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RE: Never Forget - On Holocaust Memorial Day

in #holocaust6 years ago (edited)

It is important to have those places.

I live just 1km away from a place were "lunatic" people were gassed. I stood there in the room, still the old "shower" heads...

It's insane what people can do.

I wish all the US wall fans would go visit the Berlin Wall and watch the films
A wall never solves problems.


They want to divide us, but we are stronger when we reach across borders.

We are also stronger when we secure our borders. People make it sound like the US is closing itself off lol. Not at all. We're trying to slow down the 6000 illegals that come in undetected everyday. Its a real problem here.

The US admits more immigrants than any country in the world. And will continue to. Despite how much i oppose it at this point in time.

@steevc youre lucky in britain, youre surrounded by water and dont need a wall or even border security for that matter. Unless you guys wanna wall off Ireland or something. :P

The wall won't make that much difference from what I have heard. It's a typical 'simple solution'. We have our own immigrant issues, but we need to do more about what people are running from.

The wall is just the talking point that all the opposition uses as their counter argument. Trump's plan includes far more than a wall, the wall is just a part of it and an additional barrier to entry. The plan also includes more border agents, more judges to speed up immigration and refugee cases, security technologies, and more.

People argue against the wall use weak fallacies to support their case. Most often the nirvana fallacy. "The wall won't stop everyone" "40% of illegals overstay their visas" etc. Just because it isn't an all-in-one solution to the whole problem doesn't mean we shouldn't have it. It's just one piece of a bigger plan. All of which was supported by the Democrats until Trujmp came to office. That's the most amazing part. Every Democrat in office before Trump was elected voted for a wall and additional border security. Now, that Trump is pursuing it, they don't want it anymore for some strange reason.

And you can only do so much about what the migrants are running from without being an occupier or subverting them. There's a reason some countries are terrible and it's not our jobs to fix them. We can't be responsible for the world especially given the many problems we have right at our front doors. Like our $20 trillion of debt and $100+ trillion of unfunded liabilities.

Well that is not what this post was about. Please take your arguments elsewhere.

I was just responding to the reaching across borders comment. It sounds nice, but it's not always the case.

Those on the other side are people too. Nationality is just an accident of birth.

The Berlin wall was a wall sieging an entire half of a city. Fully encircled.

Our border wall is nothing similar at all. Not even close lol.

2 completely different things under completely different circumstances. To say one is like the other is a childish understanding of both walls.

Posted using Partiko Android

The "Wall" was mainly a several hundred km long fence. Very similar to Trump's wall.

And what is the difference in circumstances? Both are there to prevent people crossing it from one side to the other.

Okay, in Germany people would not die of thirst if border guards destroy hidden stashes of water, that is a true difference.

The wall in germany surrounded the entirety of west Berlin. The allies had to fly in EVERYTHING to keep people alive there. Even the coal for electricity.

The difference in circumstances is that one was done by the communists as a war tactic to collapse western presence in Berlin since Berlin was deep in Eastern Germany/Soviet territory. While the other is to keep people who are not citizens of a country out where they are coming in ever single day. About 6000 people illegally crossing per day.

If you cant see the difference between the two, youre either lying or really stupid. Even just the premise of both walls is different. One was to keep people in the other is to keep people out lol.

And in Germany they wouldve died if it wasnt for Americans keeping them alive. Those border guards should destroy the water stashes. If they dont, then they're helping to aid criminals.

Is the wall around Israel bad? Its working pretty well there.

Please take this elsewhere. This post is not about Trump or America.