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RE: Lies, misinformation, fake news and general lunacy // The Alex Jones case

in #hive2 years ago

Yeah, it's all just misplaced intentions and flawed governments, compounded by my ignorance and insincerity.
Wish I could be like you and know everything.
I just have problems with willful ignorance and self righteous narcissism.
Somehow I can't bring myself to ignore documented facts and real world events and write them off as coincidence or incompetence because the truth would shatter my ego and view of how I want to believe the world works.

Every person has the right to equal justice under the law.
This case is about setting a precedent to strip dissenting voices of their civil rights and due process.

You may believe the defendants are guilty according to the things you have seen and heard, but there was no jury or trial by evidence, there was no guilty verdict on defamation according to the facts. There was a default by a judge that was used as precedent in both cases (TX,CT) and show trial hearings for amounts meant to destroy the network, which along with every other aspect of the case have been lied about and misrepresented in the media. In TX there is a cap of 5 million on damages but the media reported 50 million in punitive damages, which doesn't go to the plaintiffs.

You seem to believe peoples' rights should be dependent upon your judgements, according to your personal opinions about them, according to your world view and what you read on Google. That is the most ridiculously naive response I have heard in a while btw "Google it". Is Google rigging the algorithms a conspiracy theory as well?

You frame your argument as should "we" do this or should "we" do that. Individual rights aren't conveyed by the masses or majority rule, they are inherent to each individual, No person has any authority, morally or otherwise to decide that my beliefs are not allowed or I don't have the right to express my beliefs because they are contrary to the majority. Where does that begin and end? Do you decide for all of us what is truth and what is not. Are you willing to conform when your beliefs are deemed lies and misinformation?

I completely disagree with your perspective on this issue.
I do however appreciate you raising the topic, it is of the ultimate importance.
Your opinion of me personally is of no concern.
Regardless of your cavalier dismissal of the obvious facts of our current reality, the assault on the individual liberties is real and escalating exponentially, and should be of grave concern to those who value their freedom and humanity and are willing to accept the truth.

I hope you have as much zeal for promoting accountability when the facts about Covid and the shots can no longer be hidden.