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RE: Hiverrr. What can it do though?!

in #hiveproject4 years ago

MAn you are so lucky you know how to build stuff like this. Good point, that’s decentralization, options upon options.

Could you do some stuff on my shit tribe ? 😂

The iOS, yeah I had an apps there ( nothing special) and the yearly subscription and updates were a nightmare.

Keep building man, who knows, this might become “The Wallet”


Haha, not luck, just learning and learning! 😄

At the moment I am pretty swamped with work, but perhaps in the future you can walk me through what you want to do and I might be able to help out, hehe!

Oh, that's the least of my worries. The problem is for "an app that facilitates cryptocurrency transactions" Apple requires you to have a company with the same name as the application, linked to a financial institution (meaning open a bank account) and set up a new developer account (so also with a new yearly subscription), it's not that much work, but it's +- 500 USD, which I currently don't have to spare! But when I can, I definitely will do all of that to get it up and running!