Well, I'm not quite aware of how folks organize things here. I've chosen some tags, at least one aligns with a community I think, but just chose the My Blog
category. I'm hoping it's a good restart.
Actually, I'm hoping I'm actually able to post this. The first time around that wasn't possible, since I didn't have enough HIVE or HBD, or something along those lines...
Well, here goes :)
Following my tenure as a contract engineer with GoDaddy I went up almost a thousand miles North of Los AngelesJeremiah Johnson in those mountains until I was evacuated, narrowly escaping incineration. to Humboldt to wire up (wireless up, actually, with Ubiquiti Nanostation radios) a friend's 160 acre mountain property with various types of cameras so she could monitor the entire area remotely using a #FOSS product called #Shinobi. I was enthralled with the beauty of the harsh, virgin wilderness of the mountainous landscape, redwoods, wildlife, and isolated solace of the area. I spent over six years there, 4 years of it completely off-grid and basically living like
My luscious garden from which I derived much delicious sustenance from the rich mountain soil in the geographically remote wilderness of Humboldt. My beautiful cabin (lost in the August Complex fires) is in the background - completely #off-grid, with solar powered battery banks, inverter system, gasoline and diesel gensets, and a #Stanley wood fired stove/oven/water exchange heater (I also had a propane on-demand water heater).
Initially, while still living up north, I literally stumbled upon HIVE while researching and evaluating different blockchains and cryptocurrencies for utility - not speculation/tradingliterally know nothing about gaming), but was already aware of memo.cash
and read.cash
.. I've been using several cryptocurrencies as actual money in everyday commerce for buying and selling goods and services for quite a while (NOT Bitcoin or Ethereum), but never engaging in any sort of #gamification, wasn't impressed with #NFTs, or other uses that #blockchain technology is also used for. I dabbled some in the past w/LBRY but that ended up being less than fulfilling following the shift to Odysee, and then searching for other streaming solutions HIVE just kind of fell into my lap. I know nothing about Steem (or is it Steam?), gaming (I really,
I've been a longtime #FOSSie, advocating for the adoption of free and open source software for about three decades now, a stalwart supporter and zealot of #privacy conscious computing, working diligently towards bringing awareness of insidious data mining practices to the average, everyday person in their day to day online activities.
A friend of mine has created a popular #ActivityPub powered #Fediverse publishing platform, written in #Rust that features cryptocurrency enabled, subscription based blog and news authoring - think #Substack but without the intervention of big credit card companies. To this degree, I'm gleaning that the HIVE community is similarly juxtapositioned in the blockchain space of social networking. I find that impressive.
Winters could be extremely brutal for a native #SoCal boi ;) Especially considering that I had little experience actually living in a place that could get waste deep in snow, and my wood furnace would, in the winter, only get the cabin up to about 47 degrees. People in Minnesota or Alberta will probably chuckle when I lament 17 degree weather, but to me, having grown up along the beaches of #SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia where it's often mid-seventies at the beach in the winter, it's my belief that water freezes below 60 degrees 😜 During these months, I was almost always completely sequestered, with the nearest humans being more than five miles away, and not seeing anyone for often six weeks at a time.
A particularly dramatic view from my backyard on a particularly serene day. The Pacific Ocean is about 35 miles off in the distance, which I was never actually able to really see, but at times, I could, and did, imagine that I could. Human contact and interaction is absolutely necessary for people. Your mind starts doing really funky stuff after prolonged periods of no contact with other people, and living #off-grid certainly is nothing like what you see on YouTube with those folks having camera crews in tow and helicopters delivering their building materials.
(from which I'm working at the moment), Hive.Blog
, and PeakD
Being someone who enjoys leveraging #Markdown in #publishing and software documentation related activities, I'm now researching in earnest the differences between some of the HIVE platforms such as in that regard. Their featureful editors are truly a joy to use, rivalling that of #WordPress, #Ghost, and a limited few others, but without having to concern myself with the vagaries of #SEO or other industry considerations. Perhaps the best part is that people don't even need HIVE accounts in order to visit links and read content.
Fun with #chainsaws in the rain - bucking up and splitting logs is a never ending chore, much better when it's cool outside. This huge oak was felled under it's own weight after a good soaking over several days.
cookbook styleOf primary interest here is being able to publish just everyday IRL stuffs, providing help through publishing articles, #Howtos, and #Tutorials on using and self-hosting FOSS based software, as well as just finding my potential place engaging the community here and making friends in the process.
Feel free to boostprivacy mining, deprecated monolithic silos like Faceplant, InstaSpam, Twitter, and Reddit so long ago. When I have to share things from YouTube and other data mining platforms, I almost always try to sanitize those linkstrack you and disrespect your privacy. this article, or maybe it's called reblogging here at HIVE? I'm used to the terminology we use in the #Fediverse, having abandoned those with tools like #Invidious, #Teddit, #Nitter, Etc., so that the things I will share with you cannot
I'm back in #SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia again after more than six years, and have the time at my disposal to pursue these community focused pursuits - my way of giving back to everyone... in between my excursions hunting down #sheepshead and #calico_bass in the #kelp_beds at the bottom of the cliffs that are walking distance from my home along the coast; they make for yummy fish fry's and barbeques after a relaxing day of #spearfishing.
