@hivewatcher, "I", am that certain person in the photo to which you refer - it should be obvious to anyone reading the article about myself.
You have threatened me with coercion, attempting to force me to be data mined for my privacy and that borders on the criminal - it is illegal for you to compel someone to give you the keys to their private life - this is why the deprecated, monolithic silo systems like #Faceplant and #InstaSPAM are consistently in so much trouble. I'm not going to school you on current events, ignorance of them is no excuse on your part.
I came here to participate in a community of friendly people, but I'm not subjugated chattel either. The hashtags that I choose to use are ALWAYS relevant to the subject matter I am writing about.
You're efforts might be better spent on affecting easy support for accessibility (A11Y), such as easy alt image tag insertion for image files so that the less sighted numbering among us can more fully enjoy and participate themselves.
I'm going to say this just one time and then subpoenas will start dropping - leave me the fuck alone and do not darken my doorstep again. I will tolerate no further harassment from you. If official communication is needed - my contact methods are prominently published here in my profile, but have someone with considerably more tact and sensitivity do so, coz you're an asshat.
Good day.