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RE: I Am the Crazy Oeuf Lady

in #homesteading7 years ago

Ooh yes little Edgar's tummy is full of mice haha, she's a wicked hunter!

I wish I could eat eggs, and every now and again I'll try them just to see if my body has changed, sometimes I get off lucky but then I'll have a really bad experience, I haven't tried for a year now. Sooon haahaha!

I have heard that too about the eggs, I read that as long as they are cooked then it's no problem. And mine have never tried to eat their own eggs from the nesting boxes, so all good!

Mmm your hennies will love those worms! I know our girls can't wait for the bug treats in the summer that the boys find for them, they even found a little snake last year and fed it to the girls xo What would the world be without little boys eh?