and Thank you for being ready, Player One!
What a nice thing to wake up to!
Less than 24 hours ago I launched Hives newest app, HiveStreams.Live - a live streaming platform for the Hive community. You can find out all about it here in the launch announcement post, and visit it yourselves, at https://HiveStreams.Live
But today I woke up, logged in, saw all the new channel accounts from early adopters starting to sign in and check it out. That's great and exciting and encouraging to me to keep building it more and more.
But what's even greater than signups?
Active Users!
And @CiderJunkie is the first one!
Someone I don't know first hand, was actually live and streaming some game play, apparently in German so I don't know what he is saying, but he has an English speaking buddy in his game with him whom I can also periodically hear speaking, and apparently they are winning and pretty good as a team! :)
I took German for a couple years back in High School about 40 years ago, and forgot all I learned of it, but I was able to say hello in the live stream chat room all the same. Then used translator to thank him for trying out HiveStreams.Live.
His audio and video were crisp and clear and fast. Very pleased to find someone already using it on these first few days when barely anyone even knows the site exists yet!
I am setting the beneficiary of this post to @ciderjunkie as a thank you for trying my new site and looking good doing it! So vote him up folks!
And yes on this one post, I am going to "self vote" - something I never do, to send my love his way as the beneficiary. Help me reward this HiveStreams.Live streaming pioneer, folks!
Thanks for streaming & watching with HiveStreams.Live!
See you in the streams!
Developer: Dead Follower Tools & When Lambo?
Founder & Developer: @HiveStreams
Co-Founder: @YouAreHOPE
Partner @PolleNation Hive Witness
P.S. Yes, I know you technically streamed as the very first person who was not-sircork-testing-for-himself, @littlescribe, but that was because I asked you to check it out, and it was very much a QA test for us. Also I already knew you and asked you and you agreed because you like to stream and wanted to check it out anyway, but this guy, I don't know him, he's my first "real organic user"!!! It's so exciting to see all of you checking it out!
Join the PolleNation Discord
We appreciate your support! Vote @PolleNation as your witness.
It all starts with one!
Hey Maine... yeah it always starts with one... maybe you forgot me already but back in the days we ve been really connected on MSP/PAL :D
glad to see you still on the 'Chain!
you know old leather is a pretty material but slow in go :D
yeah it does! :) It's sure been a long time since you were #1 to join me on my first chain based streaming journey. Some of those details had escaped my brain in the last 7 years, but I was looking at those earliest announcement posts about waves and realized that you were literally staff member #1 after I got it running. Wild we're still here, huh?
for sure man. I still am DJing online sometimes, using Twitch at the moment since they just opened it up legally for DJs. Glad to see you still around and kickin ass!
Likewise definitely!
For Sure!
Heya mate,
you re welcome :)
I´m the Founder of the Helpie-Caster (witness), i´m sorry i missed your messages didn´t saw the CHAT in time
The Helpie Caster is a Support to Streamers of the Hive Blockchain. Im helping Streamers to get onboarded and support them in the First way.... im Also working Close with VIMM.tv ( which is working atm on a 2.0 )
Im longer Connected to the Chain as my Profile would show you :)
im Looking forward to all the Progresses we have atm for Streamers.... As i was already talking about Streaming Services back in those days when DLIVE was a thing on the other Blockchain....
Also always been connected to MSP etc... you could ask Crimsonclad or some others about me ( but im sure Crimmi could tell you a lot about me )... was also a MAM winner back in the Days.... why?? Becasue of my activities around Hive( other Chain before ) Supporting Streamers/Liveactors on the Chain before whenever im only a small guy on this chain in all this years....
Im often one of the First which is DOING STREAMING Activities on this Chain....
So but im here to say THANK YOU for the Shout out.... and lets see where you site is going to be
I built MSP Waves, that was me :) Crimmie got into broadcasting because I begged her to do it and the PAL minnows chanted her name till she came on the air, first co-hosting with me, then quickly establishing her music show which went on for over 200 episodes.
Frankly, she and I do not speak anymore, we had a fight once, but i'd like to fix that, it's up to her though. It was a pretty rough and stressful time for us back in those days 7 years ago with a lot of public pressure on us as community leaders at the time.
Check these oldies but goodies out:
Introducing the station back when I got it online:
And I couldn't find the first one, but heres one announcing crimmie doing her sixth show with me, and mentioning her own brand new show back then as well.
You will get a laugh from those two historic posts.
Meanwhile, now in the future, where we are today, I am glad to have you in the mix and will support your needs as well as I can being a solo developer, cranking this code out as quickly as possible!
i know who you are :) smiles .... as i am still one of the OGs in the MSP .... back in those days whenever i cahnged my name over the TIME... smile whenever im the still the old "crazy german" as the most called me back in the days :D
Names changed to protect the less than innocent I suppose :D
!PIMPThat's cool I saw he was live too when I was messing around with the site. I joined but don't know German, so I left. Cool though, I am going to try when I can figure it out. Probably need #help though.
im working on it so i can Implement the Chat tomy OBS... im totally sure CORK will help me to make this possible:) smile all i need is kinda a direct link to the CHAT messenger sso i can SET it into OBS then
I understand what you are asking for, Im pretty long time user of OBS in very sophisticated scene and plug in setups, but I dont think my current very basic chat will do it, Im looking to swap in a different chat engine, so give me a moment on that one.
I am on the verge of getting Keychain to work though finally, almost there on that.
maybe you could Connect with @chiren ( the man behind VIMM ) to get something big done...
your chat uses a own http ??? so if ... we can implement the link easy to OBS
if you want to you can hook me up on Discord #ciderjunkie so it gets maybe easier to communicate
Here, become the second user in my HiveStreams.live discord: https://discord.gg/aWQqfnA6qu (thats a permanent discord invite link, for future comment readers, should last forever)
I have a channel for streamer support. Any questions I answer for you, or fixes we need to make, should then be open for all streamers who join there to read, to prevent duplication and help educate everyone at once :D Please and danke schon.
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