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RE: 10 (More) Things I Learned From Being Homeless

in #homeless8 years ago

You know, this is why I left the charity sector behind me. Far too many HUGE egos and nowhere near enough concentration on what mattered. I worked at a Charity once that had 5 managers in a staff of barely 10. The crazy spending habits and shitty 'look at what I do, aren't I amazing' attitudes of staff were unreal.

I've only found one place that really served the people. They ran with the idea that their customers were no1, then staff, then management. A complaint from a customer bore far more weight that a management complaint. We actually helped thousands keep their benefits in a system that was jacked up to purposely fail them. I'm proud of working there, but I knew it would be the last place I worked at. They spoiled it for me. Nowhere came close


Yes! Exactly. As an advocate with a rapidly growing voice in this subject, I could TOTALLY make a good living running a scam charity, and it would be so easy it's disgusting. The sad part is you don't even have to look very deep to see what they are doing. But there are no regulations, no audits, no one to check so they run wild...

Yup, you're right. I could write an entire blog about the injustices of the Charity sector but I fear I may lose a few voluntary positions that I already hold dear and do a great deal of good in, hah! I'm a sort-of well respected voice in my local area


You know, I'm going to start being an advocate for it on here! :D

Wow, ok! I am proud to be the inspiration!

Watch for next two posts!

I will, thanks!