I Now Get More Eggs Than My Eggpron Will Hold!
And why am I crazy? Well there's a few reasons, but in this case it is because I don't even eat eggs. What the hell am I doing with all of these chickens and all of these ouefs?

They are so pretty though...

And they feed my family and neighbours.
Today is Wash the Ouefs Day
When they start piling up and I've procrastinated for too long, it's time to wash the eggs and refrigerate them. The spring time is the worst for dirty eggs, the ground is so wet and of course if you have chickens you'll know that they basically take turns laying in the same spot all through the morning, many dirty feet going on and off the nest.
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I've read that this is only a North American practice, the washing and refrigeration of eggs. In other countries, the eggs are never washed, there's always a bit of mud, feather or straw with the eggs, and of course they are left on the counter.
The reason we have to refrigerate the eggs is because the washing takes off a protective coat which naturally preserves the egg. People in the West are unused to seeing "dirty" eggs, we're used to those shining grocery store ones and I don't want to traumatize my neighbours so I wash em up.

Chicken Cannibals
With getting so many eggs a day, the girls get a daily treat of hard boiled eggs (and always save leftovers for the crows). The shell is so good for them too, gives them their much needed calcium, and saves us money because we don't have to buy them oyster shells to eat.

I gave them quite a few today, so no rugby matches, there was enough for everyone to share.

Uh Oh I think I sense @papacrusher coming to scissor kick his way in to get some of that hard boiled goodness ;)

"He who we shalt not name."
The crows never come to eat their eggs until I've gone back inside.
They have far too much dignity to be witnessed accepting a hand out from a human...

I took a couple pics from inside the house, looks like the #chickenbitchez didn't leave the crows much on the driveway today, just shells. I always try and throw a few pretty far, and off to the side near the bushes for the crows, they find them eventually.

Pretty Things

Ok, so a fly is not exactly pretty, but it's the first one I've seen in months! I'll be sick of them soon I know, yet this is another small victory towards spring.

Orchid is still in Bloom.

The Rosemary I started last Fall.

Some flowers @hendrix22 got me :) What a vibrant carnation hey?

