wales. What I could not stomach, however, is the fact that as a PHC newbie, he would be getting the same percent upvote (30%) from the PHC account as myself. In fact, apparently any one can walk in the PHC door and get the same amount of support as people who have worked day and night for years supporting the community. Since that's apparently your definition of fair, I decided to do the adult thing and cut my losses. Best of luck to you.
jaynieLast Friday at 1:37 AM
traci, he is not on our vote list. and all I have to say to the rest of what you have just divulged is - WOW! Have YOU tried to toggle and juggle votes amongst 100 people keeping the consistent VP in tact, the max reward for the account (because that is what ultimately benefits us all), make the BEST use of the 20k delegation for the time we have it, and keep every one happy at the same time? No, I didnt think so - so how about you just pipe the fuck down!
That 20k delegation - well, guess what it ENDS in FEB 2020!
What the FUCK do you think I am trying to do!
MAXIMISE IT!!!!!!!!!!
jesus fucking christ traci!
you of ALL people!
where is your GODDAMN FORESIGHT!
If you had spent even a FRACTION of the time I have studying and testing the rewards / %'s etc you would understand what I am doing (long term) and where I am going. but you are acting like a total... CUNT, yes, over CENTS!
I cannot even BELIEVE that THIS and wales has rocked your world to such a degree.
I thought you trusted my vision. clearly not. and so be it.
jaynieLast Friday at 2:08 AM
You know, more than ALL of this - I am mortified by the fact that I actually considered you a GOOD FRIEND!
I am honestly not even sure how to process it.
anyway, time will handle that I suppose.
Needless to say - once she left, she very quickly proceeded to make a post about her injured thumb, how she doesnt care about the money and that she is literally "the good Samaritan" who is ever grateful to me lol - I could only find THIS copy of that "cry me a river post" - The dust on that post had barely settled and she began ROYALLY KISSING the ARSES of ALL the people who WOULD PAY HER, lol - AKA the Hive "Cabal" which I hear is their name these days - (SO APT haha!) Traci has become THE MOST UNWELCOMING and DEMEANING presence in this space (I speak from experience through my alt account), literally spending all her hours scanning for peoples FAULTS, shortcomings and indiscretions... like she has none of her own, lol!!! Let me just say this out LOUD once and for ALLLLL - FUCK Traci.... HOW MANY MOON POSTS WERE YOU GOING TO MAKE?!
"This is the moon from the left on monday"
"This is the moon from the right on Tuesday"
"and this one is the moon from the left and right on wednesday"
Those were VOTED HIGH though - EVERY...SINGLE....WEEK...... because why? because you are a KISS ASS!!!!!! and because you sold your soul for money.
- and she has done NOTHING but cause CRAP in my world (on here) since (but from behind the scenes obviously, because she is a devious sociopathic witch!)
She also managed to turn one a REAL LIFE FRIEND of 10 years against me, lol! but I wont even BOTHER getting into that!
Traci speaks in GIFS. Ever wondered why?!
because she is FAKE AS FUCK with 99.9% of what she expresses!
She can't write it - because she does not FEEL it - so she throws you a GIF and slaps a HIVE logo on it for authenticity.
Take from it what you will (if anything) - and leave the rest!
You have not been intimidated, which in itself is honorable.
You have spoken your mind and it will be interesting to see what this noble stand brings.
Cowards & bullies will never silence me.
They can hate me, call me "weird" (@lordbutterfly) an amusing title shot... given your history lol ---- or even "unhinged" as @meesterboom remarked - (which is pretty rich coming from a guy that writes about beating the legs off a dog in a garage and speaks about his wife and children like they are the phlegm he spits down the toilet in the morning).
I, at least have a spine!
- So, weird and unhinged I shall remain!
Moral compass? nah.... that does not exist here - not at all, not even with the good people!!!!!!!!
Youre weird
Why drag my name into this?
you and I have had plenty head on's - despite actually sharing common ground initially - you did not blink twice to take sides with the "clout". I have no respect for you... whatever your name is.
