10 (More) Things I Learned From Being Homeless

in #homeless7 years ago (edited)

What would you do if your world was suddenly pulled out from under you and you found yourself on the street with only a backpack of belongings?

That was the reality my children and I faced almost a year ago. My bank accounts inaccessible, vehicle taken, evicted with only 3 day’s notice from our home. I didn’t have much cash. Phone calls to my lawyer proved useless- “it’s Friday night, nothing can be fixed over the weekend. Get a hotel room and call me on Monday.”

If you haven't read the first post in this series, read this first https://steemit.com/story/@arbitrarykitten/10-things-i-learned-from-being-homeless

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It took standing at the hotel room registration desk to realize my bank accounts were inaccessible. And… why couldn’t I get into my emails?

Being new to this corner of the world, I didn’t know anyone. No immediate family, but lots of extended- all the way across the ocean.

I had just enough cash in my wallet to purchase a tent and a few nights at a campground just outside of town. I am a Rescue Home operator so we had 6 special needs cats with us. As I am drowning in stress I attempt to create ease and remind them how we’ve been talking about taking a camping trip, so let’s just try to have fun and relax. I purchased a Frisbee and a nerf football. And you can't go camping without S’mores.

Attorneys. Don’t get me started. She had assured me that in her four decades with the county there was no judge in the circuit who would not fix this FAST. This shouldn’t have happened, be assured it will be rectified.

Long story short, the Law is a funny thing. This would take much longer to correct. She couldn’t do a thing to get me access to my own money, and she was clueless as to the status of my email accounts. From there it went to a full day of contacting police, social service organizations, and finally, shelters. There was no room anywhere in a 50 mile radius that accepted teen boys.

“Too bad this didn’t happen to you two years ago, there would have been lots of resources left” was one apology I was told.

She told me to set our tent up right outside on the sidewalk- it was free and legal. I told her there was no way I could do that. Seriously? You’re going to tell a confused and frightened family to pitch a tent on the downtown city street amongst the used needles and shady lingerers? She stated her hands were tied. I believed her, the tears in her eyes suggested she really felt bad. She leaned in conspiratorially, swearing me to secrecy, drawing a map to show that families are quietly being referred to a state park twenty miles outside of town. She explained that since it was a state park it was patrolled by Park Rangers who were all very kind and understanding of everyone’s situation as people with nowhere to go have been living there for a couple years now. “And it’s a park, so there’s bathrooms open 24 hours.” She said cheerily. “Is there a bus there?” I asked, reminding her that I didn’t know where my truck was. “Oh, just hitchhike, I promise it’s safe. The people that go out there are good people for the most part. They are all in your situation so they understand. And you can get a ride into town with any of the campers every morning- almost all of them have steady jobs.”

In my shock I asked how many homeless people were living at the park. I didn’t know what else to ask. About 250 was her answer.

What was I going to do? We were upper middle class. Just the other day the boys each had their own rooms, gaming systems with a cabinet of games and movies. Their own laptops. We had satellite cable with the sports package. We had a HOA. Full basketball court and soccer field across the street. My oldest son had just been invited to a Black Ops convention across the country for being number 1 in his division. He was just turning 16 and was set to get his own car so he could find a local boxing gym as he had sponsors for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

Now we’re being told to live on the street?


How can this happen to us? How can this happen at all? It's 2017!

We ended up setting our tent in the protected wilderness that borders a Native reservation. This was only 6 miles from the nearest bus stop so safer to hitchhike in my mind. The lesser evil, you know?

I had my first panic attack of many.

Here is a link to the original post. https://steemit.com/story/@arbitrarykitten/10-things-i-learned-from-being-homeless I have received many questions, so here are 10 (More) things I learned from being homeless. I am going into greater detail, and answering your questions. If you have more, please post them in the contacts below.


10. Charities are only charitable to the employees

Out of every dozen organizations we visited, about one gave us some sort of help we needed. Homelessness is big business in America. 501c3’s are popping up like lemonaid stands on a hot summer day. Oh, I was offered free clothes and food. And there’s an urban legend that people can get free tents.

During each appointment with each charity I was given the same resource list with such things listed as Help to pay bills- limited funds so call on the first Thursday of the month to see if we have money-must have a disconnect notice, rental help up to $250 but you must have an eviction letter, free checkups at health clinics, free clothes, free HIV medication, free vaccinations for kids, free legal counsel, free formula for infants, free meals- soup kitchens, free food pantries, free gas vouchers- limited availability so call first- must provide proof of insurance and registration. There were a few organizations that helped disabled people find work and a couple that promised to help dropouts get GED’s. And lots and lots of suicide hotlines. There were hotlines for veteran suicide, immigrant suicide, LGBT suicide, teen suicide, runaway suicide. Hotlines for domestic violence counseling and immigrant counseling and teen counseling and general counseling. There were two whole pages dedicated to drug and alcohol counseling and rehab.

