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RE: Hiverrr. What can it do though?!

in #hiveproject4 years ago

At the moment Hive Engine Coins are not (yet) supported! But the code is open source, so there is definitely an opportunity for it! 😄

If I'm right some people have a similar idea, to create some sort of "dapp library" where you can immediately use any dapp.

I think from a decentralization point of view, the more options the better. The tech-stack behind the Keychain mobile app is also different than the one I'm using, so I would have to learn a new framework before I could help there! 😁


MAn you are so lucky you know how to build stuff like this. Good point, that’s decentralization, options upon options.

Could you do some stuff on my shit tribe ? 😂

The iOS, yeah I had an apps there ( nothing special) and the yearly subscription and updates were a nightmare.

Keep building man, who knows, this might become “The Wallet”

Haha, not luck, just learning and learning! 😄

At the moment I am pretty swamped with work, but perhaps in the future you can walk me through what you want to do and I might be able to help out, hehe!

Oh, that's the least of my worries. The problem is for "an app that facilitates cryptocurrency transactions" Apple requires you to have a company with the same name as the application, linked to a financial institution (meaning open a bank account) and set up a new developer account (so also with a new yearly subscription), it's not that much work, but it's +- 500 USD, which I currently don't have to spare! But when I can, I definitely will do all of that to get it up and running!