Back when I was young, it seemed weird to be me that the Orthodox Christian calendar had a day for each saint. That's right. For every day of the year, there is a name day or event that corresponds somehow to the Orthodox tradition. Every day is an excuse to be a good christian.
Today in the western culture, things are not all that different. There is Mother's day, Father's day, Labor day heck there is even a Bingo day on December. I never celebrate these kind of occasions because there is something quite sinister about them that most people tend to overlook.

More or less it all comes down to marketing rather than appreciation. People have found an easy way out to superficially bond with their loved ones. Valentine's day? Pick up a card and a set of chocolates and you are set. Mother's day? Maybe some flowers will make up for all the time you have been neglecting her. Somehow the days have become more important than the people or events that we are supposed to appreciate. Holidays effectively replaced the actual values that we should embrace every day with a symbol that can be fulfilled with a small amount of money.
We effectively limited our relationships into commercial deals. We remember our mothers one time of the year, much like we have come to be good hearted people during Christmas. For every other day we forget they exist or we take them for granted. That special day though we get to be someone else and not our selves. We abide to a social contract that nobody really respects but everybody owes to do it.

It is truly fascinating how humans can lie to themselves without realizing how they hurt themselves in the process. We are fastening chains to our ankles without realizing it. We become obliged to events and people that should come to us naturally. Our values becomes symbols that end up representing nothing but an act of purchasing. One could opt out, our of respect for their mother, religion or special. The irony is that these people will be looked down upon by the real hypocrites.

As much as I agree with you I do not see holidays as that bad. Yes, majority of people will take things too far but I think small appreciation does never hurt, no matter what time of the year. I am not celebrating all of them but I care about people I love and if a certain holiday means a lot to someone I try to make their day. Of course that is not the only day of the year I think of them.
The only thing I do not like is, as you already mentioned, the assumption that everybody should spend a lot for every holiday and is looked down upon if they do not involve in the specific culture or religion.
Great post @kyriacos
I agree with both of you ;)
Some posts make me laugh, others make me angry with outrage, and a few, like this one, challenge me to be a better person.
I am glad I reached at you in this way
It's very efficient, though.
And yes, that's a cynical remark, though not aimed at you 8-).
I completely get it, no worries. Like we said before; this is how shit owes to roll out.
I understand fully where you are coming from, for i have also been there. You are one that is aware and does think of others in between these holidays. I am also. That is why i choose to believe that there are more. There are good conscious people. And every day it seems they become more. Have faith and keep giving the good example. Very good post!
Thank you askalienkos. I think all people have good and bad in them but many chose to give up and go with the flow.
Thats why it is very important to believe in religion & life after death.. otherwise people will not hesitate from telling lies or doing bad things.
Well put. Sad, but very true!
This is very true.
I can definitely relate to your ideas. Love this post! Upvoted and followed!
Great post!
I will follow you!
Steem on!
Agree. These holidays are exaggerated by business man. I have not celebrated these holidays for years.
if it's not too personal. How can a person NOT KNOW? I knew when something was wrong. As a child when mom handed out butt whippings, i knew if i deserved it and didn't hate her for it. My sister & brother were a little different... but i knew. We chose to go along, or not. Responsibilty is such that we that are responsible didn't take the easy route of life. We missed the party, to stay with a loved one that couldn't go.. etc. etc. etc.
Not everyone was a f-up in life. Some of my closet friends can't have a conversation now because they took the wrong path, & I hear it in their voices. They can't even allow a two way conversation... etc. etc. etc.
There is so much difference when someone does the right things in life, and those that didn't. it shows up later in life. etc. etc. etc etc.
it's like a small plot that everyone is aware but is scared to talk about it.
that ain't gonna help anyone. i have heard it.. i have seen it. I didn't want ANY part of that .