Closing statement regarding the current SPL proposal (and all others for the future)

in #hive7 months ago

First off, let me state how hilarious it is to me to even have to do that. Voting on Hive should never come with personal consequences or a need to explain oneself. But here we are, some people seem to point to me as the single one reason why the proposal hasn't passed. Which is funny, because it actually did despite my voting preference, before the recent drama erupted.


I want Hive to be operated as professionally as possible. Imagine going to a bank, asking for a loan, but not presenting a plan how the money will be used. You'd be insane to attack the bank or clerk and spread misinformation about them for refusing the loan. Now add to this that we're not talking about a loan, or even an investment, but pretty much a gift. It has been suggested by several community members that the DHF will receive some equity in the company, but that has been ignored completely so far.

Splinterlands is a for-profit venture. They have income streams, and it can be assumed that the owners/stakeholders take profits when possible. They had some serious mismanagement in the past, and hit a hard place. That's business life, and it's not the responsibility of Hive to fix it.
Crypto started because banks that took too many risks were bailed out. And now we're supposed to repeat the same thing here? On a smaller scale for sure, but relatively still significant. The request equals >0.5% of the total market capitalization of Hive.
I will not condone the capitalist mantra of "privatize profits, socialize losses", ever.

Nobody will change my mind on this, no matter how much pressure they exert. By defunding my witness in retaliation, all you do is demotivate me from working on my own projects, for which I have never went to the DHF, and don't plan to. I'm happy to contribute in multiple ways to Hive, and the witness position to me is a sign of appreciation and trust. I'm in crypto since 12 years, it's not about the 2-3k a month a top witness is paid.

The last update didn't add anything of substance, it read more like "a couple hundred k between friends don't matter". So, I'm done with this proposal. Waiting for the next one to evaluate.

To end on a constructive note, here some suggestions for future proposals - SPL or others:

  • write a professional business plan. Numbers matter. We strive to be trustless, but in situations where trust is needed, provide something to build it on
  • if you don't know the exact expenses yet, start with a smaller proposal which can be evaluated on its merits through meaningful data
  • if you're a for-profit venture, try to offer a kickback or equity to the DHF

I hope my position is clear to everyone now, and we can move on to more productive issues. Please support my witness, and if you have some spare time check out if you might want to contribute some writing to /


Is there a “professional” business plan on why people should vote your witness.

Is there a cost breakdown how you spent the money from your witness earning?

I like to see that. Also historically over the last 6 years that I have supported your witness.

Many thanks.

PS. I have gone to banks and applied for loans in the past. I am aware how documents requirements are.

I have gone to banks and applied for loans in the past. I am aware how documents requirements are.

So why do you think less would be okay here? And why do you think it's okay to retaliate when the application is denied due to a lack of information?

Is there a “professional” business plan on why people should vote your witness.

Is there a cost breakdown how you spent the money from your witness earning?

You're comparing apples to oranges. There will always be 20 top witnesses, and it's up to you who you regard the most trustable and competent to fill these spots.
Way to show you have no idea what the responsibilities of a witness are.

I know it is not done for any witnesses. However I do believe running a witness is also a for profit endeavor, because if it is not then there is no incentive to run the witness.

I believe, hive consumer and stakeholders, someone like me are exploited on a daily basis. By witnesses by proposal makers who are also witnesses. I also think we don't have a voice. Some of the oligarchy that is hive doesn't care what the consumer thinks or wants.

Great, just ignore my questions. Blocked here too, you're insufferable.

I have not ignored any questions. The explanation were provided on the SL proposal. Yes, it is not to your satisfaction. So your decision is acceptable.

There were other requests too from other major hive stakeholders, for example, having a hive logo and message on landing page.

That is created.


Blocking people is a personal choice. I am an expert in that trade. Many thanks.

Will we move on? From the side it looks like kids in the playground. He doesn't want to support proposal for now, no point to publicly try to convince him, just re-group bring on new plan and hope that some people will change their mind - is it hard to understand?

This is a public discussion in a public forum. You can choose not to participate. Is that correct?

Sure you did.


Instead of staying on topic, you invent some requirement for witnesses to break down cost.

Sorry I missed that. No it shouldn’t be different.

However, it has also been done here in the past and happening now. Is that right? No.