Provide an example. I don't take sides with nobody. And that means both you and them.
This is a blockchain. Every single interaction is logged forever. Show me where I went wrong in your eyes.
From my perspective, you're gaslighting.
When you were playing that character, we spoke. I didn't know that was you. Why were you so nice to me? That's on the blockchain including your compliments. I can provide links if you want.
Also, I have no intention of ever downvoting you or doing anything to push you away from the place. It pisses me off people here act like that. Mistakes and mishaps are not supposed to be permanent.
I didn't know you came back. I stumbled into your drama. I'm hardly here anymore.
You call on people to talk things out. I have no problem talking it out with you. Breaks my heart when I see folks in your situation burn their bridges (as you've done), while continuing to light the fires rather than talking.
I'd be more than grateful though to see the examples of these "head on's" because without that all you're doing is providing actual reasons for me to lose respect for you. You know damn well I had nothing to do with what's happening to you. To me it just looks like you're taking shots at the crowd because one or two individuals pissed you off. That's no way to handle your arms.
That was the "common ground" I referred to.
I literally wrote and entire POST attempting to "talk" - or at the very LEAST let it the fuck GO - with the "people" who have EVEN ?AFTER MY TWO YEAR ABSENCE... STILLLLLL decided to downvote the very FIRST fucking thing I posted here! I literally stepped in and said HI! Not for the rewards, but to say HELLOOOOO to the people on here whom I actually enjoy!!!!! and within hours... BOOM!!!! - Welcome back to hive. heres a downvote! then, despite (and ON) my peace attempt post... that got ALL MY OTHER NEW POSTS DOWNVOTED. lol.
I was NICE to you, because I valued your WRITING and the person who created it! I complimented you... because I meant it!
I hear you. Although I recall clearly how crappy I felt when you tagged along with marky back then. If I find the energy to look back and find the post (truly I have better things to do with my time) - I will share it with you. for now, I shall remove your name from my pinned, because I am not the lunatic people make me out to be - just someone who gave their all to a space and its people... who ultimately stabbed me in the back... repeatedly.
Also, I invite you to read the edit I added on this post in response to a comment here.
More people need to speak up and out about the shitfest that lies beneath.
Marky once triggered me to the point I thought about arming myself with actual guns, all due to a miscommunication on my behalf. I misread a comment and thought people were coming to harm me. But like everyone else here, they know me, but we're not tight. The issues stay in the past. I try to get along with people but at the same time, Jaynie, I also keep my distance. "Only a friend can stab you in the back," is pretty much how I live my life.
Sometimes I may agree with people you disagree with. That's in the moment. I remember a time you mentioned me and said it was okay to repost old work because I said so due to a thing I created called #showcasesunday. So people were downvoting you for reposting old work, and you dragged my name into it, saying I was the one who made it okay to do that. Of course, for #showcasesunday I had other things in mind. Copy/pasting was not part of it.
If you're upset with me for that time, I apologize, but at the same time, I was not in the wrong. Simply standing my ground. Not taking a side. But that's in the past.
Jaynie. People always drag me into this shit. That's part of the reason I have problems enjoying the place. It's uncalled for.
Of course I can at least take a moment to appreciate the fact you've taken corrective action. Please respect the fact (put on these shoes) what you did will leave a sour taste in my mouth.
If I've fucked up in the past, it's because I'm human. I know, better than anyone, my personality can be a bit rough around the edges at times and I don't even try to file that shit down, for anyone.
Dragging me into this nonsense though, acting like I'm somehow part of the problem... fucking assholes. Plus others know I'm not involved. Makes you look like a bullshitter. Makes we want to turn into an actual asshole and fuck you all up. You're sitting there talking about bullies yet don't even seem to realize your own actions are similar or worse.
And I only give you shit as a sign of respect. Like looking at a friend and saying, "you can do better."
