HIVEQUEST : Snakes (part 1)

in #hivequest4 years ago

Welcome! to HIVEQuest a play-by-post RPG game

HIVEQuest is an ongoing and growing RPG world. New Players are always welcome. Players can come and go as they desire, just let us know when you are leaving (say you are taking an IRL 2 week vacation) we will make sure your character is somewhere safe until you return (or Thunk may just cover you with leaves on the side of the road).

  • If you are new and want to join just reply to any active post with a character's info. Use this quick start guide to quickly get going.
    Players often need a quick reminder of how to's. Here are some quick reference links to help you on your adventures.
  • Current rules: are being updated as we go.
  • Character cards showing all your bright and shiny stuff:
  • Monster cards show stats of your foes:
  • Link to one of our newest skills crafting:
  • Here is a link to the spreadsheet showing what items current party members have. This is manually kept up by me and if you see errors please let me know OOC (Out of character). Eventually this will be automated, but perfecting code takes time.

Our current party is:

Old Members Status Pending

-@agr8buzz - Character Zur, a human
-@mickvi - Character, Frienmir, a dwarf

Players on Vacation

I will be posting a new turn every 48 hours during role playing rules to give players time to interact.
To help speed up Quests during Questing rules I will post when everyone is done with their actions. Sometimes this is less than 48 hours.


The echoe's of Quaid's voice bounce of the walls. You see that as they die down they continue to resonant in the webs.
As they reach the back of the corridor a large undead spider slowly climbs down from the corner of the ceiling and wipes duest off its eyes with its front legs.

The snakes hiss at you.

STATS: Snakes have poison, 2 absorption, 4 HP,
UNDEAD spider, 6 absorption, 6 HP, BITE (2 damage + poison), WEB

Questing Rules.png


Thunk tries to listen for what may be down the dark corridor. The resonating echo in the webs is annoying. Thunk touches a torch to the closest web and it flares to life revealing the slithering snakes and stopping the resonating... at least from that web. The snakes seem to be afraid of the flames/light and slither into the darkness.

OOC- Our DM allows us the liberty to do things like this. Basically make it up as you go. This gives the game flavor and keeps the adventure moving along. If we overstep he will call us out

"Watch out for the snakes. They may be poisonous. Form a circle and keep the away with your torches."

Thunk !search for any close by webs to set ablaze.

OOC- We are allowed to search once per post

You search the surrounding area and you find gold ring

Thunk slips the Gold Ring onto his finger for investigating later.

OOC - You may search once per post in RPG rules. In questing rules, it is once per square & only one player per square.

Have some !BEER

Frienmir steps out of the shadows as if from nowhere.
The party is shocked at the return of their lost member who had gotten lost in the sewers.
Frienmir surveys the surroundings. Search!

its !search the ! goes in the front

You search the surrounding area and you find unkown bone

Biting his lip, Chingus goes NW one space and stands beside Thunk, weapon raised.

!search - Chingus searches for anything that might be helpful, waiting on his stronger party members to initiate the fight, ready to jump in.

You search the surrounding area and you find empty chest

Chingus whispers to Thunk (@wren1221) and points to the empty chest, "I bet we could fill the chest with the snakes and toss it at one of our foes, what do you think, friend?"

Thunk examines this idea in his head. Looks at Chingus and gives him a thumbs up.

Chingus nods in return and holds the chest open, ready to quickly snap it closed once the party manages to get a snake inside.

Quaid will soften up the purple snake straight down the hallway. !shoot

!shoot curse you!

You pull back your bow and let loose an arrow with a roll of 15

!shoot again

You pull back your bow and let loose an arrow with a roll of 16

!shoot arrow number 3

You pull back your bow and let loose an arrow with a roll of 18

3 arrow hits against the purple snake.

“Nice shooting.” Thunk walks forward 3 steps and !swing his Brennan Axe at the purple snake.

You swing your weapon with a roll of 19

Thunk slips on the snake blood and misses wildly

OOC- You need to roll lower than your attack. Thunks attack is 14.