A huge percentage of the human interaction on this is shallow shitposting I find.
A few users on here have some amazingly insightful replies to things posted, but a lot of it is straight up dog shit..
HIVE as a community on a good day as far as actual active users is the size of a small city, if that. There is too much cock jousting when money is involved and people trying to impose their beliefs and will on eachother.. It only becomes magnified on a blockchain community like this. Perhaps it's human nature, granted this species fucking sucks.. The individual can be quite intelligent but the species as a whole is basically primitive and retarded for lack of a politically correct term properly portraying it. Tribalism, racism, croneyism and people just being fucking cocks to eachother is a lot of what I see on here lately...
All I know is at the end of the day is I've met a lot of cool people on here, and a lot of fucking psychotic dickheads, not sure which is a higher ratio.
End of the day community does not have to include humans.. Prairie dogs for example have communities and they are most certainly not human in the slightest.
As a side note, the irony of this post when you're kind of being a militant chode against bala for testing out AI shitposting is not lost on me.. Not trying to be a dick but you can't go on about community / humanity while trying to drive people from the community actively. cmon man, you and I both know that is fucked.