And there were the numbers to the shelters in the area listed. Each charity would ask “did you try ___?” Of course. “How about ___?” Yes. They never believed I had tried everything in their arsenal so they would pick up the phone and start making phone calls themselves. And after an entire day wasted in this way we would always end up going back to our tent in the woods.

But many of them told me “Thank God it’s summer, huh! At least you aren’t freezing!”

We were given a bus ticket so we could ride free for a month. Being as I live in a suburb the buses are few so it took an hour plus just to get to any appointment. The charities tried loading me up with canned food and porcelain plates, not remembering we were on foot and living in the woods. But what I needed they could not offer.

I have a medical condition which requires careful monitoring. After my third weekly blood draw my doctor told me, “no drugs yet? I’m surprised. Impressed but surprised.” Um, pardon me? “Well, knowing your situation we (my team of 8 doctors) were sure you wouldn’t last three weeks before turning to drugs. There isn’t even a trace of alcohol. How are you coping?”

My DOCTOR told me this.

One thing that would be a huge step in alleviating homelessness is communication. If the charities and organizations would only put aside their self serving views and simply network with one another, there would be much less wasted time and they could each find their niche instead of bobbing about the “general information” section.

That and communication with the population they are being paid to serve. The charities think they know what will best help the homeless, but that’s the problem- they all have the same general resources, and none of those general resources are what the homeless actually need.


9. Fido and Fluffy

Do not abandon your pet. There is a lot of controversy regarding this. When someone brings up the guy holding the cardboard sign with a dog at his feet, there are many who will verbally attack him. We took our 6 cats with us. one- because they are a part of the family, and two- they are rescues with special needs. Being a member of an abused pet rescue organization, I knew there are a few organizations that will help. Red Rover offers grants to board your pet while you are in a shelter. Some veterinarians will board your pet temporarily if you come in e very day to walk, feed and clean. And small local rescues can help or know of individuals who will.

But when you see a dude with a dog, do not judge. He has already lost everything. And I can guarantee you his dog eats better than him. When you are in that situation you truly have no one. And you absolutely cannot trust anyone. His dog is his only friend and companion. And could very well be the only reason he is still alive.


8. Veterans

The men and women who serve our country are discarded by society the moment they return. Far too many homeless are Veterans.


7. Children

Almost all of the homeless I encountered downtown are single. Most of the homeless hiding deep in the woods have children. My neighbors to one side arrived there less than a week after we did. The dad was a recently medically discharged Marine. The Mom was a video game developer. They brought with them their 8 year old autistic son and their live in “Manny.” Two weeks into their homelessness they were given gas vouchers by Orange County California to go to Seattle for the resources. If you are unfamiliar with autism, one important thing to know is they need hard routine. Anything off the daily routine sets them off- they cannot process it. I learned a lot helping the Manny with little Chris during his many episodes, while Mom and Dad looked for help, jobs, their lost shaker of sanity. ![dig.jpg]


6. Dignity

When one loses everything, that list includes their dignity. Besides their inner turmoil, especially if they have children, is overwhelming. But the worst is being kicked when you are down. They are painfully aware of their situation, whether they got themselves there or victims of circumstance.


5. Unsettled, not unhinged

There are far less people who became homeless due to mental health issues than what is commonly accepted. Many people become mentally ill due to the stress and traumatic experiences endured while homeless.


4. Stress is a beeotch

Stress is the worst thing about being homeless. It affects you physically. You are in a constant, never ending state of hyper awareness. It effects your heart and makes it wear down fast. Your body constantly secretes cortisol and other dangerous hormones and chemicals which eat away at your organs and permanently alter your DNA. It affects your concentration and short term memory. Stress destroys your body. No amount of breathing exercises help. And there is no end, not even when you go to sleep.


3. How to get out

You don’t. Actually some are fortunate and escape homelessness. September 2016 I found out that there were 800 homeless families with children registered with my counties public schools. I reached out to the schools Homeless Advocate last week. She checked the registration and informed me only 12 of those families have found permanent residence. And there are 19 more that registered as homeless since I got the original numbers from her.

