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RE: HIVEQUEST : Snakes (part 1)

in #hivequest4 years ago

Thunk tries to listen for what may be down the dark corridor. The resonating echo in the webs is annoying. Thunk touches a torch to the closest web and it flares to life revealing the slithering snakes and stopping the resonating... at least from that web. The snakes seem to be afraid of the flames/light and slither into the darkness.

OOC- Our DM allows us the liberty to do things like this. Basically make it up as you go. This gives the game flavor and keeps the adventure moving along. If we overstep he will call us out

"Watch out for the snakes. They may be poisonous. Form a circle and keep the away with your torches."


Thunk !search for any close by webs to set ablaze.

OOC- We are allowed to search once per post

You search the surrounding area and you find gold ring

Thunk slips the Gold Ring onto his finger for investigating later.

OOC - You may search once per post in RPG rules. In questing rules, it is once per square & only one player per square.

Have some !BEER