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RE: What is PeakD Snaps?

in #hive8 days ago

Unlike other options, you can also filter by just users you follow and those who have interacted with those you follow

Instead of building this again from scratch & funded, wouldn't it be advised to improve the existing dApp which also funded?

Wouldn't it be called waste of funding?


Improve which dApp?

I don't know. You pick one. There are some.

LeoThreads, Ecency Waves, etc. which are funded to build the same things.

via Inbox

Leo's funding is for onboarding/marketing not their dApp.
Ecency has been funded for a while but I honestly know very little of it.

I know PeakD team tries to make things platform agnostic so other projects can use their features whenever they can. I have a lot of respect for that.

Yep as Marky said - LEO gets 0 funding for development

The cost of development is and always has been bootstrapped

I do agree it's a waste of dev funding to build what has already been built 🤷🏽‍♂️

People seem to enjoy their sandboxes

To me, this is worth funding because the execution (usability, speed, UX) is significantly better than any of the others.

I'm biased towards @peakd projects because they tend to build "for the rest of us," not just "tech bros and developers building for other tech bros and developers." And that matters, if Hive is to ever get traction outside the tiny niche it currently occupies...