Four Hours from Now - HiveMeetup at The Bridge!

in #hivemeetup2 years ago (edited)

Meetup to Plan a Meetup

I read about this a while ago and I agree that it is a good idea to get together and plan something bigger. It would be great if we could get something going that would be deemed HiveFest or HiveStock when all is said and done.

Some of the people who will be in charge of this first meetup are @janettyanez @numa26, @amandaj, @dimascastillo90, and @lauramica

Today is the day that everything will be put into motion! The where,and the when, and the how many. I have put out some feelers to bring in more support for this event from the old timers.

There is also a poster contest going on from 08/23/2022 To: 09/06/2022 so get yours done and get in the running for prizes!


this videoI plan to be at this every famous bridge at 3:00 this afternoon to meet some of these wonderful visionaries who are going to bring the #hivelife to fruition here in the land of inflation. I have already met some who will be there -seen in


One of the best parts about the #meetup that we are planning is that people will be able to bring friends and get them involved with Hive - I saw this comment in one of the meetup posts:


I am hoping that @btu would be on board to help promote the #HiveMeetup and all of the related content and contests. We appreciate you!

Join me @sponge-bob and my son @rx7 later today to #meetup and discuss plans for the upcoming huge event coming to Buenos Aires, Argentina. We are meeting on the bridge at 3:00 and moving on to a Starbucks for coffee and planning.

the photos in this post were taken by me.


#hivemeetupargentina #hivemeetup #hive #meetup #argentina #meetup #poster


You sure have a good sight here.
thank you for sharing my friend.

Thanks for joining us🤝Hi @sponge-bob 👍

Ìt was a trully pleassure to meet you and of course the same goes to all! I feel that this is going to get bigger and bigger! Glad to see some extra support to the cause! I have to do my entry for the meeting i take some great pictures that i want to share!

I have been looking at your posts and your pictures are well framed. Whenever I see them, I feel the context of the place. There is a lot to discover here in the land of mate.

I just post one or two on DBuzz but tomorrow i will work in a more elaborated post!

And also want to put some love on the meetup graphic designs, im being lazy i need to grab a whip and hit my back a little hehe

It is a good idea 👍👍

Friend @bob-esponja, it's a pleasure to meet you. Your proposal is great. So if you come to the meeting today, it is timely that you propose it to the group of attendees. As for the poster contest, it will end on 09/22/2022. So there is still a chance. Thank you for your beautiful promotion and support of the event. 😍

Well a nice and great movement for gatherings. They're going to have a great time @sponge-bob @janettyanez @numa26, @amandaj, @dimascastillo90, and @lauramica

¡ Hola mi querida @sacra97!, Realmente así fue. Tal y como lo explica, @sponge-bob , en esta publicación, lo pasamos genial. Lo más lindo de todo es que el ambiente que allí vivimos fue de pura amistad y familiaridad. Eso es lo que logra nuestra amada #hive. Llegamos a acuerdos y te cuento que lo que viene se perfila muy bueno. Así que sigamos expectantes. Gracias amiga.