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RE: Making a cheap dust collection system

in #homesteading2 years ago

I presume the drum is sealed and air and dust drop into it, if the air resides and gets more air without leaving the drum, the pressure will be high. How do you mitigate it?


but the air cant reside in the drum....
The vacuum only sucks, lets assume the hose gets stuck you get a bigger vacuum, never a high positive pressure.

Lets say i put a pump on it to make positive pressure in the barrel than the lid will just go up...The lid isn´t fixed, it stays in place only if there is a vacuum

Okay that's nice. Now, if you have a barometer, try getting the air pressure reading inside the drum. But, I'll assume it will below 14 PSIA in a proper vacuum.

Yes, you are right, I supposed the lid jerking as the pressure building phenomenon, but now I am feeling it was due to vibration in the pipe. Thanks for more explanation.