Thank you so much for this - I cannot even begin to express! The floodgates opened reading it! It took a LOT for me to walk away from a space which I literally dedicated my every hour to for over four years! But - I just could not stomach it all anymore! I also apologise for this reply being the length of a post - but I will NOT post on this platform again - so I will use this space for people (who give a shit) to read and make their own way to a decision about HIVE.
The hierarchy in this space have had it out for me from day one because I held a position of leadership.
Hundreds of people who fell under an umbrella which was my brain child.
I was a threat to them from inception - why? because I took the time, and connected with the people they considered (and treated as) worthless. But, our community grew and grew in numbers and suddenly it was impossible to ignore us... Wise business persons KNOW that true power is held in numbers. I know this well.... born and bred South African.
I was slated EARLY on in the game and "they" (and all their minions) RIDICULED our community publicly and often - calling us "elitist pricks" because I would not just let "anybody" in to the discord server. FOMO much?! We entered @theycallmedan poll competition for HP and we Won... not once, but TWICE because of SHEER DETERMINATION and also.... because I , @zord189 and MANY others DROVE that ship as a community! We had PASSION for this space.
I had a VOICE - and they did not like that!
I entered a "witness chat" on discord once... you know, that space... where only the GODS get to speak... and I interrupted, unmuted my mic and spoke my mind. WELL, lol - needless to say THAT did not go down well, haha! - Not only did I interrupt the GODS whilst they were listening to the sounds of their own voices... but I also happened to be a vagina. The audacity of a woman.... right?! lol
And then.... there was one Saturday evening when @traciyork the wench decided to down one too many vodka shots and rip @Wales (Dean Moriarty) a new one. After which, she came to my discord DM's expressing her annoyance! I was not there to witness the dispute live, and I denied the "calls" to attend to the matter - because ADULTS need to ADULT! but I did read it afterward, and Traci was nothing short of CRUEL to @wales. I am not surprised he left. Traci does not like to be challenged... especially not by someone as cryptic as @wales or @quillfire. Their basic intelligence surpasses her greatest STRIVE!
Back to the convo:
Everyone got EQUAL upvotes from our community account.
She disapproved!!!!
"As a long standing member - who gave SO MUCH of herself - SHE deserved MORE!
She also questioned my allowing him back into discord - after he LEFT at the closure of that vodka induced debacle which she instigated!
He committed suicide not long after that.
I have held on to this convo for years now - never really knowing why... but now I know why, because I want to show you ALL what a vindictive, immature and self-serving individual she is behind closed doors.. I have nothing to gain here and nothing to lose either.
This was the conversation Traci York and I had after Wales re-joined my PHC server. She hated him SO much and was SO BITTERRRRRRR about the fact that regardless of WHO you were - EVERYONE got EQUAL rewards from our community account - INCLUDING ME!!!!!!!! hahaha!!!!
here she is... in her true colors:
traciyorkLast Thursday at 3:00 PM
He's back?
jaynieLast Thursday at 4:26 PM
Not much I can do. Lol the server is open to the public now...
But hes a newbie if that's any compensation
traciyorkLast Thursday at 6:09 PM
Actually, there are a number of things that you could do. But not my place to tell you how to run things.
jaynieLast Thursday at 6:40 PM
Traci, the "beef" had previously was not involving me. Wales may not be your cup of tea, and many others perhaps, but in my opinion people do not need to like one another in order to be able to be polite and civil. I have about had it with adults in phc behaving like juveniles. I am not in a position to take sides and I will not. Nicky stormed out last night too because I called him out on an inappropriate remark made. And this was after me telling him in person how much I appreciate him. I am giving short answers right now as my mom is here and I am trying to prepare dinner. At the end of the day you all need to put your big people panties on in my opinion.
traciyorkLast Thursday at 6:42 PM
jaynieLast Thursday at 6:58 PM
Not sure what kind of answer that is. Seems rather hostile. I am not being hostile at all. Just it would be nice if people would see things from my position. Wales, other than annoy certain people... did nothing wrong but have a tantrum and storm out. Several times. There are plenty of others here that are not "ideal" candidates and I can see that already. There are also some long standing members whom I consider pretty useless. But hey... they do what is required of them. I am somewhat stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to things like this. I would have thought you would have had some understanding of that. I cannot play the sides game.... whether I agree, disagree, like or loathe the individual. I have to be fair.
Will have to chat later. Am about to serve dinner
jaynieLast Thursday at 9:31 PM
not sure what to say Traci. You behaving like this? over one member? I am actually gobsmacked.
