HTTP is in use instead of HTTPS and no protocol redirection is in place. Be careful and do not enter sensitive information in that website as your data won't be encrypted.
It's also a good habit to always hover links before clicking them in order to see the actual link in the bottom-left corner of your browser.
FFS! This is why Bots are actually crap at this sort of thing. It's a link to a .wav file. Hardly unlikely to be designed to steal your keys. In fact, I suspect the file was created long before blockchain was even invented! What a crock of bollocks.
Sorry 'bout that. I already have a whitelist of extensions. Missed this one, will whitelist it.
Sadly, you caught me at a bad time. I'm currently on a witch hunt for (IMO) bad bots and bad practices from self-appointees on Hive. Sorry if I was a bit aggressive. I get that way when my hackles are raised.
No worries =]
Hive ON
I want to do a post about our interaction. Do you have any objections if I reproduce this thread? Even though it's now in the public domain anyway. LOL
Yeah man! Go for it! Comments = Community! Without people valuing the time, effort, and brain juice a real, authentic, genuine comment takes and brings to a post... we don’t have a friendly or healthy Hive to hang out hats! Thank you for being willing to highlight the importance of this and please reference this post as much as you want! I trust you 100%.
Please let me know when your post goes LIVE I want to be right there on the ground floor as I believe we are breaking ground here on Hive... why else would it be so rocky and bumpy! 😂
No problem! =}
At least they are trying to make things better. This is not something that needs to be flagged up and maybe needs a whitelist of file types. I do think we get too many bot comments generally. They can outnumber the human ones on some posts. Maybe that is more an issue of people not commenting.
"One man's meat is another man's poison." It Seems to me it's yet another example of someone setting themselves up with a cheap way of earning upvotes that requires little or no interaction from the Bot owner. Given fairly soon, Google will block any non HTTPS content; this seems to add little value if you ask me. In fact, I'd argue it borders on spam but worse than that, it highlights accounts for no valid reason, and there are enough morons on Hive with their fingers poised over the downvote button who will drool "They're on a list [any list!]! Downvote them!" #LeSigh
Very few people downvote on Hive. Those who do are likely to get retaliation even if they are dealing with abuse.
Maybe check how much this person is making. Not exactly life-changing and they are likely to get a lot of shit for doing it. The HTTP thing is just one aspect of what they do and maybe not a particularly valuable one. Feel free to downvote the bot comment.
Hi Steve! I do believe we are breaking some ground here in this post and anyone taking the time to read the post and and comments (commenting themselves) is appreciated! Thank you for caring to do so.
Let’s all continue to support a friendlier Hive... I really hope that we can do more to address these issues as they are burning out new people faster than they are coming in.
Static and stuck mindsets need to evolve, mature, and change if we are to bring Hive UP to a new level (and bring on more wonderful people).
🍓I have always said that Hive is the strawberry that sells it’s self... And I mean it! 🍓
We can’t let what we have worked so hard to build spoil on the shelf due to less visionary minds stomping through the Strawberry patch.
As an owner I won’t stand for it and I hope others will see @hivewatchers and @spaminators behaviour for what it is.
Spamming me with unwarranted downvotes doesn’t make Hive a better, more healthy, and friendlier place... so that’s got to be stopped and these people need to explain and answer for the actions they have taken against us... the owners here within the Hive community.
It’s impossible for us to externally promote Hive while fires burn on our very door steps..
So again... thank you for caring to comment ! Both you and @dickturpin.steps.S.
I've never pretended that Hive is some perfect paradise and have often compared it to the wild west. We have outlaws and vigilantes as there is no police force to control things. They are not obliged to explain themselves, but if they can make things transparent then it would get them more support. It should be as easy to off a blacklist as it is to get on it if you are not actively harming Hive. I think Hivewatchers tend to limit themselves to specific forms of abuse, but I have been part of Hive-DR (formerly Steemflagrewards) for a long time and we act as individuals when we consider it necessary, but it is a personal choice.
We also have some whales who feel they should cancel out certain big votes. As stakeholders they can do what they like. In some cases I have seen they do not wipe out all the rewards.
Generally 'policing' Hive is not a profitable exercise and can earn you some flack, but someone needs to do it. We ought to work with those who take this job on and find ways to do it better. It can sometimes get personal, but that is inevitable with people who have strong feelings. Knee-jerk reactions should be avoided.
There are not rules here and we get to decide where rewards should go. I think downvotes are a legitimate part of that and I will keep using them where I see fit.
Absolutely Steve. I use my downvotes for what I see as unfriendly behaviour. There is a point I would like to make however... here on the Hive code is law. It’s automatically baked into the blockchain. Comment ranking clearly is built into its function and therefore I vote my but mostly others comments as I see fit. Self-appointed authorities have no say over what I decide to do and how I decide to spread good wil and gain traction with an eye to social capital. I give away thousands of Hive (at much higher valuations than currently priced) through my initiatives and I do it freely. Anything “gained” from a comment rank is easily given away. You can check my transaction logs to determine this for yourself.
I don’t think what @HiveWatchers and @Spaminator are doing is healthy for this blockchain. How integrity is maintained is just as important as how it is identified and alerted.
These people are doing little to help Hive actually grow and are in fact contributing to its contracted and weakening state.
I will not join hands with people who’s minds and methods are harming this blockchain. If you take a step back to a further vantage point you may see what I am pointing out.
I know you for a clear mind here on Hive and I have been following you for some time Steve.
And yes... I do respect you... that is why I am taking the time to talk with you about this matter. It needs some serious consideration.
I’m away on vacation with my family... so if I delay or don’t respond that is why.
I hope you can see where I am coming from... and if you have time... please read through the comments and my responses to get a bigger picture of what I see and my vision for Hive and it’s community.
Friendliness is imperative to hives success...
Sorry @dickturpin for the flubUP on your handle. I’m doing everything from my cell so that’s not the easiest of things to do. Haha! 😅