
I was flagged for plagiarism by some idiot that didn't notice the link to the picture I posted, which is the click image to source function.

I go to the discord and start asking questions on who runs the joint. I ask and ask, no response other than getting asked who I was. I don't change my discord name to match here because frankly @hivewatchers and @spaminator are human controlled. Not algorithmic therefore subject to human emotion when dealing out the stated goals.

If I prod you enough and you the police, I bet you gonna whack me till I dead. So I don't trust self appointed dictators. That's what it is. An organisation that has been mentally created by a human (Stalin was a human, so was Hitler. Am a fucking human.) who are all emotionally easily manipulated. No one is infallible to this human trait. Ask Jordan Peterson. One person I can think of that has qouted numerous other head doctors in history.

So yes. These bitches boot me. Ban me. I avoid them like a plague. I don't trust their judgment because no one is infallible.

Social platforms are rife with all kinds of head fuckers, these guys could be one of them.

Reading how they respond they even sound like they are some kind of government like thought police in my thinking. My crazy haired thought here. Purely speculating.

But I can say this with certainty I don't trust em. Too much power in too little time with noone to answer to. They all like Pontius Pilate washing their butts on the water people are drinking from.

Ohhhh damn! See... this is the failure at due process I have been talking about! The WAY they are implementing this is worse than what they are treating... In fact, it’s the classic tale about the medicine the doctor gives his patient being worse than the disease it’s self that he is treating. I can’t believe the number of these sorts of incidents that have been happening... are the likes of @HiveWatchers @HiveWatcher and @Spaminator going to be held to the same standard they have been holding (in many cases falsely!) over the owners on this blockchain? Personally... I don’t think they are fit for this role... and this is the sort of thing that needs to be dealt with at a code level WITHIN THE ACTUAL BLOCKCHAIN... all human efforts to police this sort of thing are only going to bring out what’s worst about people... and we don’t want something like this to play out in our home and on our blockchain. It’s disgusting and needs to be seen for what it is... and shut down I’m an adamant about this and I will not back down.

So yes... I can completely understand why you are angry. You and a growing crowd of accounts are beginning to get vocal about this... just like I am.