Proposal to Unite the Diverse Communities Of Hive

in #hivelast month (edited)


This post is probably way out of my depth but I am going to write it anyway. I don't have anywhere near the reach on this platform that might be required for a post of this nature, but I'll give it a go anyway. I thought it best to get my disclaimer in right from the outset.

So last night I was hanging out with @snook, @sircork, @thekittygirl, @definethedollar and others in The Alliance server again, they do a Friday evening meetup and it's always good natured with a fun times vibe going on with those guys, you should try joining us. It's also useful for noobies like me to ask questions and learn more about the Hive community. If you want to join @thealliance a link to the server is here so get on it.

Anyway, during the various chats the issue of community cohesion and the success of the Hive platform was discussed again. Engaging in these types of conversations I often find myself reflecting on the sadness felt by the absence of the hugely missed MSP Waves radio station. Apart from the main station which broadcasted online it had a very vibrant presence on Discord, with it's own server there.


MSP Waves - We Miss You!

The MSP Waves Discord server was a thriving place for latterly Steemians and later Hivians to congregate. You could jump in at any time of the day and there was usually some kind of show or hangout going on. And the variety of shows you could join was very diverse. It was a wonderful world of its own in many ways, but notably had the power to unite so many members of the Hive community. In my humble opinion that was its main strength.

Sadly due to various issues MSP Waves finally shut down in 2023. As a former Steemian I had been lucky to attend various shows and meet some truly awesome people, while learning about crypto and having lots of fun. MSP Waves was the much needed and perfect accompaniment to the Hive platform. And we need something like it back.

Since I joined Hive recently what has struck me the most is the various different communities that have sprung up within the wider Hive community. These communities have often coalesced around certain projects and initiatives to make Hive a more rewarding experience. These communities help to make Hive a much more engaging place. Many of them also have their own Discord servers.

However, whilst it's great to see these organic communities establish themselves and grow what would be amazing is if we could re-establish a new hub for all Hivians to hangout again with structured shows, as we used to do in the MSP Waves Discord server.

I am not proposing we recreate the old magic, MSP Waves was supremely brilliant but it's done and dusted. What I am suggesting is that we create a new magic in the form of a new hub to replace MSP Waves, but this time it's all about the video streaming.

We Need Something New

Let's be honest everyone and their dog are now video streaming all over the internet every single day, and so we also have to move with the times. This is why we need a live video streaming radio station. So where do we do it?

Obviously we no longer have DLive and DTube, and 3Speak is video content only with no streaming capability. Then there is Cast Garden which from travelling around the Hive pathways I must admit I haven't found too many users talking or posting about this particular platform. Having looked over the site it looks like a solid streaming platform but it's important to note that it is not exclusive to Hive, and is a platform for Fediverse, Nostr and Dero users as well.


Therefore for me the obvious choice would be to use the newly created HiveStreams.Live platform, created and owned by @sircork. It has been extensively integrated into the Hive blockchain with more integration on the way. The name is clever and to the point, you do not need to question what HiveStreams.Live is about or what it does, it's clearly written on the label!


Right now there is already a tipping function built into HiveStreams which enables a user to send tips in the form of Hive and HBD directly and immediately to the streamer during a live show. You can also send any token from Hive-Engine. In order to make this possible all the streamer has to do is opt in to set up their page to ensure the tipping function is fully integrated.

Once a stream has ended the video can be stored on site while being replayed on 3speak, so streamers can then monetise their recorded stream. This serves as a meaningful interaction with 3speak, providing them with even more Hive specific content. It's a mutually beneficial engagement in many ways.


There is of course a comprehensive chat function built in to HiveStreams.Live to maximise audience engagement. This function is powered through Hive logins so you know exactly who you are talking to.

Another neat option streamers can take advantage of are the subscription tiers, much in the style of Patreon. Here you can be very creative with your subscription packages with what you intend to offer your viewers in return for them buying a subscription. Subscriptions can be paid for in HBD only because of the peg, which is ideal because that way you can ensure stability with subscription prices.

One of the other very useful functions HiveStreams.Live has built into the platform is the option to publish a post directly onto the Hive blockchain to inform Hivians a live stream is starting, this can be done directly from HiveStreams. This is the latest add on and there is still some development needed for it to be fully operational, but that's on the way soon.

HiveStreams.Live and Hive Integration

HiveStreams.Live has a lot to offer. It's new and fresh and has a ton of Hive integration already there waiting to be used. It is fertile ground for growing a new Hive hub for all of us to come together again, hang out, share stories, learn from each other again, chat shit and have some fun.We need to seriously consider building this kind of replacement for MSP Waves.

We have a solid Hivian in @sircork who was instrumental in the creation and development of MSP Waves and who has now built HiveStreams.Live. He is determined to make HiveStreams work, with a strong commitment to continuing development.

We have the tools necessary now to re-establish a new central focus for community relations. We need a new reinvigorated live stream base so we can bring the community together and solidify the Hive experience in order to push the Hive brand out there. We need people who aren't afraid of the camera, we need people who enjoy talking to others and sharing with us their talents.

We Need You

Are you funny? An aspiring comedian? Are you into making music and want more exposure? Do you like talking with others and interviewing people? Massively into gaming? Do you have creative writing skills and want to share a story? Are you a crypto expert or enthusiast keen to share your pearls of wisdom? Do you like fucking on camera?! If you answer yes to any of these questions then get in contact and make yourself known.