The only reason you are reading this right now is because I was fortunate and found just the right help.

But it wasn’t listed in the resource list.

Nor did any of the hotlines or charities refer me in this direction.

We couldn’t have escaped alone.

Every morning I would awaken early and make a series of phone calls to all the shelters we qualified for in a 150 mile radius. One day I was on hold while they were checking vacancy and scanning the news. There was a story about the Congressman’s talk regarding the homeless crisis. I tried to contact him but getting through to your congressman is like getting finding a genuine diamond in your cereal box. I reached out to a retired former congressman. This elderly gentleman, like almost every other person I have encountered, was in disbelief as to how this could possibly have happened. We met at a coffeeshop the next day, talked for an hour and then he took my notebook and resource lists full of notes and said he would make a few phone calls. He was a bit condescending, but I had nothing to lose and after all this time living in the dirt I was desperate. He called me several hours later. His tone was different- kind and apologetic. He admitted he had thought I was just trying to get something from him. He said he went home and made a few phone calls, the results confirming my situation and truth. This disturbed him. Soon he and his wife were both making phone calls. They got the same information and lack of resources that I had. He and his wife rented a hotel room for me and the boys for a couple nights while he figured this out, and they helped us get there. He had my oldest son work on his fence so we would have a little cash and in exchange for the hotel. He kept us in the hotel for 10 days. None of the social workers, charities, or organizations had resources- even for a retired congressman. He ended up pulling a favor from an old friend of his who owns rental properties. She had a small house that had just become vacant, and the three of us worked out a deal to move in with only a portion of the total and a contract to pay the remainder in monthly installments. My quarterly royalty check had just come in but was nowhere near the amount of first and last month’s rent plus deposit. He also found an organization that gave us a grant of $500 toward move in costs.


2. Is that a target on your back or are you happy to see me?

The amount of people who take advantage of the homeless is overwhelming. I warned my boys that we would be targeted. We were in fact the only family that did not have a grown man living with them. There were new scammers and evildoers almost daily. I don’t know if this is common, but we were targeted by a fairly large cult claiming to be Christians. When we saw through one set of people, another came along to “save the day”. There were FIVE attempts on our family this way! Of course we were targeted by individuals, but not as many as you’d think. Usually they came disguised as couples and families, professing their assistance, reeling you in…


1. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…

Seattle is known as the city with the best homeless resources in the country. It is a well-deserved reputation I suppose- I mean, how many cities allow tents on the sidewalks of downtown and rooftops of high-rises? How many cities have their own homeless amazon page? A page set up for people to donate from the wish list of the actual people living on the streets?
I will say Seattle does offer the homeless great medical care- they even get free acupuncture. And they are not degraded as much as other communities, in fact they are accepted as part of the colorful city. And I can honestly say I never saw anyone starving.

The problem with such a reputation is the entire nation is taking notice and sending their homeless here! That’s I can confirm- AZ, CA, NM, OR, LA- are also out of homeless resources and are granting each new homeless person and family a one-way bus ticket to Seattle! As if we didn’t have enough of our own.

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Thank you for your support. For the original 10 Things I Learned From Being Homeless please follow this link https://steemit.com/story/@arbitrarykitten/10-things-i-learned-from-being-homeless


It's funny how easily it is to judge people until you find yourself in a similar situation. I used to think that street dwellers were all high, crazy or lazy. Then when I spent time living among them I realized that that description could just as easily fit a group of company employees except they know where they are sleeping tonight.

You can grow a lot from this kind of experience. You see a lot that's wrong with society and how anyone is really capable of anything. I found that treating someone like a human being can be much more helpful than donating your time or your money.

The homeless are the hardest working individuals. Not only are they doing the normal things every other person does every day, but they are doing it without comfort. And basic surviving is a very stressful job on top of it all.

I think that's the major problem with society today- too many don't treat everyone with basic kindness and consideration.

We all have pasts and skeletons and anything can happen to anyone at anytime.

Wow. What a harrowing story. I'm glad you were able to get the help you needed, finally, and it seems it was because you were creative and willing to reach out to the right people.

Two years ago, my husband got in touch with a friend he hadn't seen in a decade. He kind of dropped off the map, and the last we heard, he was living in his car. My husband even drove around town through the Wal-Mart parking lots looking for him a few times. When we finally heard from him again, it was on Facebook, and he was renting a room from a guy he met at a flea market, but was about to be homeless again because the guy needed the room for a family member.

