There you are. The apple of my eye. You are such a good friend. You never fail me/us.
22 plus acres down on my land. Over 35 here on the home place. This is where we stay.
None of the land is rented at this time. Maybe later. But, no plans for that.@rebeccaryan
Rebecca. I have a horror story to tell. I will tell it tomorrow. No "homesteading for me today."
I was -deeply- involved with my "futures trading." Ugly Very ugly. Ugh
But, I survived. View the determination that this old man has tomorrow if you want to.
I will try to spice it up a little. Ha ha
Oh man Francis! You gave me a friggin heart arrhythmia. I was bracing myself for...I don't know a wood cutting accident! It doesn't matter the age or level of experience...managing forest is a dangerous business for anybody.
Trading performance I can deal with...LOL! I am so glad it was this.
I have an idea...I will email you in a few hours. ;)