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RE: Hive is not an "eco-system" it is a CESSPOOL OF CIRCLE JERKERS, DICK SWINGERS & BULLIES!

in #hive2 years ago (edited)

Provide an example. I don't take sides with nobody. And that means both you and them.

This is a blockchain. Every single interaction is logged forever. Show me where I went wrong in your eyes.

From my perspective, you're gaslighting.

When you were playing that character, we spoke. I didn't know that was you. Why were you so nice to me? That's on the blockchain including your compliments. I can provide links if you want.

Also, I have no intention of ever downvoting you or doing anything to push you away from the place. It pisses me off people here act like that. Mistakes and mishaps are not supposed to be permanent.

I didn't know you came back. I stumbled into your drama. I'm hardly here anymore.

You call on people to talk things out. I have no problem talking it out with you. Breaks my heart when I see folks in your situation burn their bridges (as you've done), while continuing to light the fires rather than talking.

I'd be more than grateful though to see the examples of these "head on's" because without that all you're doing is providing actual reasons for me to lose respect for you. You know damn well I had nothing to do with what's happening to you. To me it just looks like you're taking shots at the crowd because one or two individuals pissed you off. That's no way to handle your arms.


When you were playing that character, we spoke. I didn't know that was you. Why were you so nice to me? That's on the blockchain including your compliments. I can provide links if you want.

That was the "common ground" I referred to.

You call on people to talk things out. I have no problem talking it out with you. Breaks my heart when I see folks in your situation burn their bridges (as you've done), while continuing to light the fires rather than talking.

I literally wrote and entire POST attempting to "talk" - or at the very LEAST let it the fuck GO - with the "people" who have EVEN ?AFTER MY TWO YEAR ABSENCE... STILLLLLL decided to downvote the very FIRST fucking thing I posted here! I literally stepped in and said HI! Not for the rewards, but to say HELLOOOOO to the people on here whom I actually enjoy!!!!! and within hours... BOOM!!!! - Welcome back to hive. heres a downvote! then, despite (and ON) my peace attempt post... that got ALL MY OTHER NEW POSTS DOWNVOTED. lol.

When you were playing that character, we spoke. I didn't know that was you. Why were you so nice to me? That's on the blockchain including your compliments. I can provide links if you want.

I was NICE to you, because I valued your WRITING and the person who created it! I complimented you... because I meant it!

se without that all you're doing is providing actual reasons for me to lose respect for you. You know damn well I had nothing to do with what's happening to you. To me it just looks like you're taking shots at the crowd because one or two individuals pissed you off. That's no way to handle your arms.

I hear you. Although I recall clearly how crappy I felt when you tagged along with marky back then. If I find the energy to look back and find the post (truly I have better things to do with my time) - I will share it with you. for now, I shall remove your name from my pinned, because I am not the lunatic people make me out to be - just someone who gave their all to a space and its people... who ultimately stabbed me in the back... repeatedly.

Also, I invite you to read the edit I added on this post in response to a comment here.

More people need to speak up and out about the shitfest that lies beneath.

Marky once triggered me to the point I thought about arming myself with actual guns, all due to a miscommunication on my behalf. I misread a comment and thought people were coming to harm me. But like everyone else here, they know me, but we're not tight. The issues stay in the past. I try to get along with people but at the same time, Jaynie, I also keep my distance. "Only a friend can stab you in the back," is pretty much how I live my life.

Sometimes I may agree with people you disagree with. That's in the moment. I remember a time you mentioned me and said it was okay to repost old work because I said so due to a thing I created called #showcasesunday. So people were downvoting you for reposting old work, and you dragged my name into it, saying I was the one who made it okay to do that. Of course, for #showcasesunday I had other things in mind. Copy/pasting was not part of it.

If you're upset with me for that time, I apologize, but at the same time, I was not in the wrong. Simply standing my ground. Not taking a side. But that's in the past.

Jaynie. People always drag me into this shit. That's part of the reason I have problems enjoying the place. It's uncalled for.

