Exciting Things are Happening on the Homestead!

in #homesteading8 years ago

Good Morning Steemit!

First off I must say I have hit a Steemit milestone this week. I now have over100 followers! Thank you all that follow, like comment and share in my families homesteading journey. We are so blessed and happy to be a part of this wonderful steemit/homesteading community.

Now for even more exciting new!!! Our homestead is growing. This weekend we added 7 new friends. 3 adult age Mottled English Orpingtons and 4 baby Mottled English Orpingtons. We have two Hens and one Roo that are laying/adult age. We are not sure about the 4 babies as they came 'unsexed'. BUT the lady we bought them from thinks we have at least 3 hens and possibly 1 Roo.
below is the 4 baby chicks we got - their names are Nugget, Drumstick, Buffalo and Barbeque
baby chicks.jpg

We have not named the adults yet...open to suggestions:
adult cick.jpg

We even built them a nice little chicken run so they would not be cooped up in the tiny little chicken coop we have. We definitely need a bigger barn/coop!
chick yard.jpg
we added a little section for the babies apart from the adults so they would not get hurt but could still start to socialize with one another. The little chicks have a Rubbermaid tub for a Minnie coop right now so they have a dry place to sleep at night.

We are getting a shed for the critters that will be converted into a barn type structure as we definitely needs something bigger for all the chicks AND the two goats we are getting today too. We are welcoming a pair of Twin Nigerian Dwarf goats to our little homestead this weekend too. Good thing our shed is being delivered today too. We do have a temporary structure inplace for the goats while the shed is being built though.
so for now - I am off to the Tractor Supply store to get hay, grain and straw.

Happy Homesteading Friends. Will definitely give y'all an update once the goats get here. Right now their names are Eeyore and Tigger. I am looking to rename them though...our dogs name are Fenrir and Freya - want to stick with Norse Mythology names. probably going to check out their personalities before I jump into anything. BUT I think I will name the little boy Loki...just not sure about his twin sister...


Congratulations on the new arrivals!
I can remember when my son was raising chickens and every time we had new ones, whether purchased at the stock yard auction or hatched, it was a special day and we would spend so much time in the hen house and chicken yard.

LOL we spent ALL Day with them yesterday. My kids absolutely adore them. We had the babies up on the porch while we were building the run. My youngest wanted to get in the kennel with them. Needless to say - one got out and somehow made its way under the porch. Which is trellised up. SO my oldest (who is smaller) ended up having to low crawl under the porch to get the little bugger out from under the porch. NEVER in a million years did I think that little Diva would do that! but she was all onboard for operation baby peep peep rescue.

You'd be surprised at what the 'divas' will do!
I have one of those too. Never left house without hair perfect, make-up, etc.. now she is a gardening, get your hands in the dirt and who cares what I look like when I go to town kind of gal.

Our garage would have anywhere from 50-200 chicks at a time. We had two incubators running... oh brother! I sure do miss those days

Congrats on your Steemit milestone of 100 followers. Wonderful additions to your homestead. Nothing like sweet chicks. Thanks for sharing this update.

Thank You! definitely a eventful weekend for us to say the least :)