And Lastly, Little Edgar Feeling Right At Home

Have a Great Friday Night Everyone, this Crazy Ouef Lady is Out!
You DON'T eat eggs?! What? Oh heavens, I love my chicken's eggs. So good. I guess they are not for everyone.
Yes North America over refrigerates everything. I remember in the 90s I live in Paris during University and it was wonderful how milk, eggs, were just on counters in the marche's and bread was just out no wrappings or plastic.
Also American milk is SO huge and of course we can't get raw milk and our half and half and such are usually seen as pretty odd to the European sensibility.
I'm so happy your kitty is so happy in his new place. Is his tummy full of mice? ;)
I have ground my eggshells in an old coffee grinder for my chickens, but never gave them eggs as I always heard it would make them peck their own eggs, and once they start that it's hard to break them of it. But, that must not be true, as maybe because you are giving them what they need they don't think to do it to their own eggs?
I keep meaning to start a little meal worm farm for my hens, they love those things and they are pricey at the shops.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Ooh yes little Edgar's tummy is full of mice haha, she's a wicked hunter!
I wish I could eat eggs, and every now and again I'll try them just to see if my body has changed, sometimes I get off lucky but then I'll have a really bad experience, I haven't tried for a year now. Sooon haahaha!
I have heard that too about the eggs, I read that as long as they are cooked then it's no problem. And mine have never tried to eat their own eggs from the nesting boxes, so all good!
Mmm your hennies will love those worms! I know our girls can't wait for the bug treats in the summer that the boys find for them, they even found a little snake last year and fed it to the girls xo What would the world be without little boys eh?
So many colors. Is colors changes as per season or chicken to chicken.
Each chicken lays a different colour <3 :) The green and pink ones come from our "Easter Egger" chickens <3
I cant wait for an Ouef..so tired of the crappy ones here. soon soon soon..cant wait. xx ps. make sure my fridge is full of em once I get there
I will, promise, promise!!!
Counting down the days xx
Wjen ee can't get eggs from our friend. We pay 2.50 euro a half dozen just under 4 CDs. Thanks for clearing up why you put your egges in the fridge. We never do here but they don't seem to go off even when they are washed. And sometimes they can be around for over a week or two. Curious? 😎❤
An unwashed egg can last for 6 months or more!
Ye I believe they sometimes do, in our house too lol😎
Interesting about the eggs not being washed in some countries and being left on the counter.
Your flower pictures are beautiful!
yay to seeing a fly. I guess that is a positive way to look at those nasty bugs! I usually don't like seeing them when they sneak in a window, but if I do see one, I'll remember that. Spring is closer!
ps. I tagged you in my DC trip post. So you can take a peek at it when you have a chance!
Oooh awesome, awesome!! Going to see it now Anna!
Edgar's jellybean paws, oh my <3
You should make yorkshire puddings with the extra zillion eggs!!! Omg I love those...drool
I am missing my eggs!! Gah, they would have been laying like crazy right now:(
Ok, ok shakes it off I love baby rosemary and hello pretty flowers! Awwww @hendrix22 <3
Your poor girls :'( I'm so sorry Karen.. :'( :'(
Blah, its ok. Sorry for being a downer lol!! I love your #chickenbitches <3 <3 <3
Fishy got rid of our chickens yesterday, we are taking a year off. We have too much to do, have to get the other property up and running before winter. No rooster this morning, first time in ten+ years... it was nice!
Oooh WOWOWWW!! That would be such a huge change...good luck with your transition!! xxoxxo
I am pretty excited, really. We have some fun plans for the summer, and it will be less work and stress meaning more enjoyment of the fun stuff.
You're right. Only in North America do they wash eggs and refrigerate them. Your eggs don't look that dirty. I guess folks in North America have been sissified! Love the photos of the flowers especially the carnation! It is a beauty. Happy to see Edgar is feeling right at home!
Ba hahahaa! Sissified is RIGHT! Just like how many pesticides we will use to not have any bugs on our food, but we'd rather eat poison. I was shocked how many bugs are usually on food when we started growing, now I'm happy for them!
I like bugs! What would veggies from the garden be without bugs? LOL Extra protein anyone?
The eggs are totally beautiful ey!
And Edgar is damn gorgeous.
I want to kiss him on the top of his head!
I know that because my duck have a same behavior :D lol @lyndsaybowes
I heard that about the protective coating. I was told to wash them with vinegar and it cleans them. It also removes the coating though, so it's best to do that shortly before using them.
I never wash the ones I keep aside for our family, they always remain on the counter, it's just for my weekly customers that I clean and stack in the fridge waiting for them to be sold <3 xo Thanks for the tip about vinegar, I'll add a little to my water next time!
That is funny that you don't even eat eggs, but your egg picking is more than your apron can hold.
Why don't you like eggs? I still drink eggs when I have them. Maybe I'll go for a late night egg snack.
I wish I could eat them, it's not that I don't like them, it's that they make me really sick unless they are baked into something like cake or cookies :)
I also just keep adding to the parade of eggs down the length of my counter until I'm actually ready to sell them to somebody! Ever since I read that they last longer on the counter, we just rinse our own as needed :)
I lol'd at the meme about 17 nesting boxes because my chickens do that too!
There are 35 more of these memes, they are all hilarious and so true >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/BackyardChickensBYC/permalink/10156529722729734/
Oh my! I was just struggling over paying $2.50 for a dozen eggs yesterday! Eggs are a top 3 favorite food for me!
also, Edgar's little feet make him look like a bear cub...but his face/ear looks like a cat...? forgive me, but I can't tell.
I wish I could provide your eggs for you!
Edgar's paws do look weird because she has 6 digits in each paw hehee!!
so is he a cat? I love his little toes...all of them!!
I didn't realize Edgar was a polydactyl! I was going to comment on her toe beans as well.
Man, I wish I could get eggs from you. Pasture-raised eggs in the store are around $6/dozen here, sometimes more!
Polydactyl hehehee that must be why she can catch the ratty rats so easily!!
6$.. omg...that's fookin' crazy!! :'( :'(
That chicken wouldn't strand a chance against my chicken yard kung fu! That yolk looks so much better than store bought eggs! I still haven't made any boiled eggs, but im going to a farmer's market today and i hope to score some.
Awesome!! Be gentle to those egg farmers eh? HAHAAA!!
Those eggs are so pretty! ❤❤
Thank you, the green ones are my favourite <3 And they have the darkest yolk too for some reason!
Yep..that's true. In my country never washed eggs. Lot of numbers eggs there and after washing so clear coloring.
Finally most beautiful flowers captures uploaded. Touched my heart deeply. Have a nice day @lyndsaybowes.
I wish it were that way here, it's such a shame to wash them really...I think the feathers and straw and occasional mud is cute... <3 <3 <3
Have a wonderful day my friend! :) Rise and Shine!
Beautiful eggs... Beautiful petals.. It is like you are into poultry?
Yes, I love chickens, they are my family :) :) :)
Amazing chicken
I like them so much and i have 6 chickens in my garden
That's great, so good for you <3 <3
There are some people that use chickens as part of their farming, to clear land and feed them either partially with compost, or even fully. Might give you more reason to have them if they help give you extra veggies to eat.
Yess...chicken tractors!
Sleep tight dear and wake up to the roosters crow to begin your weekend with.
Thank you very much, you have a good day :)
For my mother: not washing eggs is a very heinous crime... She thinks the egg is a living organism and we have to wash it before using it. ..hehe
Have a Great Friday Night @lyndsaybowes
That's a funny story :) Good to see you too @yagoub! xo
What’s your number is chickens to eggs per day ratio? We eat a ton of eggs at our house and are working on getting setup to start off with some ducks then maybe get some chickens. I read that ducks are a little easier on you garden area because that is where they will be kept.
We have about 30 layers, and get around 2 dozen a day. I bet ducks would be a lot kinder to gardens, no scratching! Good luck, I hope you can get some soon!
You are not crazy but sometimes you do crazy things :D
Pendock is there to flirt with new chicks in his own way :P :P
Thanks for the flowers and for capturing the house-fly The Skilled camerawoman ;)
Stay Blessed and have nice weekend :)
Thank you for appreciating my photos, much Love and have a wonderful day @salmanbukhari54 <3 xo
lol that chicken cannibal thing cracked me up :D well, yes we don't get washed eggs here...
what @lyndsaybowes do with eggs is very creative, we too can learn much here from this process. The egg is not only beautiful but free from bacteria. cool lyndsay
Mine that lay in the coop all use the same spot too, the farthest hardest to reach nesting box of course hahaha
Yep, I'm imagining a place where you have to duck down and get chicken poop on your arm and maybe hair... hahaa!!
Exactly the place hahaha
that's great....
amazing photography..
all photos are very nice
i like it
keep it on....best of luck
impressive photography mam...☺
Great friday sis...
I like it your share it...
Success is always for you....
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