Hermosa Beach, California. It just doesn't get much better than this!
Pascal Snake CaseI like to use #hashtags a lot too in the course of writing what I'm going to publish, and have noticed that my "" style of joining tagged items with underscores isn't supported here, but I don't expect that I'll change that idiosyncrasy of mine ;) Being old school, I also incorporate #emoticons, and I'm glad that this platform doesn't try to convert those into emoji's, which I also like to put into the mix.
Please Do hit me up if you have any info on that sort of thing, okay?I can't remember which HIVE platform source I found at one of the popular #Git repos but I might even like to spin up my own to spread the wealth around a little bit. If I do, I'll certainly be sure to publish a detailed #HowTo on that for folks who might be inclined to #self-host their own as well.
My homeward journey to the #South_Bay was undertaken Memorial Day weekend. When I awoke on that morning in my new bed, lying prone and looking up through my bedroom window, this was the view awaiting me. I laid there for a time admiring those eight, some seemingly a hundred feet high, towering palm trees, taking it all in and feeling such a relief knowing I was back in my homeland... Then it suddenly occurred to me: I hadn't actually seen a palm tree in almost 7 years! 🌴
One thing that is kind of eluding me however, and which I am pleasantly surprised by, I've noted that HIVE enjoys participation from a very large sector of regular, everyday peopleand it is very good to see :), which is a bit surprising because the Fediverse has experienced what many have complained is a steep learning curve by onboarders; many folks have stated they just don't understand the #decentralization model there, while to me, I would think that a higher barrier to onboarding would have been managing several key pairs attached to their identities here at HIVE, yet that just doesn't seem to be the case -
I also see that one can create a community group themselves too, and I don't see one that neatly fits into the niche for some of the topical publishing and conversation that I'm looking forward to, so maybe I could get a little guidance on how that works too?
My next post might be a somewhat comprehensive article, or part of a series, on my saga that took me all the way to #Humboldt, California, and ultimately, brought me back home after that phenomenal sojourn of many years.
Why is this so? Because when you trust the users who pay for such works, they tend to respect that confidence placed in them and help to protect the works by adhering to the terms of the licenses they're asked to respect. So when you purchase books and music, etc., I hope you'll consider taking a few moments to ensure that you give your business to outlets that show you the respect that you deserve too, without such draconian impositions placed upon you - I'm just sayin'.Yeah... Digital Rights Management. Research studies and polls have overwhelmingly shown that #DRM encoded media, such as books and audio-visual, and music products are much more likely to be pirated when they're encoded with this draconian technology. There are actually collectives of people who go out of their way to do so, and even distributed those DRM stripped works far and wide, just to spite those technologically amoral restrictions.
Until then, I think I'm going to play with the different editors on the HIVE platforms and test out the superior inline image posting I've noticed, and so maybe I should end up with a question and ask if anyone knows how (and if it's possible) to include Alt-tagsI think it's important to include those for our less sighted readership - so... how do I include those with uploaded images in my articles? Can I just code that into the links in Markdown? for #A11Y accessibility.
To contact me directly, I can be reached anytime at the following places:
Matrix: @tallship:matrix.org
XMPP: [email protected]
(Use OMEMO, please - I do)
Fediverse: @[email protected]
On the Web at: https://CointTr.ee/tallship
Well, it's time to close now, and so I'll do so, wishing all the very best for everyone, in health and happiness,
Ahhhh happy ol Humbolt eh...Lucky you.
Unfortunately never got there in my time living in SF, but some of the 'locals' came down to me at the Green Tortoise....😁...
Your cabin reminds me of one I almost moved into at the back of Ajax Mountain in Colorado...but then coming from Australia and experiencing THAT degree of fucking freezing...NO thanks so off to sunny SF (Until the 4pm flog blew in every arvo...)
Great intro and I'm very interested myself in knowing what most of your abbreviations mean...like FOSSie..etc...
And also don't forget that there are soo many communities in the Hive, you have a never ending bucket of content at your fingertips, from the clouds to the flowers to the fungi, markets, reflections, shadows, feathered friends and more...it's all there for you to dive into.
So don't forget to look up, look around, look down, around and at yourself and enjoy.
I myself prefer PeakD....
To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please add the link to your Hive blog to your well-established social media account like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (which has not been recently created).
After you add the link, please respond to this comment with the URL link to that website.
You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.
Thank you.
Mas Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup
What if you do not maintain such an established account (twitter, Insta, FB)? I do not understand this request.
What is this request supposed to do?
If someone sets up a hive account, then they are already in the possession of the different keys, aren't they? Why must they then confirm that they are who they are in advance/in general? Isn't that something which becomes only interesting in a case where someone already committed plagiarism/spam?
I would appreciate an explanation. Thank you.
P.S. I have read the given link of yours. Still, it does not make sense to me under this particular blog why you ask for verification since the blogger has posted quite a long story and pictures of himself. If you do not believe that its his pictures and his story from the outset, it really sounds strange that he shall give you reassurance ...?