All people EVER did with #showcasesunday - was re-hash their old shit. I was NOT alone in that, but I was the ONLY person who EVER got dragged over the coals for it - coincidence?! I think not, lol! Perhaps not the best "creation decision" on your part - but also - and in your defense... who was to know what "rules" would be created for this space along the way, lol. I certainly didnt and despite ALL I gave to this community, I was punished SO severely for that. Ridiculous really, when you look at how much content value I ADDED here.
You left a REALLY bitter taste in my mouth, along with others - but I will say this.... you are the ONLY person who has stepped forward to have an actual fucking conversation!!!! I tried to do that - with the rest. Not only now, plenty times before...
I never signed ANY disclaimer or contract when joining this space which said I could not share my OWN ORIGINAL content more than once. I never agreed to that. This "well its community decision" - is SUCH BS! The so called leaders in this space are living in "la la land" if they think any true mainstream media/writer/individual will EVER join here if they are not free to do what they want with their own content, lol.
and just to reiterate that point... I generally shared older content only once or twice a year - mostly because the audience has changed, but.... this particular instance... my MOTHER WAS BUSY DYING!!!!! I posted older content more frequently because I just couldnt muster the strength. The people in this space are cold. Cold and heartless. Despite being my sole income, I gave Hive away to people for years, I ran competitions, I promoted people here and on twitter, I fought for the platform with the steem take over... I was in BOTH FEET - heart and soul... and all I ever got in return was ridicule.
However, that aside...
I appreciate and VALUE what you have said here (my) tonight.
Thank you.
Yes. And like I told you, I gave up on it, because people simply abused it. When I introduced that thing, the first line was something like "turn around if you're lazy, this isn't for you if that's the case." That's on the blockchain.
What I noticed at the time was, as an example, people posting one image, every fucking day, never gaining traction, then complaining about the platform rather than their approach. So the idea was to put all that simple effort into one post highlighting or showcasing their talent because who the fuck wants to sift through a blog consisting of random pictures and no context. Or taking an old post and rewriting it because the old post sucked and they now have more experience so can do better, therefore showcasing their talent. Using old material is fine when it's reworked into something new. One thing I did was cram several episodes of some series I created into one post. 20000 words in one post but now at least the series was together as one unit. Never expecting money was also part of the deal and it was on sunday since back then most curators would be charging their votes rather than voting. It was for creators to showcase their talents. Not run re-runs.
Yup. People got lazy. You straight up copy/pasted then tried to say it was okay because I said so? Lame. But I was over it within minutes and never held a grudge.
So okay, yes, you're experiencing some issues. You're making them worse though be being such a dick about it. Own your mistakes, move on.
Unfortunately, I can't speak for the others putting the pressure on you. If they want to spend the time talking to someone (most avoid those acting like they're having a meltdown, which you appear to be doing even if that is not your intention), they will spend the time. Otherwise, it's not worth the energy dealing with someone who'd rather throw around insults and baseless accusations.
If I had another way to connect with you to apologise in a more appropriate and direct manner - I would opt for that... but I don't. I do apologise for making you want to stick a fork in my eye and I really DO hope that we can continue to get to know one another, because I really always DID appreciate your writing.
Jaynie, it's hard, but I'm giving you a pass. Thanks for not being a coward. I don't like waiting that long when I ask a question lol.
I looked at my name there knowing full well you made a mistake.
A mistake we both get to live with right? You get to be the one who makes mistakes, like everyone. I get to be the one who sits here looking like an asshole in front of all those who came before to accept your words at face value.
I forgive. I forget. Do not ask for my trust. That was lost and you are not the type to be sitting around begging for that, which is cool. I accept your apology. Fuck all this. Who cares. Moving on. I rarely talk to anyone behind the scenes anyway so don't think you're being left out.
One last thing I want to say is just some advice. When you got problems, speak on the problems, not the people.
I never had a problem with you. I miss those music posts. Those were fun.
I was so excited to see you back and then you have to start dealing with this bullshit all over again. After reading this entire article, I find that you are no different than the majority of us. We have all experienced some major bumps in the road and navigate them the best we can. Most often facing these problems only makes us stronger. The death of your mom
hurt you deeply and to hurt so badly just shows how much you loved her.
