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RE: A Valuable Lesson

in #hivelife4 years ago

Hypocrisy and lip service go together.
I doubt she'd answer back. She can't even be bothered to answer the people that called her out. If she does answer back, great.

I'll give her credit for the apology. At least that deserves recognition as most just call it quits, power down and leave quietly. Making an apology is something I respect. The rest of the drama unfolding, not so.

If this happened to a random person with no reputation established, they would be forgotten as yesterday's story. Recovery may be near impossible. But someone with reputation established gets brownie points for doing a good job.


The downside of having a "reputation established" is that you will be remembered as "something else" if one might or might not recovery from a huge blow like this.

Apologies or not, the real intention became clear along the way and this did not sit well for me.

While I don't think we should care much what people think of what we do, our reputation is carried in others and within a community, it matters a lot. Our reputation is what gets trust (or not) and speaks of our level of integrity. Once broken, it takes more than apologetic glue to repair.

Credit for the apology, yet this was posted over 24 hours ago and still not one reply. Pity.

As they say, it takes years to build a reputation and just few minutes to ruin it. Besides the reputation, integrity was at stake once one starts to claim being a leader.

Well, trust has been broken, respect has been lost. Others may give her a chance but ill join the club of those watching close by.

Once broken, it takes more than apologetic glue to repair.

Some folks seem to get a lot of leeway.

I have one big question

I like publishing most of my posts on OCD

Right now reading this post and going through all the comments, I feel I am not well informed..... I need answers and help so I will be following the rules when I am using the community

Does OCD need not just original contents but original photos too?

I mean photos we either shot with our phones or edit with Canva....

Or can I use free images from sites like pixaby, freepix, pixel, etc as well as long as I source those images?

Thanks for responding in advance

If you don't own the photos, mention the sources where you got them.

I will definitely do that. Thanks