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RE: Closing statement regarding the current SPL proposal (and all others for the future)

in #hive7 months ago

Is there a “professional” business plan on why people should vote your witness.

Is there a cost breakdown how you spent the money from your witness earning?

I like to see that. Also historically over the last 6 years that I have supported your witness.

Many thanks.

PS. I have gone to banks and applied for loans in the past. I am aware how documents requirements are.


I have gone to banks and applied for loans in the past. I am aware how documents requirements are.

So why do you think less would be okay here? And why do you think it's okay to retaliate when the application is denied due to a lack of information?

Is there a “professional” business plan on why people should vote your witness.

Is there a cost breakdown how you spent the money from your witness earning?

You're comparing apples to oranges. There will always be 20 top witnesses, and it's up to you who you regard the most trustable and competent to fill these spots.
Way to show you have no idea what the responsibilities of a witness are.

I know it is not done for any witnesses. However I do believe running a witness is also a for profit endeavor, because if it is not then there is no incentive to run the witness.

I believe, hive consumer and stakeholders, someone like me are exploited on a daily basis. By witnesses by proposal makers who are also witnesses. I also think we don't have a voice. Some of the oligarchy that is hive doesn't care what the consumer thinks or wants.

Great, just ignore my questions. Blocked here too, you're insufferable.

I have not ignored any questions. The explanation were provided on the SL proposal. Yes, it is not to your satisfaction. So your decision is acceptable.

There were other requests too from other major hive stakeholders, for example, having a hive logo and message on landing page.

That is created.


Blocking people is a personal choice. I am an expert in that trade. Many thanks.

Will we move on? From the side it looks like kids in the playground. He doesn't want to support proposal for now, no point to publicly try to convince him, just re-group bring on new plan and hope that some people will change their mind - is it hard to understand?

This is a public discussion in a public forum. You can choose not to participate. Is that correct?

Yes. Wish you great day :)

Sure you did.


Instead of staying on topic, you invent some requirement for witnesses to break down cost.

Sorry I missed that. No it shouldn’t be different.

However, it has also been done here in the past and happening now. Is that right? No.

Should there be “retaliation”? No. Of course not. But as you said people can choose.

However, it has also been done here in the past and happening now. Is that right? No.

I try to learn from past mistakes.

Should there be “retaliation”? No. Of course not. But as you said people can choose.

And you chose.
And then played stupid and expected me to explain the difference between a job and a grant to you. I know you're not that dense, your mission is clouding your judgement.

forgive me, but i think both of you can be partially correct. you have good points about the game thing, i havent looked at their balance sheet but maybe it is a bit of a money blackhole, and azircon does kind of have a point about witnesses holding public roles in dpos systems, at least in terms of expected levels of transparency and such. i do think that cost outlays etc are relatively basic asks, and i vaguely remember other witnesses doing cost breakdowns.

There's a fixed amount of (top) witness positions, which will always be filled. Their job is to make sure that the chain is running, and that all transactions are included. This is what they're paid to do. Anything on top of that is voluntary.
Yes, it might make sense to choose your votes according to what the individual contributes to the ecosystem, especially when they're in the higher ranks. But how much additional work besides running the servers can you realistically expect for ~$2k a month?

The comparison doesn't make any sense at all.