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RE: Do you doubt your ability to make it online?

in #hive15 days ago

The only way I know the most on how to make money is online haha. I've been making money online since highschool. I think compared to offline, in terms of geo location, it's limitless, we can work with anyone and in any salary we want. It has its own cons for sure but so far, offline work makes me less money than any of my online adventures.

I agree with everything mentioned here, basically we have to have some type of patience and also just extra thick skin cause not everyone wants to see you succeed. So, you just have to be persistent in anything, there's really no quick way to anything as those tutorial and courses claimed.


I don't really want to go back to commuting to a job so online is the best all around for me :)

I tried commuting a couple of times and that seems really sucks. I mean, traffic and also if we use public transportation that's always crowded, it sounds like hell.

Welcome to this entrepreneurship and self-employed world, it's not easy but trust me, it's worth it 😄