Also if you are just simply interested in streaming, broadcasting or hosting shows get in contact as well so we can start planning ways forward with this. This proposal is seriously doable and has the potential to return an important and valuable service back to the Hive community. If you have any thoughts or ideas please share them.

Let's get this show on the road!



Well I definitely really appreciate this post for many reasons! Thank you!

But I must clarify. This:

Once a stream has ended the video can be stored on site while being replayed on 3speak, so streamers can then monetise their recorded stream. This serves as a meaningful interaction with 3speak, providing them with even more Hive specific content. It's a mutually beneficial engagement in many ways.

doesn't exist yet, directly anyway. Users can self-record their streams locally on their own side and upload to 3speak right now, for sure! But integration where that is in anyway automatic is still several weeks or more away. Possibly more, for technical reasons, but in general, sure you can save and upload to 3speak, its just manually handled right now by the streamer user for sure.

Otherwise, yes, tipping in coins and tokens works, patreon style membership tiers and subscriptions work. rudimentary auto-going-live post is optional and in place with much more to come around control and templating for that. And so on. It's all useful today, but its incrementally improving every day.

Thanks for the thorough coverage though. I too missed the communal feeling of gathering in live chats with others while watching a shared event unfold live. It's good to be able to have that again now for everyone on Hive, not just selected community members anymore.

See you all in the streams!

Great post and a wonderful application which @sircork has created!

Hopefully my sailing experience can be live streamed and captured. Planning on going towards a vlog as opposed to my blog postings at present.

Hey man this sounds great, for two reasons. It would be brilliant to see you live stream from your boat. And secondly I am desperate to buy a boat. Do you sail much?

My sailing experience started in my youth when crewing on my Father's 32' Acadian Yawl. Took the beginner's CYA course at around 15 or so. We used to race over a few seasons. Bought my own small day sailer for a season before hitting the hippie backpacking trails and leaving sailing behind for some time.

Thought it would be a good hobby to return to in my retirement years. When searching the internet after reading about countless boats one caught my eye in Scarboroug, Ontario. Came up to Scarborough from my home province of Nova Scotia and purchased a Cabot-36.

Sailed for a weekend with an instructor and then he and his fine Lady sailed with me from Scarborough to Kingston over three days where more crew joined me.

We have been sailing pretty much everyday since leaving Scarborough with her. There was a layover in Kingston for some sail repair. We are now a day out of Quebec city.


That's great you have all that sailing experience. Sailing is a truly wonderful thing to get involved in. Are you still on the boat? Do you kind of live on it for part of the year?

I live in an area with a lot of water around me, and I am always seeing the yachts and cruisers sailing in and out of the marina to and from the estuary. It makes me very envious, I so desperately want a boat!

It's quite a unique experience being out on the water, I don't need to tell you that. For me there is a freedom on the water that you can not get anywhere else.

Are you still on the boat? Do you kind of live on it for part of the year?

In July a boat attracted my attention on the internet. It was for sale in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. There was such a connection to the boat, as she was from the vintage which was the same time as most of my previous sailing had been done. Coming from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Scarborough due diligence was made to have a survey done; yet it appeared obvious to me at first sighting that this was the boat for me.

My house just closed on its sale yesterday so this is my floating condominium now. 😃

It would be nice to sail south after hurricane season is over in the Caribbean. That will depend on the crew that can be mustered.

"Blimey Seaman- ye dornt havs tae givs yer awards back! But it's a noble gesture! Canty tae hav ye oan boord the mighty Frigate Silverton!" 😉 -Keptin

Well hello there sailor, you seem like an interesting chap. How are you? I won't lie I am somewhat baffled by your comment and language. Am I to understand you are inviting me to join some kind of voyage on the Frigate Silverton? If so how could I possibly resist.

Thanks for sharing this! I have in program to make some live streams in the future, while composing, just chatting or maybe djing - don't know if it would cause copyright infringement though.
So what better place to start if not on Hive? I just need to consolidate my internet connection and I'm ready to go 😁

Oh I just literally responded to this in my previous comment to you on the other post, in relation to setting up a regular hangout or show using HiveStreams.Live. I now have my shiny new desktop computer set up with a high spec webcam and Bang & Olufsen speakers integrated! I'm a happy chap! So I am all set up and good to go now. There's no need to worry about copyright infringement as I have been speaking with @sircork and he assures me it's all covered and there should not be any issues.

Well, what I actually said was, I'll let anything fly until it endangers my legal life, or financial life as the sole operator of the website. If I get letters from lawyers or law enforcement, the stream gets informed to stop doing whatever it is and if they do so, cool, if not, they get blocked from using the site.

I'm just a regular guy who made a website. Not gonna catch charges or fines on somebody else's behalf. So make your own content, don't steal other people's and you'll probably be fine.

Yeah sure that makes sense. But doing cover versions of copyrighted songs, so long as it's obvious it is someone simply covering a song in their own style, wouldn't have any legal implications would it?

Based on anecdotal youtube observation, that seems to be somewhat subjective. I don't think covers are an issue, but some artists and IP owners seem to. Your mileage (or kilometerage?) may vary.

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