Not that it is of any consequence to you, as I see now you have not only unfollowed me, but left the community...
but this was the message I just sent to everyone.
........... @everyone From primary school we are taught how to work in teams, whether it is academically directed, sports driven or otherwise related… one of life’s FIRST lessons is how to work in groups despite difference - That being, difference of opinion, difference of approach and difference of character. This learned level of respect is something which needs to be carried through to adulthood, the working environment AND this space right here within our PHC walls. We are all completely unique individuals – each with our own set of strengths and weaknesses, but we are placed in one space - together. Some days we may all get along fabulously… others - not so much. Some of us may connect REALLY well, others – not so much. Neither circumstance changes the reality that we are a team and we are here to work together IRRESPECTIVE of all that! We ALL need to be BIGGER than those trivialities! As the head of this community, I am sending this message loud and clear so that each and every one of you reads it, hears it and hopefully becomes mindful of it. It is through our differences that we find strength when we stand together. Have your discussions in the chat rooms, speak your minds – get pissed off with one another if it leads to that but at the end of the day, PLEASE – be big enough, to see passed such insignificance. I, consider us a family – but if we cannot love, fight, appreciate, scowl and debate with an underlying and fundamental respect for one another as human beings, ultimately coming together at the end of it all - then we have nothing. I believe, we have EVERYTHING! – Everything GOOD that is! - A multi-faceted recipe which results in an enormously powerful and passionate community - founded and driven upon not our differences but a simple respect and acceptance for each individual and the gems which they have to offer.
.......... I am not sure how it is possible that one person can hold so much power over you?
and that you would toss away so much (friendship included) for that
anyway, you have clearly made up your mind and made your statement loud and clear. I will respect that.(edited)
November 8, 2019
traciyorkLast Friday at 1:28 AM
Thank you for telling me essentially to grow up and act like an adult - really appreciate that response. Given the fact that I politely ignored Quill's existence in the server, I could have easily done the same with Wales. What I could not stomach, however, is the fact that as a PHC newbie, he would be getting the same percent upvote (30%) from the PHC account as myself. In fact, apparently any one can walk in the PHC door and get the same amount of support as people who have worked day and night for years supporting the community. Since that's apparently your definition of fair, I decided to do the adult thing and cut my losses. Best of luck to you.
jaynieLast Friday at 1:37 AM
traci, he is not on our vote list. and all I have to say to the rest of what you have just divulged is - WOW! Have YOU tried to toggle and juggle votes amongst 100 people keeping the consistent VP in tact, the max reward for the account (because that is what ultimately benefits us all), make the BEST use of the 20k delegation for the time we have it, and keep every one happy at the same time? No, I didnt think so - so how about you just pipe the fuck down!
That 20k delegation - well, guess what it ENDS in FEB 2020!
What the FUCK do you think I am trying to do!
MAXIMISE IT!!!!!!!!!!
jesus fucking christ traci!
you of ALL people!
where is your GODDAMN FORESIGHT!
If you had spent even a FRACTION of the time I have studying and testing the rewards / %'s etc you would understand what I am doing (long term) and where I am going. but you are acting like a total... CUNT, yes, over CENTS!
I cannot even BELIEVE that THIS and wales has rocked your world to such a degree.
I thought you trusted my vision. clearly not. and so be it.
jaynieLast Friday at 2:08 AM
You know, more than ALL of this - I am mortified by the fact that I actually considered you a GOOD FRIEND!
I am honestly not even sure how to process it.
anyway, time will handle that I suppose.
Needless to say - once she left, she very quickly proceeded to make a post about her injured thumb, how she doesnt care about the money and that she is literally "the good Samaritan" who is ever grateful to me lol - I could only find THIS copy of that "cry me a river post" - The dust on that post had barely settled and she began ROYALLY KISSING the ARSES of ALL the people who WOULD PAY HER, lol - AKA the Hive "Cabal" which I hear is their name these days - (SO APT haha!) Traci has become THE MOST UNWELCOMING and DEMEANING presence in this space (I speak from experience through my alt account), literally spending all her hours scanning for peoples FAULTS, shortcomings and indiscretions... like she has none of her own, lol!!! Let me just say this out LOUD once and for ALLLLL - FUCK Traci.... HOW MANY MOON POSTS WERE YOU GOING TO MAKE?!
"This is the moon from the left on monday"
"This is the moon from the right on Tuesday"
"and this one is the moon from the left and right on wednesday"
Those were VOTED HIGH though - EVERY...SINGLE....WEEK...... because why? because you are a KISS ASS!!!!!! and because you sold your soul for money.
