Whew! She quit and she left feedback. If we were listening we would realize that innovating a user-friendly response isn’t about telling people how it is... it’s about listening and learning how we can make Hive EVEN BETTER!
Ever walk into a store that has $hitty customer service?
What’s the 1st thing that they do wrong?
They tell the customer HOW they should be experiencing the store rather than listen to understand.
THIS is a problem that stems from the DV actually... I believe the current DV leads to a hole bunch of group (Hive) think. If everyone thinks exactly the same... no one is listening, learning, and innovating! NO ONE!
Value within a community like this is all about the ability to coexist respectful with people who have different ideas. Those ideas TOGETHER become bridges that lead to a brighter future.
THIS is how smart people innovate and communities of people who don’t tolerate other view points... they are fragile at best... toxic at worst.
Come on Hive!
We can do better than this!
It’s time to stop all the talking and do some listening!
We can’t continue to loose high value accounts like this.
This doesn’t make for a Hive that sells and markets it’s self...
Think about that for a min.
This should inform EVERYTHING we do next.