No, I think you're right. Obviously, everything's subjective. There are some people who work really well with college and are happier for it and there are some who do not. There's no universal rule either way, saying that it'll work out (or that it won't) if you do this. Sadly. Maybe things would be a bit easier if there was a magic recipe..
And yeah, maybe my point of view will change in ten years' time, very possible. I mean, I can only speak from the point of view of my own age and like you say, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference. Maybe one will become more obvious with time.
It's bizarre how little people respect graduate students.
Hmmm that is so strange, I agree! I would've never thought people can be like that. I mean, to me, doing an MA or PhD seems like such hard work, you know, I'd be like wow, you already did 3 (or 4, or however many) years studying for your BA and you're going back for more? That is something! I think it takes a lot of determination and hard work, so...:)