He knew he wouldn't survive another hot Florida summer in his car, and he hadn't worked in a while due to unknown medical issues. He was an only child, adopted, and the only kid in his family. He lived with his parents until they both died, and then had no idea how to care for himself.

We had him come stay with us for a couple of weeks, during which time we took him to the hospital and a follow-up with a doctor, so he could have a medical paper trail to get him on SSI and get an income coming in for him. We helped him apply for food stamps. And, after much looking around, we found him an antique 1959 RV for sale in a local RV park, right in our town. With the back payment he got when he was approved for SSI, he was able to buy the RV for only $800. The lot rent is $350 a month, electric up to $100 a month is included, as is water. He has a cheap cell phone and laptop, and a TV with no cable. We bought four new tires for his car for him.

With his SSI money and food stamps, he can now live pretty comfortably in the RV park. He is in his 50's and never married or had kids, so it's just him. He was a case of someone who just didn't know what to do, and didn't feel motivated to find out, because he was so used to his parents doing everything for him. My husband and I had to basically step in and be his parents, but at least we kept him from having to live in his car again. There's even a walk-in clinic literally outside his front door, a convenience store next door, and a hospital and a Wendy's across the street, so everything he needs or might need is close by. He only uses his car now to come over to our house or go get groceries at Wal-Mart.

If it weren't for you two stepping in, that gentleman would have quietly slipped through the cracks. I'm inclined to assume that happens far too often.

You guys are a blessing :)

We definitely did what we felt like we had to do, and it worked out well. Now, he comes over regularly to help my husband in his music studio like they did in the old days, and has a place to go home to.

We knew we couldn't have him live with us, 1) because he is a miserable wretch who smokes and has a bad attitude, and 2) we tried it once before just after his mom died, and when I got transferred to another state with my job a few months later, he refused to come with us, even though we offered, and rented a warehouse with some co-workers instead. That's how we ended up losing track of him for so long, because he was mad at us for moving, even though he knew when he moved in with us that we might have to, and that he was welcome to come with us.

Even so, he and my husband have known each other since the early 80's, and my husband didn't want anything bad to happen to him. As difficult as it is for anyone to get along with him, neither did I. When we found him again and knew his situation, we knew we had to do something to keep him off the streets, just without it involving him living with us again. Now, he's got his own place, which is the best thing for everyone.

I completely understand. Although it's not humans, I operate a rescue home for severely abused pets. And there are some that are jyst impossible to live with, so you must find creative resolutions. Lol

I'm happy it worked out for all involved!

Thanks for bringing attention to this crucial topic. I was moved by your story. I was homeless myself for a short while. Luckily, I live in Sweden,where we still have a kind of welfare society, although in sharp decline, and the city provided me with a sublet apartment. Before that I Iived in a shelter with junkies. The only reason I ended in that situation is that there is a really severe lack of housing in my city, Gothenburg. There is still the persistent myth that homelessness is caused by social problems, but this is increasingly false, rather, much as you say, homelessness creates other problems, like alcoholism, drug abuse and mental health issues.
Upvoted, resteemed and followed.

There is a severe lack of affordable housing in my area. There are thousands of vacant apartments, however with an average price of $2047 for one bedroom, you can see why they are vacant.

I am happy you were able to get out of that mess. Thank you!

$2K for rental! God damn! Where do you live?

Ridiculous, right? Just outside Seattle Washington USA

It's insane! :( Almost as if the system wants to push people out into the streets!

Never been there! Been to a few other places. Hoping to renew my US visa later this year for a trip.

When you arrive we must have dinner :)

There's an interesting you tube video, I'm in transit right now so I can't link to it, but look up College Humor - homeless. There's an interesting thought about Air BnB and homelessness in that video.

When you arrive we must have dinner :)

Goes without saying! :)

College humor is awesome! Will check. Safe transit back home! :)

Just watched it! Crazy that US for all it's development is still lagging behind in providing the basic necessities of life; food, clothing and shelter to so many it's people! :(

We have the same problem here in Vancouver BC. The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment is $1950, and for a 2-bedroom apartment, it's a whopping $3150. The median income in this city is about $67,000 per year, which means that affordable rent for a median income earner is about $1675/month (or 1/3 of gross monthly income). You can see how it's not difficult to end up homeless here...

And we have the same issue with tens of thousands of vacant investment properties.

Thank you so much for writing about your experiences. There is so much that we can all learn from them. I´m sending you a hug and have resteemed your post! :)

Awe <3 I love hugs, my philosophy is there's no such thing as enough :)

Thank you much :)

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Wow! Another insightful followup to your first piece. This is incredible the things you had to endure. You are a very impressive person and a strong woman. I'm glad I am a follower. Thank you for sharing this.

