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RE: HiveQuest : Dwarven Ruins (part 2)

in #hivequest4 years ago

Grim is wakes up. ooo you are all here. then waking over to BadPupper. hello there and start to kick the door next to him. ruins maby its more over here. while he is kicking in repetly


Quaid: "Keep on hitting that door while we... um, while someone that can read languages reads through all the runes. Also, there's music, so maybe Warcet could try... singing it open?" Quaid will !search to try to be useful.

Chingus nods, "I'll keep translating those runes, let's see we can come up with!"

!D20 - Chingus uses his Languages skill to attempt to translate more of the runes.

You pick up 1D20 and roll a 13

You realize your 1st translate was wrong and it says.....

"speak the name of... "

all the banging on the door to keep the runes aglow is causing small pebbles to roll down the hillside

Chingus scrunches his face in thought. "Wait a second lads, I think it says that we need to 'speak the name of' something. Anyone know any important Dwarves who lived at this place?"

A small pebble lands near Chingus, "Lads... Are we sure this building is stable?"

Quaid: "Well, it was built by dwarves, so I would think so. Let's try gently tapping with a hammer instead while you translate that last bit."

Chingus nods, taking a step back to try and avoid any falling boulders, "I'll keep translating, see what I can figure out".

!D20 - Chingus uses his Languages skill to attempt to translate more of the runes.

Wooly looks quizically over at Quaid. "You can hear music? I don't hear anything. Do you mind humming it or tapping out the beat?"

OOC: sorry I missed your play about walking through the rock. yes you can do that.

You search the surrounding area and you find Spear

Quaid rubs his eyes because he has trouble telling dwarves apart... "And if anybody needs a spear, take this."

Chingus claps Grim on the back, "Hail, Brother! Good to see you awake! Best of luck with that door!"

Chingus turns to leave, but stops as he remembers something, "Oh! Almost forgot, the runes on the door said something about needing to talk to someone or something. Not too sure about the specifics, hope that helps!"

!search - Chingus wanders off, looking for something to do.

You search the surrounding area and you find old boot

Chingus hesitantly holds the old boot up to his nose, giving a quick sniff, his nose scrunches in disgust. "Anyone lost a boot?"

Chingus sets the boot on the floor, "I'll just leave this here".