With all that has gone on in your life, you still seem to be able to pull up your bootstraps, learn from the experience, and move forward.
I have no idea why certain people seem to have it out for you and they sure can't let it go. Once a bully always a bully. As you mentioned in this post your involvement and investment in #hive has outpaced most of us. Your content is always a pleasure to read and learn something along the way. You have asked the million dollar question, Why are you folk downvoting my content, but still you get no answer. If I may I think the answer is that intimidating people seems to give these people pleasure, and gives them a sense of power when in the real world they are powerless.
You have not been intimidated, which in itself is honorable.
You have spoken your mind and it will be interesting to see what this noble stand brings.
You are a passionate young lady and no matter the result that passion will serve you well in all that you do. It is not hard to see that you will stay true to yourself and speak your mind when doing so is justified.
I'm very sad about your present situation and if these folks have any moral compass they will take a look in the mirror and ask themselves the million-dollar question (why am I doing this?) Maybe they will see the light, but I wouldn't bet on it. "once a bully always a bully"
I will continue to support you however I can, but as we know whales feast on those smaller than themselves.
I didn't know about all that stuff. People are dying in all four corners of the world right now over words, I try not to pay attention to the bad ones. So, I'm not gonna catch myself up on the shit show but wanted to say it was nice seeing your handle again.
There's been a couple of you I wonder about occasionally, @angryman is another. Still no word from him. I'm glad you're alright, well, you know what I mean. And I'm not just saying that cuz I don't have anywhere to post dead artists once a week.
I buried my mother when I was 37—only parent I ever met. I have a vague idea what you're going through. That shit changes a person in places we didn't know we had. When I needed support the most, the people I should've been able to count on the most, shit on me the most. I haven't spoken to that side of the family since she left.
"Sorry for your loss" but I'm pretty pro at death and know that's just a cordial statement for someone who doesn't know what to say so I'll opt for 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚢.
Well I can certainly relate to this post! After more than seven years on Steemit and Hive, for some reason I've never seen your posts. But I've followed you now. At one point I was an orca and I also have quite a few alt accounts. But constant downvoting wore thin and watching my rep go down because accounts like aircon were pro vax and liked to control the content, really made me lose interest. I still think Peakd is an awesome front end but I've given up on the idea of getting any rewards from posting - it's a protected circle jerk by the cabal, but if we just use it like facebook or something, with the rewards off, their power is very limited
Hi @frot <3
I am not surprised by how many are stepping forward.... be it slowly. More than anything, I am grateful for the people who will READ this, all the added convo and can then hopefully SEE this space for the ugly truth it is.
Me - no, I will not post here again.
My moral compass refuses.
JAYNIE!!! There you are.
I only check into Hive every few months to see if anything's changed (nothing ever does) and to my delight ... YOU.
How are you?
All the better for hearing from you Quill, lol
That was quite a post, darling. :-)
I, of course, agree with all of it. When you finally stopped posting that was the nail in the coffin. None of the Whales and Witnessess seem to grasp the idea that without high quality content, Hive will never amount to squat ... or, heaven forbid, that compensation ought be commensurate with quality.
For Whales & Witnesses with IQ's over 2 ... Jaynie, and her creation, The Powerhouse Creatives, was the future of Hive. It was the standard upon which others were beginning to be measured. It was beginning to churn out content that would have had a chance of going viral across the Internet. And you killed it in its crib with all your petty bullshit.
Jaynie, let's stay in touch: [email protected]
You brightened my day Quill. I think I may just post one more time to share a screenshot of that comment, lol!!! MUCH love!!!
Email noted xxx
Actually, I may publish a post as well.
Think about it Jaynie ... if Hive can't hold people like you and I, what future does it have? The systemic dysfunction that drives away high quality content creators ensures its demise.
Perhaps it's time to start thinking about creating a Hive alternative. I actually have many ideas about how to fix what's broken.
