What do you hear?

in #hive3 months ago

Do you even listen?

The Hive Name.png
Before I even start. Let's begin by saying I cannot type. So misunderstanding this post is not your fault. Not sure if I even understand the darn thing and I am writing it. Even hearing what I write before I write it.

Now I know what I heard. I heard a few things. The words spoken. I heard plenty of those. Sure they is enough words out there to fill many a book. Not a word of sense in any. Hearing the same things said about different things. The same underlying sentiment.
Many a time sounding like it lacks sincerity and said because it sounds like the right thing to say.

I think. If ye want to have a decent cake. Ye have to mix the ingredients well. So throw everything out there to see what we can mix best. From then, see where we can move forward.

I hear people that made a choice and that choice they made will not be undone. No matter the options available. I'm like that. Stick with me guns until the egg timer runs out.

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I hear a lot of talking. I hear feck all discussion. I hear things said about something. I hear another voice add something. I hear them both in agreement. Then I see the action taken or none.

I hear a lot of seeking support. Support a witness a project a group. Support a person a post. Over the years I gave to those who asked. Now I give to those who have time.

I hear about some things on Hive and how great they are and what they will do for Hive. Over 7 years you hear a lot of lots. Besides the code stuff. Which I could call some coders out for acting the bollox. Coding is not my gig. It is essential for the blockchain. With that, information about the blockchain being available and publicised would be a good thing too.

That's where getting the COLT token going would be ideal to assist with a designated server for an information center on Hive. This can later be contract reward for personnel.

Saying all of that. I have asked for help too for seven years. I did not het much, but I did get some. I am thankful for that. The bitch of it is. Pay back day has come.

@pharesim help me with votes to my post.

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As I said. I have greater fear of messing up the site than helping it.


I do not want to write this in the server. History tells me my writing in new servers is disruptive to a server. (Misunderstandings). I do want to try give some help back.

Plus half of this is probably nonsense.

Not sure what I can write about Hive. I can start with a bit about rising Star though. So I could write a bit there and get that added to the games section. Alas the edit complication then.

Let me add to your work load haha.

If it was possible. In the server if you could create a channel for content collection type thing. (I realise it would be way too much to add a channel for every topic).

Let me try it with Rising Star. As a channel. I would write there and do a decent overview of the game. When it is completed. I could have an assigned editor I cold tag in the channel that could proof the content and then insert to the site.

If I am given a general topic to write on. I can do that task. Finding/choosing well I always think someone else knows more better.

To avoid having a list of channels for every topic.

My thought would be to have a channel for each of the topic you think needs attention. Maybe the top 6.

My philosophy tells me that this would focus development of the site from the discord server. If there could also be a live chat on a regular basis, That helps me, but as you seen from other discord live chats. Holds very little interest across the field.

I don't generally tag people. Only tagged you in this post because not to spam your chat.

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Free to play:

Music game: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=thehive Rising Star. Discord. https://discord.gg/dbB6Jc7


Get involved.


Integrated projects:

COLT token @gamesupport @silverquest


I have no idea what you said but I trust you and always will.

It's I think suppose to be. I noticed you helped me a while back. While I see many around me not do anything to return support.

I noticed the support I got from Pharesim a long time ago and I remember it helped me.

Now I see a way I might be able to help back.
I'll pay the piper for the help I got.

‘Words words words
Everybody is talking
Nobody is doing nothing’
Lyrics from a song I like, which this post reminded me of.

If I understand at least some of this post correctly then I think there are some wise words here. You clearly have a lot of experience with the Hive and legacy blockchains and you must have witnessed a lot in your time with this community. People saying things versus people doing things is a constant issue wherever you go in life. It's always easy to talk the talk than walk the walk as you know.

What you and I also know is that there are a lot of bad financial things happening in our world and the blockchain, in my opinion, is part of a solution to all the corruption. Hive is doing some good things. You want Hive to do good things. Together us little people can come together and do good things.

VIP reward: 0.5 Hive

your profile pic reminds me of a friend of mines artwork.....
They have been on the blockchain forever. One or the original peeps.
They stopped posting which is sad.

Can you see and fit the pieces together?
I prefer the vote to the token.

I think your vote is worth more to me if you had that 0.5 in your wallet. So something tells me that is where it should go.

So this has been ticking over in the cogs at the back of my head for a few hours now. An idle motor ticking over.

To show you an example of people unwilling to help.
At the show cnc SBI was offered. Now it brings very little back to anyone established. Only really offers the value of getting to a newbie with no following.

But. people taking up that offer for the SBI at the show for a time it takes to comment. This is too high a cost for those at the show to pay to help out another account.

People saw the SBI, and the little value it gave them and ignored it.

What happened was. An account on the blockchain asked people for help and none would. The giving out of SBI would have done much more for the silverquest account than it would have done for the individuals if they had made a comment.

People do not care to see the plain view in front. They prefer the ideology the made up in their mind.

I will never turn down SBI
My post got 12.00 from SBI the day I posted it and it had been 2 months since my last post.

I have made my money back helping new peeps and old ones with the steem/hive I have invested in SBI....plus it helps new people to smile when they look at their posts and see that it is worth something and someone thought them worthy to invest in.

and now I need sleep cuz I never did wake up.

so let me try again and be serious because now others are finally reading your posts.

For many reasons, many do not understand you when you talk. (see my original comment)

For me, it doesn't matter if I understand what you wrote or not because YOU, Jan, are always trying to work toward the good of the whole and bring crypto to people's REAL LIFE.

Now, most people can not understand this concept because they only think about what is in it for them.
You do the opposite.

You, all on YOUR OWN, have figured out how to do that and are doing that in your real life as I type this.

Many never gave you the time of day on the blockchain but a select few have. People who were not looking for a payback from you, just so that is clear.

You being you remember the help no matter how much time has passed, and like this post says, you now found a way to help someone who helped you. It really is as simple as that.

My joke went flat because I am usually the only one in your comment section, so I was on my way to sleep and was making a joke..........

and I think I cleared up my joke now, and if not, I will not fix anything more because this used up all my brain cells for a while! LOLLL