The general user are the one who provide most of the content.

For the so much going on. I can see there needs to be a lot of work done for various reasons and various outcomes.
I see the next 10 - 11 weeks as a preparation period for Hive to become workable. My personal opinion is now is not a god time to be bringing new members to the platform.
Too many things do not work on a daily basis. Something seems to always need to be looked at and corrected. With logging in, uploading images, posting. The various methods available to log in not working regularly.
Disclosure of the directions being taken for the future of the chain are non existent for the best part. There is no format for disclosure of these things except through Discussion seems to be avoided. When it does happen in the general chat of Hive server. It is not done with any professionalism. More to a manner accept what I say and do not question what is said.
Governance. What changes are being looked at for this. For the voting system that elect those to governance, why is this topic avoided? Control over governance was the main reason for the fork, yet this topic is avoided and I can only surmise this is governance not wanting to lose control over those positions.
To this I will add, one proposed system to alter the voting system of providing more votes to create an over lap. This is doomed to centralise the governance. Big stake does not vote to a wide range of witness and limits its vote to few to maintain control over governance, extra vote will not change that. If high stakes used all votes there would be a more equal witness vote now.On-boarding new member to the platform now would be disastrous. With all the Steem drama currently about Steem and Justin Sun constantly being brought up in chats. That drama needs to stop and people need to move on and focus on more positive things. Throwing out negativity about Steem says nothing positive about Hive. Only shows a butt hurt mentality and blame of things on someone else.
There seems to be a reliance on just one API. If something is not working the solution seems to be to change the API to anyx. Because that seems to work with most things. We need most things if not all things to be working no matter what API is being used.
Crypto Excahnge:
Disapicord Servers
Hive Block chain Server:
Hive was spawned quite early due to potential risks of staying on Steem, which is why things are not always working and need regular attention. There is a lot of work remaining to do and the team is putting a lot of effort. We are also learning how to all work together as this is the first time that the whole ecosystem is now handled by the blockchain users instead of a commercial entity.
My response to your points:
@jackmiller has got me to log into Gitlab and begin learning how Gitlab works. Something totally new to me.
In every thing you have said though, it does confirm a theory of mine that we need to invest Hive to ensure Hive blockchain is successful long term.
I agree. I hope this will all happen naturally over time.
That is kind of why I got restless and started making content attempting to organize it all, but what a task!
I look forward to doing what I can to create a "soft landing" and looking at ways of keeping people around before worrying too much focus of "onboarding" as well.
Hopefully things are just teething issues
I am just as guilty of it as anyone.
I think the added stress of what is going on in the world certainly doesnt help to ease tensions.
The image issue was sort of talked about, and was somewhat expected.
"Official account for the Hive Blockchain A blockchain built for the community, by the community. #HiveIsAlive". The recorded chat may have been somewhat dry to a non tech person like myself, but I did get some stuff out of it, example being them mentioning the work on the image servers.@hiveio - that is the main account for Hive things per their history and their tag
This is the account that is trying to keep people informed, it is the main account for the group that started the Hive Fork. Surprisingly only 741 accounts are following it. On April 20th will be the next chat, I don't know when, but I do know I will listen to it.
From the last recording, the first Hard Fork is going to be soon, it is going to be the finalization of the airdrop and I guess at that point Hive will be 100% split from steem. I am looking forward to that. Here is the direct link to the post for those that missed it - - -It is toward the finish up they mention the next meeting on the 20th.
API's are being added. @pharesim and a few others are adding nodes. So far a total of 5 API's are available for selection on peakd.
I think on the 20th the recording from that meeting we will have a bit more information on the direction and the leanings for the next Hard Fork, and up coming changes.
Peakd just did some updates and changes to the peaklock log in system, so a few people were having issues with it. Busy, esteem, and are also available when one front end is down.
HiveSigner has also had some upgrades, along with Hive Keychain. We are approaching week 4 we are also approaching the end of the Airdrop period, and the end of being tied to steem. The front end and key protectors are working hard to get things stabilized.
So far when I have needed help I have been able to get it pretty quickly through asking in/on a post, or dropping into discord. I actually think the people behind the fork and the people behind the tools are doing a pretty good job of keeping us updated. It is just a matter of learning where to go for those updates and a matter of being patient while they work on things.
I hope everyone will go and follow @hiveio account.
Disclosure I have absolutely nothing to do with any of the accounts mentioned. I am nothing but a normal everyday users
The issues are still there. Bringing anyone new to a platform when thins are breaking down. Puts out a negative vibe that will spread
I agree not a good time to bring people on board yet. But as a decentralized system the distribution of happenings, updates, and upgrades is always going to be a bit difficult to keep track of. There really is only that one official account @hiveio, and the only reason that is the official account is because that was the one created by the individuals that started the Hive Block Chain.
I really do not see things as breaking down, the image storage system upgrade was planned, a lot of people missed it because they did not listen to the chat that was recorded, or were present when it was live. The Hive Block Chain is in the process of finalizing the separation from Steem, it takes time, it is being done pretty much as far as I know by volunteers.