Very sad to see the bullies have completely taken over this place!
Sad indeed.
Happy to be the crucified if it means more people will open their eyes and perhaps even grow some balls.
I've somehow come across your account before you came back and thought, "What an interesting person!"
Then, I came across you again when you joined the FC Community, and subsequently saw this. It's really unfortunate. I'll be doing my best to fight against abusive downvoting, and to bring positivity to Hive, but I'm still just a little guy within the bigger system. When we use our power together, we can overcome!
I hope that you'll someday come back to post and things will be better. It's clear that quite a few people would welcome you back with warmth and open arms.
Edit: also worth mentioning, thanks to seeing your post with your mom's artwork, she came to life in my eyes in a beautiful way. What a talent!
Thank you for such a beautiful comment!
I will never post here again, but I appreciate your kindness!
and thank you for your comment re. my moms art. I was reading through some of my posts just prior to her passing today and it was a hard exercise... but a good one.
Thank you again and take care!
I respect the reasoning. Feel free to drop comments in the community... we'll always support them. 😊
In a couple of years' time, the votes on the comments will be substantial, particularly for those comments which show a lot of effort and originality.
So is this what the downvote function was established for... bully tactics?! Bitter and twisted individuals who choose to do nothing other than berate and belittle others for nothing more than personal gratification.
And one wonders why people leave this space. Where are the spines, the backbones, the voices?! Show me ONE of those posts that justly warranted ANY kind of down vote... please!!!
@brittandjosie @enginewitty @abh12345 @meesterboom @galenkp @tarazkp @appreciator @bluemist @geekgirl @thekittygirl @anomadsoul @ripperone @samstonehill @bozz @wwwiebe @theycallmedan @ranchorelaxo @jphamer1 @intothewild @captainhive @klye @haejin @xeldal @thebigsweed @curie @curangel @slobberchops @
Some people just cannot let grudges go. I have no idea what his issues are, but I am sad that you got caught up in it. Again.
I've got no words.
Exiting the building for good.
I agree. I am finished with this place as well. Wishing you the very best on your path.
What's your story?
you dont have a BOOK large enough to encompass all the individuals here who have had it up to the BRIM with the BULLSHIT that takes place.... but you would not KNOW any of this, because you FLOAT in "GRANDER" circles, lol!
yeah you highlight only what I've already known my whole life. People are dickheads. You do one thing which is not 100 percent god like and they shit on you out of spite for something that they really should find funny to be honest. Why they care so much is because they are just sad and pathetic, they go out their way to do nothing but try to police and influence and feel important to try to own something. narrcasists etc. really just hate you doing well and being organic. ok so not completely clear cut but who cares. but these people hate you full time for doing something once. They are the sad ones and just laugh it off. But this is why collectively as a speices we are fucked. it will happen to bitcoin and most cryptos eventually. already has. Fractured politics n petty squabbling and always will do. just laugh it off. This kind of post only gives them the sad pathetic satisfaction they want. Also I know im making enemies for life right now. bullies will bully. bandwagons will be jumped on. witch hunts will form. Always. just do what I do and laugh it off by myself and carry on not giving them what they want. Hive should remove hive power for downvoting so if you do it, you gotta pay for what you believe in. see how long it lasts then.
I'm well aware of the fact people have issues here.
Here you are though, once again, knocking me down. Why?
I don't have a circle here. Never did.
If at some point I did something wrong, and it hurt you, show me. Otherwise I cannot improve, if I need to.
How'd you piss him off?
But yeah.. Those with large stakes can basically bully whoever they want if they have some reason in their head. Shit sucks. I'd suggest reaching out to @azircon and see if you guys can figure out some sort of peace deal.
There isn't any mechanism in place to prevent folks from zero'ing out posts on a whim. Unless you have a larger stake to upvote yourself or friends to help vote your posts up more it's kind of a difficult situation.
Could always just bait post to burn his downvote power out too and then his flags/downvotes wouldn't effect you as bad.
