Rambling Roads.

in #hivelast month

Because it came to mind.

The Hive Name.png

Too much nonsense floating in the mind. Trying to find a way around something missing.

I notice even within the Hive eco-system itself. The brilliant things that have been done. We have an established stable token. The HBD that no one uses. None of the games use HBD. To buy cards you use HIVE or other alt tokens.

That's bloody backwards to my way of thinking. The use of HIVE with commerce is ridicules.

That's the trouble with Hive though, Too many fecking tunnels. Everyone wants the whole chain to travel in their tunnel. Everyone wants to have the main station. No one wants to build the rail line.

There's a thing, why do they call a rail line a rail road?

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In desperate need of a new computer to carry on. I have been saying that for about two years. The fans in the computer now are sounding bad and vibrating at times. It doesn't sound too good. The computer is about 12 years old or more. So replacing the fans is not a good option. The hardware will be outdated pretty soon.

The early worm gets the fish.

So a while back, few month. I came to the conclusion I had to find other ways to grow on HIVE. From my very limited view, the best potential I see at present for Hive comes from expansion of games and potential spin off's. More specifically from risingstargame. The avenues this game can take to the physical world far exceeds anything other games can do.

So I brought forth a thought from back when and suggested an account to support the game. It got an okay reception so I went ahead with it. Initially I was offering this thought up for others to use. I ended up to make the @gamesupport account.

This account doe s a daily post of cards it sends to the graveyard. The cards are purchased from the market and players of the game. The STARBITS to purchase the cards are also purchased from traders on the exchange. Providing two lines of revenue for game players and a decrease in circulating cards.

This does help players and the game.

Then I rethought the support with an orientation toward the player.

The expectation of membership is low. People in general in the Hive system are too used to free. The RS Card Club works to benefit members should they put something toward their growth.I came up with Rising Star Card Club. @rscardclub.

Membership might grow later as cards or better value grow in the account.
Restrictions are in place to prevent abuse and also to prevent one player grabbing all of the cards.

The club spends 700K STARBITS a week on cards.

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R S Card Club.

700k STARBITS is given from thehive account to purchase packs each week. This is given to guarantee some cards are gained by the account each week.@rscardclub

The account will post and use the claim to purchase more cards from the market. Targeting the rarer cards available. (Paused until after the Event start). Gaining some Specials from packs at the Event for members is a goal.

Some cards have been sent to the account for FA Specials older cards out of print and others. Just to have the account have some. More cards will be added each week.

Players can select 1 card per week from the rarer cards. This measure ensures cards are available for all players.

It would be nice for a group of players to decide on what the % reduction to a member should be.

Working with the COLT token on Tribaldex. I do think it is possible to have a 25% reduction cost of cards to members.

Unlike other games. Risingstar does not hog up your time. You can earn the tokens with a few clicks a day and use the tokens to buy the music. Music you won't get in other places.

If you are new to Risingstar. This club offers the best value you can get for your deck.

8 out of 10 cats said it's the cool cats club.

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Now for me. I have come to the understanding. It is hard for people to understand me. Or the way I talk does me no favours. To me it makes no difference. Many might hold that against me and say well if you won't change. Why would you expect change.

I do not expect change from others. I expect to possibly find someone who hears what I say and not how I speak.

At the end of the day. There are people on Hive who say, they have the best interests of the chain at heart. They list the things preventing this from happening. Continue to make postings about what they want to see happen.

They do nothing to make things happen. If they make things happen. They have nothing left to post about.

Show me who brings about avenues for Hive to be used in daily interactions.

We have a Biden administration in control of Hive. Say what sounds good to reach an objective. Actions never follow.

But then, that's me and I have never seen anyone do me better than me.

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Free to play:

Music game: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=thehive Rising Star. Discord. https://discord.gg/dbB6Jc7


Get involved.


Integrated projects:

COLT token @gamesupport @silverquest


As of last year there is 2 new projects that use HBD. One is a payment app called distriator that can be used at 447 different establishments around the world. And the other is a game called PEPE Game created by @kenny-crane. At the moment PEPE Game is invite only, so you will have to ask kenny-crane if you want an invite, sent to your wallet. It costs 1 HBD to start playing, which will get you 2 packs(3 cards each) or you can buy the cards on their in game market.

1 Item a year.
Not knowing about the game. Hard to comment on.

I am sure they do not want me there to examine their eco system for the game.
With a closed game the mining is done before release. (Just opinion)

I think the biggest reason why we don't have a lot of HBD products on the network is advertising. Most of the HBD projects die or are still there just no one knows about it. Over the years I have seen many HBD projects come up but I don't see those projects still alive or they are hidden. But you are correct we focus to much on hive and not enough on HDB.

That is true for most closed games. I don't know the best practices to start a game. So it's hard to comment on.

I think we can agree Games need to be looked at on an individual basis. But overall grouped together. I think they provide a negative value. It is an additional faucet that increases the sales of HIVE.

The reason why we don't have HBD sales is we do not get the HBD to the consumers wallet.

You cannot invite those people in to blog. Though some that gain an account might. They care nothing about governance or what others do on the chain. They just use the HBD. You provide that HBD to wallets through rebate/loyalty rewards.

Yes games need to be looked at individually and they kind of act like a faucet. But I don't think that is a bad thing if done right.

kenny-crane's idea of requiring you to put in a set amount of HBD and gain a required level in the game to get the ability to invite someone is a good incentive for increasing the buy pressure of HBD.

Because the focus is mostly on HIVE, it leads to the HBD stabilizer taking out to much HBD from the ecosystem.

We need a better way to advertise the products. And have someone looking at our current projects list to make sure there is no dead links/projects being presented.

I don't find you hard to understand at all. I grew up in the Rural Southern United States and we have a variety of accents.

The networks and communities in Hive are absolutely fascinating to me - Rising Star is on my list to check out.

I like the South. Only found good people there. Florida Alabama Louisiana and Arkansas.

What you heard me say in the show the other day. That is 6 years of saying the same thing. The same thing to me, just said with different words.

It is also just the tip of a theory that can grant power to an individual voice against a monopoly.

Aim for the stars so if we miss we can land on the moon on the way back down.