@erh.germany , IMNSHO, What the pseudonymous @hivewatcher is requesting of me amounts to no less than privacy mining under a thinly veiled threat of duress, attempting to force one to relinquish their privacy.
I've had this account for a while now. made a few introductory posts, and after a time where I have actually chronicled the reasons for in my recent posts, returned again to attempt to publish articles of my choosing to share with others.
I think I'm going to have to state authoritatively in my profile here that from now on, all published works, unless I expressly state otherwise, are licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0, for my own protection. I often do not feel the need to do so but I come back after a few days because I was unable to post, boost, like, reply, or tip anyone, and find no less than two (so far) threatening letters to myself.
I WILL NOT remove the threatening posts by this person or role account - I want them to stand in perpetuity and will continue to link to it as an example reference of harrassment on the HIVE platform - not a good look, that bozo could have DM/PM'd me or contacted me via one of my official contact methods - All of which are readily available via my profile here.
To be certain, "tallship" is NOT even a pseudonym - it is a handle that I have used for decades! and I always make sure that there are easy breadcrumbs for anyone to follow so that they can contact me IRL - My actual legal name and even my business address are prominently, and publicly published, in case people need to reach me for contract network engineering or enterprise systems administration or to purchase hosting services from me.
I doubt that one could say the same for the person stalking me, and it prolly wouldn't be very good for them anyway considering how much they've pissed me off right now. They wanna publicly humiliate someone? I'm the WRONG person to harass. Bad decision. Very bad. They should remain pseudonymous under the auspices of their role account and leave this alone. Publicity can be a very bad thing and I'm actually a published author in several high profile and heavily trafficked news media outlets over that past few decades.
And if I wanna post pictures of myself god dammit that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Thank you for your concern. I myself indeed share those same concerns - No one should be forced to be privacy mined!
Bradley D. Thornton
Manager Network Services
NorthTech Computer
That is actually a good idea.
It was easy to look up your blog and what you posted to see where you put up how one can get in touch with you.
Since Hive promotes itself to be a decentralized platform and censorship-resistant, these kinds of approaches are very irritating for a newcomer who is also here because he does not want to have accounts at fb, twitter, insta etc.
One cannot automatically assume that account holders are mainstream and should not communicate it that way if it is not to be at odds with other advertising. Professionalism dictates that it should be left open where someone maintains other accounts. Otherwise, the whole thing takes on the obviousness with which one must have a bank account in order to draw one's salary, for example. To be "other than that" is the proclaimed goal of the crypto people.
Well, you'll see how things go here if you stick with it long enough. Here, as elsewhere, conflicts are the order of the day. Not that there is nothing to learn from them, quite the opposite.
Assume that those who want to keep the role of plagiarism and verification processes in order here are not per se experienced people who have themselves run a company or a team before. It sometimes seems to me that they are inexperienced when it comes to this and learn by their mistakes (or so I hope).
We not only deal with plagiarism or spam but also with identity theft/deception.
Since this account has used photos that show a certain person, we need to verify that no identity has been stolen.
Hive is being constantly abused with accounts that steal identities. Last week there were more than 50 confirmed identity thefts that were reported to us.
This account failed verification requests and the post looks like a copy of a post from some other platform. For example, it uses a lot of copied tags that have nothing to do with Hive tags.
@hivewatcher, "I", am that certain person in the photo to which you refer - it should be obvious to anyone reading the article about myself.
You have threatened me with coercion, attempting to force me to be data mined for my privacy and that borders on the criminal - it is illegal for you to compel someone to give you the keys to their private life - this is why the deprecated, monolithic silo systems like #Faceplant and #InstaSPAM are consistently in so much trouble. I'm not going to school you on current events, ignorance of them is no excuse on your part.
I came here to participate in a community of friendly people, but I'm not subjugated chattel either. The hashtags that I choose to use are ALWAYS relevant to the subject matter I am writing about.
You're efforts might be better spent on affecting easy support for accessibility (A11Y), such as easy alt image tag insertion for image files so that the less sighted numbering among us can more fully enjoy and participate themselves.
I'm going to say this just one time and then subpoenas will start dropping - leave me the fuck alone and do not darken my doorstep again. I will tolerate no further harassment from you. If official communication is needed - my contact methods are prominently published here in my profile, but have someone with considerably more tact and sensitivity do so, coz you're an asshat.
Good day.
There are numerous communities here under which name you can publish. Since some of them are already very well established it makes sense to publish content under their umbrellas, in order to be found and read. You find them when you click on "posts" on the hive frontend. I do not know it for ecency or peakd (which seem both being used in high numbers).
To create an own community without much hive power is difficult or will not be successful unless you find other people who will support you with delegations or advertisement for your community on their own blogs or community-sites.
If what you have in mind is really such a niche or not already visible topic, you might gain the interest of the crowd over time.
P.S. It's a habit that you put underneath a posting that all used pictures are either yours or name the source where you have them from, if they are not yours.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(4/5) @janasilver tipped @usms