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RE: Exciting Things are Happening on the Homestead!

in #homesteading7 years ago

LOL we spent ALL Day with them yesterday. My kids absolutely adore them. We had the babies up on the porch while we were building the run. My youngest wanted to get in the kennel with them. Needless to say - one got out and somehow made its way under the porch. Which is trellised up. SO my oldest (who is smaller) ended up having to low crawl under the porch to get the little bugger out from under the porch. NEVER in a million years did I think that little Diva would do that! but she was all onboard for operation baby peep peep rescue.


You'd be surprised at what the 'divas' will do!
I have one of those too. Never left house without hair perfect, make-up, etc.. now she is a gardening, get your hands in the dirt and who cares what I look like when I go to town kind of gal.

Our garage would have anywhere from 50-200 chicks at a time. We had two incubators running... oh brother! I sure do miss those days