Of course I can at least take a moment to appreciate the fact you've taken corrective action. Please respect the fact (put on these shoes) what you did will leave a sour taste in my mouth.

If I've fucked up in the past, it's because I'm human. I know, better than anyone, my personality can be a bit rough around the edges at times and I don't even try to file that shit down, for anyone.

Dragging me into this nonsense though, acting like I'm somehow part of the problem... fucking assholes. Plus others know I'm not involved. Makes you look like a bullshitter. Makes we want to turn into an actual asshole and fuck you all up. You're sitting there talking about bullies yet don't even seem to realize your own actions are similar or worse.

And I only give you shit as a sign of respect. Like looking at a friend and saying, "you can do better."

All people EVER did with #showcasesunday - was re-hash their old shit. I was NOT alone in that, but I was the ONLY person who EVER got dragged over the coals for it - coincidence?! I think not, lol! Perhaps not the best "creation decision" on your part - but also - and in your defense... who was to know what "rules" would be created for this space along the way, lol. I certainly didnt and despite ALL I gave to this community, I was punished SO severely for that. Ridiculous really, when you look at how much content value I ADDED here.

You left a REALLY bitter taste in my mouth, along with others - but I will say this.... you are the ONLY person who has stepped forward to have an actual fucking conversation!!!! I tried to do that - with the rest. Not only now, plenty times before...

I never signed ANY disclaimer or contract when joining this space which said I could not share my OWN ORIGINAL content more than once. I never agreed to that. This "well its community decision" - is SUCH BS! The so called leaders in this space are living in "la la land" if they think any true mainstream media/writer/individual will EVER join here if they are not free to do what they want with their own content, lol.

and just to reiterate that point... I generally shared older content only once or twice a year - mostly because the audience has changed, but.... this particular instance... my MOTHER WAS BUSY DYING!!!!! I posted older content more frequently because I just couldnt muster the strength. The people in this space are cold. Cold and heartless. Despite being my sole income, I gave Hive away to people for years, I ran competitions, I promoted people here and on twitter, I fought for the platform with the steem take over... I was in BOTH FEET - heart and soul... and all I ever got in return was ridicule.

However, that aside...

I appreciate and VALUE what you have said here (my) tonight.

Thank you.

Yes. And like I told you, I gave up on it, because people simply abused it. When I introduced that thing, the first line was something like "turn around if you're lazy, this isn't for you if that's the case." That's on the blockchain.

What I noticed at the time was, as an example, people posting one image, every fucking day, never gaining traction, then complaining about the platform rather than their approach. So the idea was to put all that simple effort into one post highlighting or showcasing their talent because who the fuck wants to sift through a blog consisting of random pictures and no context. Or taking an old post and rewriting it because the old post sucked and they now have more experience so can do better, therefore showcasing their talent. Using old material is fine when it's reworked into something new. One thing I did was cram several episodes of some series I created into one post. 20000 words in one post but now at least the series was together as one unit. Never expecting money was also part of the deal and it was on sunday since back then most curators would be charging their votes rather than voting. It was for creators to showcase their talents. Not run re-runs.

Yup. People got lazy. You straight up copy/pasted then tried to say it was okay because I said so? Lame. But I was over it within minutes and never held a grudge.

So okay, yes, you're experiencing some issues. You're making them worse though be being such a dick about it. Own your mistakes, move on.

Unfortunately, I can't speak for the others putting the pressure on you. If they want to spend the time talking to someone (most avoid those acting like they're having a meltdown, which you appear to be doing even if that is not your intention), they will spend the time. Otherwise, it's not worth the energy dealing with someone who'd rather throw around insults and baseless accusations.

Yup. People got lazy. You straight up copy/pasted then tried to say it was okay because I said so? Lame. But I was over it within minutes and never held a grudge.

So okay, yes, you're experiencing some issues. You're making them worse though be being such a dick about it. Own your mistakes, move on.

I suppose we shall have to agree to disagree on this. My content... my rules. Show me WHERE it is written that I am not permitted to re-share my content. Or where I agreed to that RULE.

