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RE: Thank you to @CiderJunkie for being the first ever streamer on HiveStreams.Live!

in #hivestreams6 months ago

I built MSP Waves, that was me :) Crimmie got into broadcasting because I begged her to do it and the PAL minnows chanted her name till she came on the air, first co-hosting with me, then quickly establishing her music show which went on for over 200 episodes.

Frankly, she and I do not speak anymore, we had a fight once, but i'd like to fix that, it's up to her though. It was a pretty rough and stressful time for us back in those days 7 years ago with a lot of public pressure on us as community leaders at the time.

Check these oldies but goodies out:
Introducing the station back when I got it online:

And I couldn't find the first one, but heres one announcing crimmie doing her sixth show with me, and mentioning her own brand new show back then as well.

You will get a laugh from those two historic posts.

Meanwhile, now in the future, where we are today, I am glad to have you in the mix and will support your needs as well as I can being a solo developer, cranking this code out as quickly as possible!


i know who you are :) smiles .... as i am still one of the OGs in the MSP .... back in those days whenever i cahnged my name over the TIME... smile whenever im the still the old "crazy german" as the most called me back in the days :D

Names changed to protect the less than innocent I suppose :D