- and she has done NOTHING but cause CRAP in my world since (but from behind the scenes obviously, because she is a devious sociopathic witch!)
She also managed to turn one a REAL LIFE FRIEND of 10 years against me, lol! but I wont even BOTHER getting into that!
Traci speaks in GIFS. Ever wondered why?!
because she is FAKE AS FUCK with 99.9% of what she expresses!
She can't write it - because she does not FEEL it - so she throws you a GIF and slaps a HIVE logo on it for authenticity.
Take from it what you will (if anything) - and leave the rest!
You have not been intimidated, which in itself is honorable.
You have spoken your mind and it will be interesting to see what this noble stand brings.
Cowards & bullies will never silence me.
They can hate me, call me "weird" (@lordbutterfly) an amusing title shot... given your history lol ---- or even "unhinged" as @meesterboom remarked - (which is pretty rich coming from a guy that writes about beating the legs off a dog in a garage and speaks about his wife and children like they are the phlegm he spits down the toilet in the morning).
I, at least have a spine!
- So, weird and unhinged I shall remain!
Moral compass? nah.... that does not exist here - not at all, not even with the good people!!!!!!!!
"Thank you for telling me essentially to grow up and act like an adult - really appreciate that response. Given the fact that I politely ignored Quill's existence in the server ..."
Politely ignored?
Doth she jest? One day, and completely out of the blue, @traciyork went off on me in PHC's Discord Channel. It's been a couple of years so the details are a bit fuzzy, but the gist was that she was pissed because I was encouraging PHC members to support each others posts, not just with upvotes ... but with substantive comments. All the while, I was not upvoting or commenting on hers (despite many of my comments on other people's posts being longer than the posts themselves).
Her in-channel diatribe was so vitriolic that I felt it necessary to push back and, candidly, explain why I seldomly commented on her posts. At the time, most of Traci's posts were about witchcraft and/or Tarot Cards. As a man of science, I dismiss both as ludicrous so what could I possibly say that would be supportive? It was nothing personal, to each their own. But the reality is that if you're going to post about the occult, you ought not be surprised when you're feedback is limited.
Respecting Wales: He was, admittedly, a bit of an odd duck. That said, every once in a while he'd articulate something utterly profound. Because of his oddities, he made an easy target for anyone inclined to take shots. Jaynie, the ultimate cheerleader of underdogs, provided him cover.
Respecting Jaynie: She's one of the best things that ever happened to Hive, and her loss, one of the worst.
With this detailed description of what went down before you walked away the first time, I can see why you left.
Adults need to Adult, you would think so, but just because one has reached an age where they now fall into the grownup category doesn't mean that they will act accordingly, as you have witnessed first hand.
I've been involved with #hive for over five years now and I have met many wonderful people like yourself. But, as they say it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch. It is very easy to be a bully when a person can sit behind their computer and pound out words that are hurtful. These same folks would not be so brazen if they were to stand eye to eye with the same person, COWARDS.
I give you all of the credit in the world for standing up for what you believe in and not just tucking your tail between your legs and scurrying away.
In a lot of ways this platform has become one big circle jerk and that is a shame, for the other side of that coin is so very cool. I've had the chance to meet people from all over the globe, learning so much about different cultures and seeing stuff that otherwise I would have never experienced.
Where this platform is headed only time will tell, but I know one thing for sure, as #hive looses folks like yourself things will continue to spiral downward.
Five years ago my son told me about this platform and suggested that it would be a good way to document much of what goes on here at the FARM. For that reason and that reason alone I decided to give it a go. Leaving a little taste of what POP is, and was all about, after my passing is important to me. I wish I knew more of what my mom and dad did in their later years. Despite all of this I would pack my bags in a split second if this space were ever to cause me one iota of grief. I'm surprised you ever came back and you sure sound like you won't ever be coming back again.
I wish you all of the luck in the world in every undertaking you pursue. It's been a real pleasure knowing you and #hive has once again lost an extraordinary soul. Take care of yourself and take special care of that wonderful young man you are raising.
God Bless!
Thank you! You are one of the few gems this place has left. I appreciate every word! No, I will never write here again. NOT EVER! But I will absolutely use it to create awareness (and abuse it - because thats the order of the day apparently - and what is good for the goose, is good for the gander).
I have been cancelled regardless, so now I will do as I damn well please.
Much love to you and I hope to catch you on X (Twitter) or at least somewhere!
Take care and thank you again for YOU!
Eliminating stress is always a good thing and why would you ever continue to blog if all it does is cause you grief?
Enjoy every day like it's your last day.
Peace my friend.