Nevermind the MULTITUDE of other problems hive had and still HAS which requires the likes of wenches like @traciyork and others to manage... but it was decided that an ACTUAL content creator, a community leader, someone who actively fought for the growth of this space should be the one who goes down in flames, lol!

You ALL need to catch a damn wake up. You have lost EVERY major crypto individual who EVER "attempted" to ENTER and give this space a chance. That speaks volumes!!!

I dont share your stance on this at all - nor your repeated "description" for me venting validated frustration as "an emotional meltdown" lol.

Hive is REDUNDANT! Even Splinterlands is in shit, which is probably the only thing floating this self-sinking boat.

Choosing to leave it here, because regardless of this conversation, I am DONE with hive and all its ridiculous "hierarchy" BS.

You just reminded me why I stopped responding. Thank you.

If I had another way to connect with you to apologise in a more appropriate and direct manner - I would opt for that... but I don't. I do apologise for making you want to stick a fork in my eye and I really DO hope that we can continue to get to know one another, because I really always DID appreciate your writing.

Jaynie, it's hard, but I'm giving you a pass. Thanks for not being a coward. I don't like waiting that long when I ask a question lol.

I looked at my name there knowing full well you made a mistake.

A mistake we both get to live with right? You get to be the one who makes mistakes, like everyone. I get to be the one who sits here looking like an asshole in front of all those who came before to accept your words at face value.

I forgive. I forget. Do not ask for my trust. That was lost and you are not the type to be sitting around begging for that, which is cool. I accept your apology. Fuck all this. Who cares. Moving on. I rarely talk to anyone behind the scenes anyway so don't think you're being left out.

One last thing I want to say is just some advice. When you got problems, speak on the problems, not the people.

I never had a problem with you. I miss those music posts. Those were fun.

Oh, I did not make any mistakes here. I apologised and removed your name only because you stepped forward - not because it was some kind of exemption from your retarded idea to begin with and the fact that you had no backbone to "own that" when you saw someone getting burned at the stake for it.

I didnt copy/paste SHIT - its MY WRITING - I OWN IT!!!! I will share it as an when I please... as MANY TIMES AS A PLEASE TOO! lol.

Yeah... life without music is no fun - think I'll crank it up here myself with something along the lines of:

and lastly, in the words of @azircon


Yeah okay. You feel you can do that, how you want to do it.

I created a tag, "#showcasesunday" and set up some guidelines. On my own. If you disagree with those guidelines but still use the tag, you're using the tag improperly. It was my own thing. Not "hive rules" and these days communities do something quite similar except have more power to moderate, whereas I didn't. You disagreeing with what #showcasesunday was about and thinking you can break the rules is no different than running a stop sign because you don't like the color red. It's whatever. I don't care if you didn't agree with those guidelines. If you hated it that much, don't use the tag. Quite simple. Just one example of what it's like on a decentralized platform.

Clearly, this is about that incident. The time you mistook an individuals rules for a tag he invented as "The rulebook of Hive."

I've a strange feeling you'll still argue though, which is weird. #showcasesunday isn't even a thing anymore. Been dead for years. Things didn't work out. It's my failure but I managed to carry on.

You seem to be stuck there. Don't be. Have some ICP

Never saw your rules... only your tag and how everyone else "abused it" too. Precisely where I got the idea did most.

Your failing, not mine/theirs.

No argument, just fact. You created a loop hole which MANY used in the same manner as me and yet I got crucified for it and you turned a conscious blind eye to the fact that I was not alone in the abuse of your "original intention"... and that perhaps you held some responsibility in that.

You watched them burn me, knowing FULL WELL that SO MANY OTHERS were using it in precisely the same manner.

"Let it go".

I did.

This is about principle and the type of person you have shown yourself to be. I will never condone invertebrate behaviour.

And this continued conversation is making me regret removing your name from that list, so I am going to end this right here - for your own sake... because MANY will continue to see my pinned post as time goes on.

No further comment from me, except to say: My content - My decision.