Should there be “retaliation”? No. Of course not. But as you said people can choose.

forgive me, but i think both of you can be partially correct. you have good points about the game thing, i havent looked at their balance sheet but maybe it is a bit of a money blackhole, and azircon does kind of have a point about witnesses holding public roles in dpos systems, at least in terms of expected levels of transparency and such. i do think that cost outlays etc are relatively basic asks, and i vaguely remember other witnesses doing cost breakdowns.

Maybe an awesome summer is distracting me but I missed the drama and will have to check it out a little closer.

I believe we want all kinds of for profit companies finding a home on hive for their businesses and projects. The communities and members can become digital venture capitalists if they wish or decide not to. For sure the DHF should NOT be used to prop up failing ventures (like the banks were) but that didn’t appear to be what was proposed.

You have never been anything but an accessible leader acting as a steward for hive with your own skill and strengths as far as I have ever seen and leaders all agreeing with each other mean some of them are redundant. Redundancy is good for risk mitigation but not so great for progress sometimes. So, strong people here are going to disagree sometimes and that is natural.

Don’t let destructive trolls and frustrated have-nots muddy the waters of debate among constructive people or have that damage your vision for hive and passion to build.

For sure the DHF should NOT be used to prop up failing ventures (like the banks were) but that didn’t appear to be what was proposed.

It's excatly that. The old management created a hole in their books, and they struggle to attract new users. Now they're asking for funds to resolve that situation.
Besides that, all they want to do with the money is some obscure marketing. I'm 90% sure that the issues the game faces go way beyond onboarding of new users. They didn't lose droves of old players (including me) due to onboarding issues. It's also not the cause for the value of their tokens tanking. Except if they're a pyramid scheme.

There are many people who invested a small fortune, and they’d love to get some money back. Which basically means the not so early adopters need newbies to dump their assets, and that’s what generates the onboarding pressure.

Pyramid scheme confirmed

Well, it is my impression based on conversation with several investors. There's a Czech guy who invested spent like 40k euro on cards, and I am quite sure he haven't got most of it back yet. Nobody buys cards in a mass scale now.

You are right, Pharesim.
But do you go far enough??

Eliminate Hivewatchers too! We didn't just APPEAR here one day.

We wanted to be FREE - ON PURPOSE! As a DELIBERATE request! As an actual OBJECTIVE!

Same with what you say above, of course."I will not condone the capitalist mantra of "privatize profits, socialize losses", ever." "Crypto started because banks that took too many risks were bailed out."

What you say is true and right, and I will not allow foolish insanity to usurp the actual objective of Hive, as if we were really that naive. As if we were REALLY that naive.

You have been amazingly astute in your assertions, observations and suggestions. I applaud your tenacity and resolve. That's relatively worthless coming from a has-been with nothing to offer but moral support, but I want to add my voice to the comments section to encourage you to continue being such a perceptive and passionate contributor to this ecosystem and chain. If enough small voices like mine support those in the position to speak truth to influencers then perhaps this place will eventually return to some of its now faded glory and potential.

Effectively you may have changed nothing since their flimsy proposal passed, but efficiently you have cemented yourself as a rational representative of the system and its people and their collective best interests.

I would encourage everyone to examine all such matters with the same level of logic and attention and care, and consider who you choose to govern this chain and be funded by it accordingly.

Which means I am tacitly suggesting to all who are reading to also consider each witness vote you cast, whale sized or sardine small, as your voice, and your votes on proposals should also be considered with such depth.

We are in this together, a single voice can be drowned, but much like storming area 51, they can't stop us all. Vote wisely my friends and seek examples like the one Pharesim has set in this latest controversy, to use as your guiding lights if you yourselves are uncertain as to how to navigate some of the issues crashing ashore here.

Don't vote for pure personality, vote for substance. In all things, witnesses, proposals or curation decisions - as those are the fundamental drivers of the future of this platform for everyone.

Thank you! Moral support means more than anything else to me in situations like this.

Effectively you may have changed nothing since their flimsy proposal passed

I expected nothing to change but actually the return proposal got stronger. Not only is SPL below the threshold now, we're also not spending $280/day for simple badges any more.

Well, I got moral support until I run out of RC again, then it's just mora...<user disconnected>

:P Cheers mate.

Can't let that happen - I'll delegate some

No need, I got some from some folks already but thanks Sir!

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because it actually did despite my voting preference

It got approved ?

For a while, yes. Which made aggy feel ballsy enough to start the conversation I publicized before.