Turnips Uses and Benefits

in #homesteading7 years ago

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Turnips are in the same family as broccoli and cabbage. They are good winter crops. The thing about growing them, is that, I find, they grow anywhere as long as it gets cool enough. They are easy to grow and amazingly good. I have always grown them when I have the seed, but, I never realized the absolute goodness of turnips. After reading this I think you will make turnips a part of your garden from now on.


The plant is not at all invasive. In fact you may want to let the plant go to seed for your next crop, though turnip seeds are fairly easy to find. All parts of the plant are edible. All parts are extremely good for you. The greens are probably the most beneficial. I use it in soups and stews. The greens I add to salads or cook them in olive oil add salt and pepper and delicious addition to any meal. The young root just washed off is VERY tasty. I use the roots fried with other veggies in oil and add chicken for an oriental style dish. I also make turnip chips. I use them a lot like potatoes.


Folates (B9)
Niacin (B3)
Pantothenic acid
Riboflavin (B2)
Thiamin (B1)
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Antioxidants and Other


Wow where to begin? I only just researched this veggie and I was really surprised at the outstanding benefits of this veggie. I guess we can start with the fact that it a cancer prevention aid. Yes the Turnip is very high in antioxidants therefore, fights free radicals and helps to prevent cancer. It is also an anti-inflammatory which helps as well.

It is really beneficial to the cardiovascular system as well. Check this out, It also aids in digestion, but the symbiosis is quite amazing. The greens when eaten raw absorb bile which uses up cholesterol in the body in turn lowers cholesterol in the blood!

Awesome source of calcium and potassium so it is great for your bones. these also help with your connective tissues which when matched with the anti-inflammatory property can be used for Osteoporosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Turnips are very high in vitamin A which is one of the largest depleted vitamins (including vitamin C) of smokers, by reintroducing the vitamin A the lungs can repair themselves at a much higher rate.

Turnips have a healthy amount of glucosinolates which help the stomach process bacteria like Helicobacter pylori.

According to A Treasury of Persian Cuisine, By Shirin Simmons Turnips can also cure kidney stones, if small enough, and you eat it regularly.

The low calorie, high fiber content will help in the loss of weight. Making the body feel full and the fiber will help regulate the body's metabolism.

Studies have also shown that the high content of vitamin C and antioxidants help in the prevention and treatment of Asthma.

According to The Green Pharmacy: New Discoveries in Herbal Remedies for Common Diseases ..., By James A. Duke, turnip juice can eliminate body odor! I didn't see that one coming.

Turnips have a high amount of antioxidants which is, of course, an immune booster.

Lutein is a carotenoid that promotes eye health!

Due to the high content of vitamin C and antioxidants the turnip has anti-ageing properties.

With all these benefits and an easy grow, you will not find my garden without it!

Well please up-vote and follow if you like my content. I will continue to post similar articles on plants, homegrown foods, gardening and homesteading ideas. Again thanks for dropping in. Remember that this is not medical advice nor do I prescribe anything to anyone. This post is for educational purposes only. Your body is your temple, treat it well. Have a great garden!

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They are healthy. I'm making a Portuguese Lamb stew with Turnips tomorrow morning :)

Yes I never knew exactly how much until I researched them! That stew sounds good, what is in it?

The stew is a recipe I asked a local chef about in Sintra, Portugal last week. It's white wine, onions, Lamb, Annotto, garlic and the Turnips that will turn to mush and soften creating a thicker sauce, cooked slow for 2 hours, served with pickled carrots which I made yesterday and boiled potatoes and Broc. Never made it before so we'll see how it goes.

Also they make great fodder for livestock. Back home I have an antique turnip slicer that was used in the winters for feeding cattle.

great idea, yeah we used to feed these to our goats

Great idea for goats!

yep, they eat everything and anything

Your article got me wondering: is there such a thing as fermented turnip juice? I have had fermented cabbage juice before (they sell it in health food shops in France) and as you say, cabbage and turnip are related, so even if nobody has ever made it before, it should be just as easy (once you have the juice, that is!) and just as effective (if a little unpleasant taste-wise!).

Well, I make turnip pickles, I guess the juice would be the fermented juice. I will have to try drinking it, lol yuck, your right it does not sound all that great. I bet, though, it is really good for you.