I existed.
who is bullying you? but I agree the downvote is not so healthy. its hard to know the solution but its all about freedom of speech. or it should be the the good the bad the ugly.
Pretty much all outlined in the post.
Disheartening to see this downvoting starting up again, something most were not happy right from the start.
Never allow black-hole break ones spirit, no face andfull wallet, sounds like the corrupt government/life we currently live under. Be true to yourself, it has been short lived back on Hive, nice to know you are slowly finding real life coping mechanism.
I have no idea how/where this started all I do know is...
Yeah @joanstewart... their dark little "circle" goes a lot deeper than what meets the eye it would seem.
I have edited the above post to include the "what happened"
Best to ignore where able, I had a troll for a span of time, eventually it got bored with no reaction and disappeared.
Experienced enough online drama with smucks to know to carry on regardless, rewardless quietly in the background..., hence never put my hand up here after bad experiences in previous years on other platforms.
I am done ignoring them - because they couldn't ignore me - not even after two years being absent lol.
Don't blame you for being gatvol.
Downvotes should never be allowed to exceed $1 per day with a reason given or the whole system becomes viewed a laughing matter.
Plagiarism is a different matter, person should be notified, given a month to rectify, when not correcting account should be blocked/banned.
I made a comment elsewhere on a cross-post but I will come over here. I only know one person who got significantly downvoted, and they at least commented on why they did it. When my friend started posting differently he got rewarded again...
You seem to know why they started to downvote you - did they leave any comments that you can show us at the beginning?
I was wondering where you went! Very unfortunate to hear that it was because of this stuff. Hopefully it can get worked out, it was nice chatting with you back in the day!
Unfortunate - yes.
And I was just thinking...
I hope she brings back Track Of The Week. Or better yet, to see your words in our Thoughtful Daily Post Community...
Nice track Wes.
And yeah... I thought I may be able to write here again too.
i actually engage with a lot of those you have named, I do not see an issue with them tbh.
Hey @grindle,
Likely this is because never held a leadership position in this space which challenged their authority.
I am here just to enjoy blogging my adventures and seeing the work of others. I am a photographer and traveller, politics has no interest to me. That is why I never use childish places like fb twitter snapperchatagram etc.
I really don't care about leadership/ownership. etc. Life is too short to worry about stuff. Sure I get down voted on occasions and at first I was going to fuck the hive off, but my orca guru on here has explained why it happens, and I accept it. I now never take it personally, no point really is there?
you have the right approach.
I came back here after two years with that approach - I logged in and I wrote... and then I was punished for it. so NO - I won't turn a blind eye to the hate culture in this space. Someone has to be a voice in that regard and seeing as I am being burned at the stake anyway - I may as well be that person.
My writing days here are done, and life moves on... but if I can open eyes - I absolutely will.
Disregarding what is going on here, is NOT a solution - unless "more of it" is what you envision.
Good luck wherever you may roam
How unfortunate all this is, we live in real and digital tyrannies.
The world is becoming as shallow as a puddle, and that dwindling water level will continue to evaporate if nobody does or says anything. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
I'm having flashbacks...
Good to know you think of me so much Marky, so much so that you took the time to dig out a post as old as your grandmother, which shows nothing more than how you and your "posse" have been bullying me since the dawn of time lol.
You are such a tool.
Lol dumbass. How have I been bullying you, again I upvoted you for $2 and you threw a fit. That was the last I thought of you until I saw this shit post.
Posse? I'm alone here.
Marky, we both know what happened back then. You did not believe my explanation for why I did what I did (chain being down) and I was persecuted for it - Anyone who gives enough of a shit can go look for themselves at how you, Justine and entourage ripped me a new one over that debacle. ( I was sent the screenshots from your DISGUSTING slack server)
But I came here to respond to the people I give a shit about. I am done with Hive - so count your blessings. Powerdown in progress and I will be gone... POOF just like you all intended.
So, as politely as I can muster it...
You was kinda Jenny bitch..
Guess,you didn't wanna suck up to Markey.