So this has been ticking over in the cogs at the back of my head for a few hours now. An idle motor ticking over.
To show you an example of people unwilling to help.
At the show cnc SBI was offered. Now it brings very little back to anyone established. Only really offers the value of getting to a newbie with no following.
But. people taking up that offer for the SBI at the show for a time it takes to comment. This is too high a cost for those at the show to pay to help out another account.
People saw the SBI, and the little value it gave them and ignored it.
What happened was. An account on the blockchain asked people for help and none would. The giving out of SBI would have done much more for the silverquest account than it would have done for the individuals if they had made a comment.
People do not care to see the plain view in front. They prefer the ideology the made up in their mind.
I will never turn down SBI
My post got 12.00 from SBI the day I posted it and it had been 2 months since my last post.
I have made my money back helping new peeps and old ones with the steem/hive I have invested in it helps new people to smile when they look at their posts and see that it is worth something and someone thought them worthy to invest in.
and now I need sleep cuz I never did wake up.