Many thanks to you my friend.

no problem.

Good luck to you and your family. Your story is heartbreaking.

Thank you, I appreciate your support <3

Tell ya one thing, if you live long enough life sure has a way of taking you on one hell of a roller coaster. Glad you were able to endure and grow from this experience!

Touche' and well said!

Thank you. I'm determined to bring awareness now, and hope I can help bring change.

wow, I think you can still turn each item you listed into another whole post unto itself.

Come to think of it Alex, I could probably turn this into a novel!

Incredibly story! My full respect!

Thank your, I appreciate your support :) Stay tuned!

Charity appealed a lot - they only list other funds (the circle closes - we are out of the circle), so the crypto currency gives a chance!

I second that! Crypto is the solution, the future, everything :)

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Amazing story! Makes me want to hug you! You are a strong & powerful momma for overcoming such a huge disaster of a situation. Thank you for sharing & ive upsteemed your post & im going to follow you. So many people dont realize the situations homeless people get into. I follow a lady on Facebook back at my hometown who has the heart of gold! She has a page specifically for the homeless in the area. She raises money uses alot of her own money to get supplys, food, blankets, tents, clothes, jobs for all these people. In the winter she goes out nightly with her trunk full of supplys to make sure no one freezes out there. She meets these people l, hears their stories & if she can she helps them get back on her feet with a job & a place to live. Shes posted several sucessful stories of getting men & women off the streets & it warms my heart to see such a generous soul out there helping people just because she can & with a full time job. Your story is amazing & we can learn so much from it!😁

<3 Thank you! Virtual hugs :) Thank you for sharing...The lady in your hometown sounds like an angel, what am amazing undertaking.

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This post is perfect mate, I'm technically homeless, but I know how to find residence and places to take me in for a little work, such as babysitting or house-cleaning.
But when my mother and I were trying to leave my father we went through much of this and while it wasn't great, honestly it was way better than with my abusive father, and most of the problems I had with it was the constant trying to get into a shelter rather than just living under the bridge and relaxing in our poverty.

It's ridiculous how many homeless people there are and how much the police (where I was, and have been) harass them, and just quite how little help you can really get to stop being homeless.

Everyone assumes there is help, shelter, resources. "They" have conditioned us to believe that. Hell, I thought so! But there truly is nothing. If you fall, there is no life alert. You stay down. Very few can get up. I am thankful you are able to find safe places to sleep, and work. You can do it, and I know steemit will help!

The silly thing is where do they think all the people on the streets sleep and why aren't they at jobs if they have a nice shelter to stay at? Why do they carry so much "trash." People just prefer not to acknowledge them I guess.

The only way I've come to find to get up is either through family, or through something like workaway.info or similar, if you're lucky enough to get someone who will take you, but of course that only gets you off the streets.
That's what I've been doing, and lately I've earned a little extra money while doing it and thus I bought some crypto, learned about steemit, and yeah here I am.

It is easier to dismiss something you feel embarrassed to think about than it is to learn more I suppose.

I am glad you found opportunities. Keep working your way up, determine that is the only way to go!

I wish you prosperity and good fortune :)

Wow. A really heartbreaking story, so glad u got help. Thank u so much for sharing. Followed upvoted and resteemed. I wish u all the best. Bless

Thank you so much Sara. Wonderful meeting you :)

Ur so welcome :0) nice meeting u too. Have a great weekend

You as well! Happy Summer!

You know, this is why I left the charity sector behind me. Far too many HUGE egos and nowhere near enough concentration on what mattered. I worked at a Charity once that had 5 managers in a staff of barely 10. The crazy spending habits and shitty 'look at what I do, aren't I amazing' attitudes of staff were unreal.

I've only found one place that really served the people. They ran with the idea that their customers were no1, then staff, then management. A complaint from a customer bore far more weight that a management complaint. We actually helped thousands keep their benefits in a system that was jacked up to purposely fail them. I'm proud of working there, but I knew it would be the last place I worked at. They spoiled it for me. Nowhere came close

Yes! Exactly. As an advocate with a rapidly growing voice in this subject, I could TOTALLY make a good living running a scam charity, and it would be so easy it's disgusting. The sad part is you don't even have to look very deep to see what they are doing. But there are no regulations, no audits, no one to check so they run wild...

