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RE: Thank you to @CiderJunkie for being the first ever streamer on HiveStreams.Live!

in #hivestreams6 months ago

im working on it so i can Implement the Chat tomy OBS... im totally sure CORK will help me to make this possible:) smile all i need is kinda a direct link to the CHAT messenger sso i can SET it into OBS then


I understand what you are asking for, Im pretty long time user of OBS in very sophisticated scene and plug in setups, but I dont think my current very basic chat will do it, Im looking to swap in a different chat engine, so give me a moment on that one.

I am on the verge of getting Keychain to work though finally, almost there on that.

maybe you could Connect with @chiren ( the man behind VIMM ) to get something big done...

your chat uses a own http ??? so if ... we can implement the link easy to OBS

if you want to you can hook me up on Discord #ciderjunkie so it gets maybe easier to communicate

Here, become the second user in my discord: (thats a permanent discord invite link, for future comment readers, should last forever)

I have a channel for streamer support. Any questions I answer for you, or fixes we need to make, should then be open for all streamers who join there to read, to prevent duplication and help educate everyone at once :D Please and danke schon.