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RE: Making All Natural Homemade Pasta Noodles

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Black Friday 2016 the little man purchases a new phone. Priority to have a new phone when facing eviction everyone knows that. November 2017 the little man purchases a new phone. Priority to have a new phone when facing winter not knowing if he can pay the bills day to day everyone knows that. Mommy!!!! Help me Mommy.
Donate now


And very importantly, he bragged about the "satellite deal" he got in the bargain (boxes shown in his shopping cart)...and later commented about the fact he had a $700 cell phone...

Doh!! They don't regard those cellphone contracts as trivial.

Lastly, a quick check of the AT&T cellphone coverage for Lewiston, MI area shows FULL coverage for 3G, 4G, 4G LTE coverage for the entire area around Lewiston including voice & data!!!

1st. Everyone needs a phone.

2nd. You dont get "evicted" from a land contract.

3rd. Although asking for donations for me is a nice gesture, it does not work on steemit.

What happened to last years phone?
Foreclose, Evict=Same

You already know the answer. My Sprint contract expired and I had no signal. So I switched. But all that is in my videos.

There was NO foreclosure.

It would be court records. And I know you guys love to spread dirt on me.

If there was a foreclosure case you would surely have been showing it all over.

you quit paying the notes and lost it and had to move. My how the little fibber spins his yarns. Since nothing was recorded so no foreclosure, just eviction for nonpayment. A land contract is a contract to pay notes until you pay in full. Nothing about that allows you to stop paying and stay on the land. IDIOT

You cannot evict someone on a land contract without foreclosure.

Find something better to do with your time.

Harassing me is illegal.

The only reason there are no court records against you is because the old lady was glad to see you go. In a typical scenario the property owner (which is not you until you pay off the contract) would sue you for the payments you didn't make while you were squatting on the property. Lucky for you your actions made it easy for you to walk away.

Read up on land contracts.

The buyer in a land contract is the SAME as a buyer under a mortgage.

We both came to a solution (between us) and we both walked away without courts.

Stop harassing me!!!!

Actually, once again you are incorrect. If you walk away from a land contract you don't even have equity. At least when you have a mortgage and walk away you have invested in equity. When you walked away from your property in New York you walked away with nothing. All of that money you invested into that land purchased was "poof" gone. And yes, you came to a resolution because she was happy to see you go. I guarantee you that if she could go back in time she would have not negotiated that same contract with you (if at all) if she had a chance to do it all over again.

And no again.

My contract was rock solid.

We both had to agree to a mutual solution.

Your continuing to state anything else is a criminal offense.

You continue to lie in order to slander me.

That is criminal.

You were not there.

All you can do is lie.

You defaulted and she was happy to see the last of your lying ass.

Actually you were not there.

Stating your lies as fact is criminal

You walked away owing more than 3 months in back payments, ie... more than $4500. You left tons of trash garbage on the property ruining the land value forever. So how many months were you behind 5-6months? That is $7500 to $9000 you stiffed the old lady for. You screw over everyone around you, take, take, take!!!

"My Sprint contract expired". Your comment 8 hours ago said it was AT&T so which was it? Are you sure it was not another default which got you cut off and it was a locked phone?
As for foreclosure you had a private unregistered contract so no there would not be court documents. In simple terms you had nothing other than the toxic waste you abandoned.

Now you confused your own self. You were complaining that I got a new phone in 2016.

Well guess what I had before that?

And guess why I got a new phone?

Lets see if you can figure it out.........

I already said it nicely but let me make it simple so even you can understand. The carrier shuts you down for default and it is a locked phone so it is worthless. You are now on a prepaid plan because no carrier will take you.
Foreclosure implies legal. You were simply turfed for non payment and most likely notification of default.
Did the pig hormones affect you that badly you have lost your memory or is it selective? We all know your name is mud but do the pig hormones give you a desire to roll in the mud literally? Then there are the truckloads of demolished barn. Do you think the guy dumping it may have had a few more IQ points than you?

Ok. Let ME try to make this simple and clear.

I had Sprint. Ran the 2 year term. Contract ended.

I got AT&T. It does not work here.

I got a Verizon prepaid phone now.

Very simple really.

People change phones every two years.

Its common knowledge.

YOU were NOT there when we dissolved the contract.

No matter what you say - you cannot change the facts.

You were NOT there.

Your words are just those of a common troll.

Lying asshole said it was a Bell contract with satellite tv included

Bell contract???

I never even heard of a Bell cell phone network.

No saying there is none but I never heard of such a thing.

It was AT&T and direct TV.

But they never got DirectTV working and dropped the contract.

Its all in my videos.

You see, the thing is that everything is in the open in my videos.

But you guys are so messed up with looking for lies and twisting stories that you cant even get your facts straight.

Its no wonder you guys contradict one another on your lies.

There was no toxic waste.

You are spreading lies which is illegal to do.

There was no foreclosure and we settled between ourselves.

Anything else you say is criminal because you state lies as facts.

You were NOT there.

You have NO idea what went on.

Your continued harassment of my family is illegal

This entire pile is covered in asbestos and lead paint...
You were paid to let somebody dump it on that poor old
ladies property before you got evicted for cheating her
out of rent $$$...