Yup, you're right. I could write an entire blog about the injustices of the Charity sector but I fear I may lose a few voluntary positions that I already hold dear and do a great deal of good in, hah! I'm a sort-of well respected voice in my local area


You know, I'm going to start being an advocate for it on here! :D

Wow, ok! I am proud to be the inspiration!

Watch for next two posts!

I will, thanks!

I feel like I'm late to the party having just seen this. One question I have is how did this happen to you?

There were lots of people who lost their homes in the housing crisis and some of them ended up homeless too. And it's frightening to see there appears to be another housing bubble.

The answer to that is pretty lengthy, in short it was a tiny little hole in the law that we slipped thru. I will go into greater detail about that in another post in this series I am currently working on :)

I've read both articles and am mightily impressed with your resilience and perseverance. I also enjoy your writing: heartfelt but terse. I have upvote, followed and resteemed both. Thanks for revealing some of those experiences.

I feel I had to go through this... With the stigma involved there is a large a growing population that does not have a voice and is both being abused and neglected by society in general. With my PR and speaking background, I feel I might just be the person who gives them the voice they so desperately need.

Thank you. Much appreciation to you <3

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I learnt so much from your story and in all honesty it was an eye opener, you are a true motivation to people and I respect that!

Thank you, I really appreciate that :) There are more in the series- I love Steemit, I wrote the first one and received tremendous support and encouragement and inspiration to delve deeper so that people could have a fuller understanding. Thank you for your support, and stay tuned for more!

Sadly this is a problem all over the world...

You know, I wasn't fully aware of how bad it had gotten all over the world until commenters to the first post of this series started telling me their stories. I am so thankful I posted that one that started it all, I truly want to be a voice for this and I feel this is helping people erase the stigma and give it a heartfelt thought. I love steemit. This community is going to change the world.

I live in South-Africa so have some stories to share... But I will save that for my private account @dracosalieri.

I'm following to read your accounts :)

When I see homeless people with pets, maybe this is awful, but I feel more inclined to give them something. I used to live in Portland and would often see homeless people with a dog. It's really true that when you have nothing, that unconditional love that comes from your pets might just be the only reason you're still alive. Thanks for all the insight @arbitrarykitten <3


Thank YOU Jessica, I appreciate your support.

I admire the strength you had getting out of this situation and of course the strength you had while enduring this. Oh man, I even had tears in my eyes reading your story. This society truly is fucked up. I do not even know what to say...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I truly hope I can inspire change by turning my misfortunes into something positive and bringing awareness :)

Be blessed!

Wow, that is quite the story. Here is Hawaii we have a rapidly growing homeless population. During Christmas this year I ordered a bunch of on sale stuff from the Disney Store and passed it out to the kids at some of the tent cities. Many of the people still have jobs, they just can't afford rent.

That is so amazing of you, those kids are in such a dark place in life that you must have been such a bright ray of light for them :)

Almost all I have encountered have jobs also.

I'm going to write about my homeless friend because of you.

I am happy to be an inspiration :)


Very descriptive and matter of fact at the same time. Excellent writing. I don't have any answers for the overall homeless problem, only to be kind when you encounter someone in that situation. All it takes is one life-changing event for you to be homeless also. Don't think it can't happen. Thanks for the reminder.

Thank you, I really appreciate that.

Yes, a little kindness goes a very long way :)

Glad you are safe now.

Thank you. :)

This post received a 1.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @arbitrarykitten! For more information, click here!

Being someone that was homeless for a year myself, I'm very surprised with how you worded much of this article.

Much information is just downright wrong.

How do you get out? You don't? Nothing further from the truth.

You stop blaming the world for your fucking problems and get a job.

That's one thing I learnt about homeless people after meeting literally probably 100 of them from being homeless.
It was always someone that owes them nothings fault for the situation they landed in.

Ego is a killer and a homeless maker.

I had two jobs. Most have at least one. I'm close wth the school advocate- most of the registered homeless children in September are still homeless.

Having jobs does not matter when the housing costs exceed income.

Great Post!!!
I upvote this post and im following you, so I hope you follow me back,

I'm looking forward to reading your work, great to meet you :)

@arbitrarykitten Your two posts about your experiences have totally floored me (as well as educated me). I knew there were homeless out there, but I honestly had NO idea of the extent. This is HUGE! I'm sorry that I'm just now seeing this, my 3rd day as a member of SteemIt. Did you do a post about what happened to you to cause all this? Did you ever get resolution?

Should be quite eye opening for those not in the know. Thanks for sharing again