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RE: What is PeakD Snaps?

in #hive5 months ago

Without any doubt, this is the best idea of ​​this year, it gives a new look to the front and I am sure it will allow a lot of interactivity. Personally (I think you've already seen it, or if not you will see it in the next few days), I will be using it to make reviews of what I like the most: art.

Thank you very much for this idea, I just love it!


This is all team @peakd, I just made a suggestion.

oh I thought it was you, I think it's very good that you are sharing on this, because I am sure that many users have no idea or understand what snaps are about.

I see great potential in this, it seems like a very positive way for people to briefly report things, and what I like is that everything is in one place (waves, leo, snap, moments)

So thank you again, and I hope this is used for a long time, I think it gives a boost of fresh air to peakd and hive.

oh I thought it was you, I think it's very good that you are sharing on this, because I am sure that many users have no idea or understand what snaps are about.

I was just trying to help create exposure so people know about it. I did suggest the idea though.

That's wonderful, later in the Hispanic curation activity on Discord, I will make reference to the snaps so that more people find out about this.

Now a question, snaps are limited to what number of characters?


(I know that the blue circle gives us an idea how much character left to write, but the remaining or maximum characters that you can write do not appear)

Now a question, snaps are limited to what number of characters?


Allright thankyou Mark! 🤗
