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RE: Proposal to Unite the Diverse Communities Of Hive

in #hive6 months ago

Well I definitely really appreciate this post for many reasons! Thank you!

But I must clarify. This:

Once a stream has ended the video can be stored on site while being replayed on 3speak, so streamers can then monetise their recorded stream. This serves as a meaningful interaction with 3speak, providing them with even more Hive specific content. It's a mutually beneficial engagement in many ways.

doesn't exist yet, directly anyway. Users can self-record their streams locally on their own side and upload to 3speak right now, for sure! But integration where that is in anyway automatic is still several weeks or more away. Possibly more, for technical reasons, but in general, sure you can save and upload to 3speak, its just manually handled right now by the streamer user for sure.

Otherwise, yes, tipping in coins and tokens works, patreon style membership tiers and subscriptions work. rudimentary auto-going-live post is optional and in place with much more to come around control and templating for that. And so on. It's all useful today, but its incrementally improving every day.

Thanks for the thorough coverage though. I too missed the communal feeling of gathering in live chats with others while watching a shared event unfold live. It's good to be able to have that again now for everyone on Hive, not just selected community members anymore.

See you all in the streams!