You have
@farm-mom and the @thebigsweed (two very real and small accounts that made an error) listed in there with the witnesses who took over Steem? What??
You have
@farm-mom and the @thebigsweed (two very real and small accounts that made an error) listed in there with the witnesses who took over Steem? What??
This list shows the exclusions that all performed the same set of actions- they were chosen by code according to a minimum set of criteria, not based on who they are or what they did based on personal knowledge or feelings.
For example, I wouldn't vote for this proposal, but I would happy help support and vote for each of them. :) There have been a number of posts up to this point that have explained these first groups, and that there is nothing stopping any of us from helping people who may be exceptions to get their airdrop.
Picking and choosing people based on "what we know about them" would be a really bad way to do this, in my opinion, so I'm glad that's not the way it has shaken out- given what we're seeing happening on this exact topic elsewhere. So far, everything has been done and can be matched directly back to actions on the blockchain, and is open to the community to have a hand in voting.
But even in that minimum set was a bug and innocent accounts where added to the exclusion list. There had been quite the discussion on that one.
“That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.” — Benjamin Franklin
Then use that chance to vote on this proposal and try to convince others to do the same!
I'm planning to but I'll wait a day or too for the comments to role in. Just to be shure.
Er sprach eben oben von einem "bug".
Für die Betroffenen des Skript-Fehlers muss ja nicht abgestimmt werden. Für diejenigen steht ja fest, dass sie den Airdrop nachträglich erhalten werden.Hi @flugschwein!
Genau, für die steht das schon fest. Ich finde trotzdem, dass nur der Steemit Inc. Stake eingefroren/verschoben werden hätte sollen. Dabei ist es mir auch nicht wichtig ob da Spammer oder so drunter sind, das ist eher eine grundsätzliche Frage.
How - more proposals?
correct. Anyone can make one now with details why they should be voted for apart from the group~
For some, the groups will be enough, for others, not even close. This is where we as a community now have to do, undo, alter, or support the positions that make the most sense.
Unless I don't get how it works, I don't think many proposals for individuals will get enough support to get enacted.
I'm not really getting the disconnect here. Why can't we make a proposal for or with those few people, plead a good case, and do the doorknocking? That's basically how everything on hive is getting done... just doing it.
I know phare and luke alone mentioned wanting to support only individual appeals that were actually appeals~ We have a baseline chosen by code to make sure people have the transparent actions available as part of their decision making. No one would vote for 300 proposals and the community doesn't know and can't quantify them. But what we can do is simply create the ones that we know as a group (or individuals) that need to be considered separately and make them happen.
But I gotta tell ya, I don't need all this stress and drama. I joined steemit to have some fun and connect with others around the world. It was a new world for this ole lady, truly enjoyed the give and take, the new "friends", the sense of community. I felt I was learning new things everyday, loved it!!
Now ???? I need a break
I wish you continued success, again THANK YOU!!Good morning @tarazkp, thank you so much for your support, it means a lot to me.