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RE: What does onboarding 10,000 active users look like?

in #hivelast month

Yes, because you changed it.


Do you really believe your reality distortion field will make people believe you never asked for $1,256/day weeks before, realized there is no way it will pass and changed it to $695?


It's strange that in the post of the proposal itself he mentioned it was 480k, but it decreased... And here he keeps going in circles to avoid explaining that it changed.


This is what I call “latching” and is commonly used in politics.

You find the one fact you dispute or argue against and ignore the rest. Drive the entire conversation around this one fact and pretend nothing else exists maybe even use it o discredit your opponent so none of the other facts are even considered. Choosing a fact that even if you are wrong is the least harmful to your position.

It’s entertaining to watch for about 4-5 seconds but quickly gets old. Zealots and low iq participants fall for this very easily and can be executed with little effort allowing you to keep the real issues off the table and out of the discussion.


You clearly don't pay attention to anything but your own bubble. Go outside and learn something. Perhaps one of the things will be the subject you're claiming to be an expert on but are actually the most ignorant in the room on.


Ok, I'll pretend for a moment you didn't create a proposal for $1295/day and it was really $695/day despite the blockchain saying othewise.

We still have less activity than we did last year at this time, despite you claiming to onboard 13,614 monthly active users (which is probably more than we had at this time last year total) adding in lots of additional ai and spam content that still inflates the numbers significantly, and we still barely reach the activity of last year. I must be drunk and imagining all this. I'd stop drinking if I didn't already not drink.

Perhaps you should stop misleading people so other people can take your feedback seriously. You've lost a lot of respect of the years by doing this. From all of Hive.

Fortunately we live on an immutable blockchain and block #92240354 has all the truth.

Fortunately anyone can look at the proposal and see how you're trying to say we're asking for 2x the funding we are currently asking for.

currently being the operative word.

I got to ask, have you had politician training? You have the uncanny ability that most politicians have to latch on to one fact you think you can refute, and ignore the rest with as much tenacity as a lion at a rib eye buffet.
