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RE: Freechain wins its first Film Festival award!

in #hivelast year


Funny, I was just browsing through my mail to see if Liftoff had even announced the winners as I was afraid I missed it somehow. And went to the website, didn't find anything there either (or it was not easy to find, who knows) so I figured, you probably wrote about it. Just 12 hours ago though, which means they took their time to announce it..

The judges winning choice had a total of 0 audience votes

This says a lot and I agree with you, the audience is what matters but it makes sense that they cannot give the audience prize to a movie with barely any votes, so in this case, the huge audience support made it impossible to win the judges prize, lol.

Either way, a nice step into the right direction to be seen by the masses, well done. As I wrote in my post, there was not 0 other movie I clicked on that managed to grab my attention for longer than a few minutes and I really made an effort to check the other ones too that's why my post was submitted so close to the end of the festival.

A well-deserved win!


Its that type of festival I guess, support new filmakers, give them a place to show their films.
I think the first festival was a big win for us, we definitely got noticed and thats what we need.

Definitely! I'm excited to hear more when the next festival will show the movie :)