Ditto. You summed up my thoughts about this perfectly.
I've been blogging since the days of bulletin boards (late 1980's) and in all that time I've never come across a platform that consistently rewards content creators like hive does.
The nearest thing that came close was tsu that @steevc mentioned but that went down in flames primarily because it had a single point of failure...it was centralized.
Hive was born from conflict by a group of people who have been around the block a few times and knew there was a better way to do things.
Like you. I enjoy taking photos and making videos which I put out into the world not for the money it might make but simply because I like doing it.
Complaints about rewards distribution is the oldest chestnut topic going. There will always be someone who would like more rewards but for what?
Equating posting to an hourly rate is quite frankly bonkers. We are not inventing a longer lasting lightbulb here or curing some dread disease.
We are having fun and if that process happens to earn 'any' rewards. Then be grateful that people thought it was interesting enough to warrant an upvote.
Don't do it for the money. That mindset leads to misery. 😂👍🏼
Well said. I have blogged for years too, but with a lot of it I got few responses. I do much better on Hive and it's not just about money. I don't take my rewards for granted, but then I have put a lot into this platform. I want to see more people get the benefits, but it's not a 'magic money tree'. I'm interested to see how it can scale up.
Hive is an amazing concept to begin with and much improved since we forked off from the other place.
The simple fact that rewards are available is incredible considering that we don't generally have ads running all over the place.
It is quite remarkable.
Scaling it up will be interesting to see how it evolves. Rewards will have to be more widely dispersed I would imagine? Plus as the rewards get dispersed the value of the token would increase as they become more scarce and sought after?
Let's try this !BEER thing again 😂👍🏼