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RE: Nicaragua Update 16

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

We are raising rabbits and chickens too. We are about 1 mile from the river and the guys have been setting nets. A few have gone out at night to catch crabs and lobsters. But night activity of the paramilitary has increased. More folks were killed last night in Masaya and Managua.

The tilapia are small, about 4 inches head to tail, the good thing is tilapia grow fast.


Snares will help then, as long as you watch for the bad guys. Boil them after you make them, to remove the people smells. Fish traps are quicker to set, and check, than nets, might be safer. They can be made of reeds or sticks.

Have you thought about aquaponics with the tilapia? A few gravel beds would help speed grow some plants, and keep the pond water sweet. 4 inches is a good starting size on the Tilapia. Can he bring you any other supplies? Is local plant forage possible for you guys?

Rabbits are better than chickens, because they are quiet, and make good fertilizer! But Eggs are nice too, if they don't make too much noise. Eat the loud ones, LOL! :)

I don't know if I will be able to get messages out after Wednesday. The people have decided to show the government they mean business by holding a national strike on Wednesday. The government will retaliate by cutting power, water and communications. That will effectively cut the country off from the world...

I was afraid of that! Look for the radio parts in the junk piles. I wish I could build one for you!
ka5jet @ or toby @; and I can send you better contact information. Too bad you do not have a sat phone! I can get on most any ham frequency. You need to go lower in frequency for long distances. 20 Meters (wavelength) is probably best. My first ham contact was in Lima Peru on 20 meters.

Would snail mail put you at risk?

Even if we loose contact, we will keep you on our prayer list!

We have no snail mail as of last month. The post office and most government offices are closed. Banks are closed as of today. Everything is boarded up. Have you seen photos of war zones? Well, we look like that...not a pretty site. Pretty disheartening.

I was hopeful, but not surprised. I have been watching the postings. That was why I am worried about you. You guys keep posting as long as you have contact.

I wish I could do more! :(

We will. Someone needs to let the world know...

I will spread it as long as I can get it! :) If you can get me information any other way, I will see it is placed on Steemit!

Be a mouse, not a Lion, HIDE out as much as possible!